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Harry Potter 7——"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", which published on 7.17.2007, is the last book of the Harry Potter series fantasy novels, and also the most wonderful one(my own point). Differ from the six novels published before, Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermione did not go back to Hogwarts, because he had to find and destroy the rest 4 Horcruxes(actually there were 5, I will give it at last): Salazar Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's cup, Rowena Ravenclaw’s crown and the snake Nagini. And there was another reason for they could not go back: during this year, Voldemort's force had became strong enough to control Hogwats, the Ministry of Magic and almost the whole magic world. Both Death Eaters and Ministry of Magic were searching them. In this book, Harry and his friends experienced a reaaly hard period, what they can do was just escape from one place to another, bewaring the search and looking for the Horcruxes. Fortunately, they finally found all Horcruxes and successfully destroied them. And in this time the battlefield had removed back to Hogwarts, almost all Hogwarts' students and teachers, and also many people came to Hogwarts to join the final fight to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. However, Harry found two shocking sercrets. First, Severus Snape was the man who always stand with him. He was the most loyal man to Dumbledure and also the firmest man fight against to Voldemort. He pretended killed Dumbledore for getting the belief of Voldemort. The reason for his action was that he used almost his whole life to love Lily Evans(Lily Potter), Harry's mum, who was also his first friend. Snape was very regreted for his Breach of confidentiality which caused her death, so he decided to protect her son even for his everything. He died at last, Voldemort killed him. And the second secret, a bigger one, was that Voldemort actually had 7 Horcruxes, the 7th one, also the 8th piece soul of Voldemort, was him: Harry Potter. At the night Voldemort tried to kill Harry, after the charm rebounded to himself, his soul splited, and that piece adhered on the only life in that house——Harry. That was the reason why Harry's wand's phoenix core had the same source with the one of Voldemort, why Harry could say the language of snake as Voldemort could, why Harry's brain could conncet with Voldemort's, why Sorting Hat once wanted let him go to Slytherin. And Dumbledore's plan was this, after Harry destroied all Horcruxes, let him go to the frount of Voldemort and contribute his own life. Only the way can kill Voldemort, and Dumblefore knew Harry would do that. He was right. Harry put down his weapon,go to the front of Voldemort and let Voldemort kill himself without resistance. But the wonder happened, Harry did not die, and the 8th soul disappeared. Finally, Harry killed Voldemort in the face of all people. The peace came at last.




1.vordmort noticed that harry was looking for and distorying his horncrux,and he kown that harry would come back to the school ,so he mentioned snape to get ready for that
2.harry ron and hermione went to the 妖精's bank ,with courage and luck,they stoled another horcrux but lost the sword
3.with abus dumblidor's brother's help,the three went back school ,the student's and the teacher help them kick snape away
4.the war began,the order of phenix come to school for help
5.lot of people died:looping and his wife,one of the twins
6.ron and herminoe destroy a horcrux with the teeth of blasick from the chamber of screte
7.harry found and destroyed another horcrux in the 有求必应屋
8.harry went to the尖叫棚 where vordmort is ,and where vordmort killed snape,and where snape gave his memory to harry
9.harry saw the life of snape,he is a good man,and harry finally realised that he had to die
10.vordmort use the avardkadawa to kill harry,but failed,harry was another unexpect horcrux
11.navill kill the nagini ,the last horcrux
12 the final battle harry VS vordmort,vordmort was killed
13.19years later,harry merried giny and have 3 children,ron married hermione.


用英语介绍 电影——哈利波特 (任意一部) 120字左右
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答:K.罗琳的著名魔幻系列小说与改编电影哈利·波特系列中的主人公,是詹姆波特和莉莉波特的独生子,出生于1980年7月31日,教父为小天狼星布莱克。哈利的妻子为金妮·韦斯莱,并育有三位孩子。哈利·波特此角色由丹尼尔·雷德克里夫饰演,该片讲述了一位魔法学校学生的成长冒险故事。哈利·波特(Harry Potter)

答:哈利波特英语简介:Harry Potter is a series of Seven Magic novels written by British writer J. K. Rowling from 1997 to 2007. The first six of them are the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.The seventh book is about Harry Potter, a young wizard student, who spent six ...