初中英语作文我的老师(带翻译) 英语作文我的老师带翻译

作者&投稿:茹露 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
He very serious, but is also very kind he to be willing to solve student's problem is specially result not too good schoolmate proposes. He is also strict requests us !
His class is very interesting, the impression is very deep for me, he also teaches us besides English the history, he discussed the interesting matter to come on us to have the interest therefore my English to English to make the progress!
This is my teacher I thanks him very much !


I have a very great teacher. She is Miss Zhang. She often makeas a very funny class and she is very knowledgeable. She wears a pair of glasses,so she looks very knowledgeable. I like have her class very much.
This is my favourite English teacher. How about your?


I have a great English teacher. She's Miss Zhang. She is really funny in class and she's really knowledgeable. She always wears glasses, and so she looks more knowledgeable. I like to attend her class very much.This is my favorite English teacher. How about yours?

i have a english teacher named Miss.Zhang.She is very interesting in her classes.She has much knowledge.She wears a glasses it makes her more knowledgable.I love all of her classes.That's the best english teacher i like.And what about your english teacher?

I have a great English teacher.She is Miss Zhang.She makes her classes interesting.She is really knowledgeable.She wears glasses,and so she looks more knowledgeable.I like her classes very much.This is my favorite English teacher.What about your English teacher?

介绍我的老师 (英语,翻译 )~

My English teacher's name is Li Ming ,he is very tall and thin ,he is handsome and he is my favourate teacher ,Mr. Li is a so kind and funny man ,I like to talk with him very much ! He usually wears a black jacket ,that's cool ! I want to buy a jacket like his !Mr. Li is not only a teacher but also a good firend !


My Teacher

My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Wu .Her English name is Lannie .She is a beautiful lady. She is very humorous. But sometimes she is very strict with us. But all classmates love and respect her very much. After class she often helps us learn patiently. I like my English teacher , because I think she is the best teacher in the world.


答:so it is very enjoyable for me to listen to him carefully.In a word,I'm proud of having this English teacher!Translating:我有一位英语老师,他叫Hardy,他来自英国,他不是很高但他很和蔼。他有一头短发而且还戴着一副眼镜,他已经在中国教书2年了,因此他能说一点汉语,他经常帮助,照顾...

myteacher英语作文 带翻译
答:This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much My Teacher 我的老师 我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位漂亮的女性。她有两只大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一张小小的红唇。她的脸上总带着笑容。黄老师喜欢唱歌和收集海报。她钢琴弹得很好。晚上,她常常坐在钢琴前弹奏优美的...

五年级上学期英语作文 我的老师
答:to be her student.翻译:我的英语老师40多岁了,已经做了20多年的英语老师。她工作很努力、细心。在我印象中,她是一个伟大的老师。她对我们不仅严格,也很友善。她总是鼓励我们多用英语交流阅读。她的课很有趣、很活跃,我们都很喜欢上她的课,也很喜欢她。我想能成为她的学生是幸运的。

...英语作文《我最难忘的人--英语老师》要有翻译 谢谢各位仁兄了_百 ...
答:”每个人都有他的令人难忘的老师,我也是 我难忘的老师是魏小姐,我们的英语老师。当我们开始学习英语 我们认为英语很难。 魏小姐有个好主意来解决这个问题。 一天,魏小姐走进教室并带着一些水果,如苹果、香蕉和橙子。 她说:"今天我们要学习水果的名称。 你可以吃水果,如果你能用英语告诉我他们的...

答:My Headteacher My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome. And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted.我的高中班主任教我们英语。他很帅气。因为工作辛苦,所以他很瘦。大概...

英语作文 描述我的新英语老师 带翻译
答:She said that English achievement is important, but happy learning English is also very important. We all like her very much.中文:我的新英语老师是一个很漂亮的女老师,同时她也是一个很幽默风趣的人。她上课的方式很特别,我们总是可以在英语课上笑得很开心,同时还学到了不少的知识。


我的英语老师 作文用英语写60个词 翻译
答:we are anxious for him, but Tao teacher is not anxious, she patiently taught, a sound, a word, a sentence, until the satisfaction of. So I love English class, I love our English teacher -- X.我的英语老师姓X,她有一双明亮的眼睛,一张可爱的圆脸.课堂上,老师特别注重我们的...


答:but I will never forget you Your student xx 我很感激你叫了我三年并一直很注重我。我忘不了你在课堂上的身影,忘不了你对我的鼓励,忘不了你有趣的课堂。你是我见过最好的人之一了。我很快就要毕业了,但我不会忘记你的 篇二:老师我想对你说英语作文带翻译 Some people say, you like...