
作者&投稿:慕申 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Sorry,I can#39t catch you Sorry, i don#39t quite follow you!这两句都是因为对方语速太快而跟不上节奏啊?并不是听不懂Sorry,i can#39t understand Sorry,i don#39t know what#39s your meaning 两句正确嘻嘻~。
Can#39t understand English, can you speak Chinese?听不懂英文,你会说中文吗词汇解析1understand 英文发音#716#652nd#601#712st#230nd中文释义v懂理解领会了解认识到明了谅解;你好!听不懂 Don#39t understand;I don#39t understand顺便说一下,这句话在看不懂的时候也能用哦;表达听不懂的英语说法1 Hardheavy going 英文里有个短语叫hardheavy going,例如The report is pretty hard going这份报告太难懂了!2 Double Dutch 表示某种语言让你无法理解,或者某些话莫名其妙,就可以用。

1“我听不懂”用英语Sorry, I didnt understand what you said 或Excuse me, could you repeat again? I didnt quite understand you2词汇释义said adj 上述的 v 说,讲说明表达指示诵读假设;“我听不懂”用英语Sorry, I didn#39t understand what you said 或Excuse me, could you repeat again? I didn#39t quite understand yousaid adj 上述的 v 说,讲说明表达指示诵读假设据说;对不起我听不如旅的中文Sorry, I don#39t listenlisten 读法 英 #39l#618sn 美 #39l#618snv 听倾听听从听信 n 听倾听 例句 1She is listening to the radio她在听收音机2It is boring;understand用法 understand的基本意思是悉档“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词用作及物动词时,可接名词代词动名词带疑问词的动词不定式that从;I can#39t understand English如果你听不懂别人说的英语,你也可以说I can#39t understand what you said;听不懂 don#39t understand by listening双语例句1对不起,我听不懂你的话Sorry, I don#39t follow you2我听不懂你的解释The explanation you give is beyond me3我几乎听不懂他所讲的I understoo。

sorry!i don#39t follow me!~;I can not understand我听不懂 例句I couldn#39t understand the lecture so I just turned off我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了;I always feel that asking a person to #39wait a moment#39 without a reason is rather rude During such #39a moment#39, it always turn to an awkward moment looking at each other我不明白你说什么请给睁橡乱我一个;PARDON 是没听清楚别人说的时要说的话,“I BEG YOUR PARDON”能再说一遍吗如果你听不懂,应该说“I CAN‘T UNDERSTAND YOUR WORDS”我听不懂你说的话。


他不懂英文为什么是 he didn't understand English 而不是用he do
答:他以前不懂英文,隐含意思就是他现在懂英文了。he doesn't understand English 他现在不懂英文 understand 英[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美[ˌʌndərˈstænd]vt. 懂,理解;vt. 了解; 领会; 默认; 听说;[网络] 明确; 解; 体...

答:1、最好不要用I'm sorry I don't know English.或者I can't speek English.我记得以前有篇高中课文中有写:Sorry, my English is too limited.意思是说:“我的英文非常的有限”,“也可以理解为:“我只会一点英语。”2、如果听不懂的话,不要用:“Sorry,I don't understand.”你可以叫...

我不懂英语翻译成 英文怎么说
答:I don't understand English

答:不知道的英语表达方法如下:1、I don't know我不知道。2、I don't get it我不懂你的点,表示对某人或某事很疑惑。3、I don't get it。 What's wrong with you people我没听明白,你们在搞什么。4、Sorry,It's over my head。不好意思,这我不懂。5、It's beyond me。beyond是“超过...

答:不知道的英语表达方法如下:1、I don't know我不知道。2、I don't get it我不懂你的点,表示对某人或某事很疑惑。3、I don't get it。 What's wrong with you people我没听明白,你们在搞什么。4、Sorry,It's over my head。不好意思,这我不懂。5、It's beyond me。beyond是“超过...

什么都不懂 英语怎么说
答:我什么都不懂:I don't know anything. 或I know nothing.英语怎么说:How to say it in English?

答:不知道的英语表达方法如下:1、I don't know我不知道。2、I don't get it我不懂你的点,表示对某人或某事很疑惑。3、I don't get it。 What's wrong with you people我没听明白,你们在搞什么。4、Sorry,It's over my head。不好意思,这我不懂。5、It's beyond me。beyond是“超过...

答:I can not understand.我听不懂 例句:I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off.我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了。

答:看不进去了、听不下去了,难道你只能面壁了?感觉好难!好深奥!但是你知道听不懂用英文怎么说吗?下面跟着我来学习一下吧。表达听不懂的英语说法:1. Hard/heavy going 英文里有个短语叫hard/heavy going,例如:The report is pretty hard going.(这份报告太难懂了!)2. Double Dutch 表示某种语言让...

答:不知道的英语表达方法如下:1、I don't know我不知道。2、I don't get it我不懂你的点,表示对某人或某事很疑惑。3、I don't get it。 What's wrong with you people我没听明白,你们在搞什么。4、Sorry,It's over my head。不好意思,这我不懂。5、It's beyond me。beyond是“超过...