
作者&投稿:家静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
a pair of shoes / turn left / between...and / sound perfect / something to eat / near here / a good place to do sth / foreign country / ask for help / each other / introduce onself / look forword to / go past / for the first time

1.a pair of shoes
2.turn left
3.in midle of
4.sounds perfect
5.something to eat
6.near here
7.a good place to
8.foreign country
9.ask for help
10.each other
12.look forward
13.pass by
14.first time


1. stay up 熬夜
2. clean up 清除,收拾干净
3. on weekends = at weekends 在周末
4. instead of doing sth. = rather than doing sth. 代替做某事
5. not serious enough 不够严肃,不够认真 (enough修饰形容词或副词时只能放在后面,但修饰名词时可以在前或在后,如enough money /money)
6. at that age 在那种年龄
at the age of 在……岁时(此短语可以转换为when的时间状语从句)
7. concentrate on = put one’s heart into 全神贯注,专心于
8. at present 目前,现在
9. the other day = a few days ago 前几天,几天以前 (常用于过去时)
10. learn from 向……学习
learn about /of 听说
11. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格
be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格
12. be good for 对……有益
be good at = do well in 对……学得好,擅长 (反义词be weak in)
be good to = be friendly to = be kind to 对……友好 (注意be kind /nice of sb. to v sth.是做某事某人真的是太好了)
13. get in the way 妨碍
14. care about 担心,关心
care for 关心,关怀,照顾
15. write for a newspaper office 写给报社(投稿)
16. volunteer in a newspaper office在报社做自愿
17. both A and B 两个…都
18. be sleepy 困倦的
19.a long week of classes 上一周的长课
20. have Friday afternoons off 星期五下午休息
21. reply to sb. =answer the letter 给某人回信

get dressed(穿衣) get hurt(受伤) get lost(迷路)
get washed(洗脸) get married(结婚)
be covered with (被…覆盖)
be made of (由…制成)(看得出原材料) be made by (由某人制造)
be made from (由…制成)(看不出原材料) be made in (由某地制造)
be used for (被用于…) be used as (被当作…使用)
it is said that…(据说…) it is hoped that…(希望…)


 1. Businessmen are afraid of newspapers and TV stations.
  be afraid of sb./sth. 害怕某人或某事。
  be afraid后面还可接不定式和v-ing形式,但二者之间有区别:be afraid to do表示由于主观原因不敢、害怕去做某事;be afraid of doing表示担心出现与主观良好愿望相违背的情况或不好的结果。如:
  She was afraid to step further in the grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake.(她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢往草丛中再走一步。)
  She was afraid to wake her husband.(她不敢去叫醒她丈夫。)
  She was afraid of waking her husband. (她生怕吵醒她丈夫。)
  2. a year and a half
  英语中表示“一个半”的方法有两种:① a/an +名词单数+and+ a half ② one+and+a half+名词复数。如“一个半小时”就有两种表达方式:an hour and a half或one and a half hours。
  3. My friend said there was a car collecting rubbish outside.
  collecting rubbish做car的后置定语。v-ing形式作后置定语时,通常表示被修饰词是动作的发出者且动作正在进行。如:Do you know the boy lying under the tree? lying这个动作就是前面的名词boy发出的,而且这个动作正在进行。
  4. ...needs to do better in protecting the environment.
  need 作实义动词时,后面可接名词、不定式和v-ing形式。如:
  Everyone needs others\' help.
  You don\'t need to know.
  My shoes need repairing.
  = My shoes need to be repaired.
  need还可作情态动词。如:You needn\'t go
句型用法透视(Unit 3)
  一、The +比较级,the+比较级.“越……越……。”
  【考点说明】该句型使用时前半句表条件,后半句表结果。 The more we listen to the teacher, the more we understand.我们听老师讲得越多,我们懂得就越多。
  The more, the better. 多多益善。
  The higher, the colder.海拔越高,气温越低。
  【区别于】more and more“越来越多的……”
  More and more waste will be produced with the development of industry.随着工业的发展,将产生越来越多的废物。
  More and more students will realize the importance of studying English.越来越多的学生将意识到英语学习的重要性。
   二、be afraid of ...“害怕……”
   He is afraid of the dog.他怕这条狗。
   Is she afraid of that dangerous river? 她害怕那条危险的河吗?
  【区别于】1.be afraid to do不敢做某事
   He\'s afraid to go there.他不敢去那里。
  She\'s afraid to see him.她不敢见他。
   2.be afraid that 恐怕
   Hurry up!I\'m afraid that we will be late.快点,恐怕我们要迟到了。
  三、It is one\'s duty to do sth. “做某事是某人的责任。”
   It is my duty to help them.帮助他们是我的责任。
   Is it your duty to clean the blackboard? 擦黑板是你的责任吗?
   【区别于】It is one\'s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。
   It is my turn to be on duty today.今天轮到我值日。
   四、Don\'t forget to... “别忘了……。”
   Don\'t forget to post the letter for me when you pass by the post office.从邮局经过时别忘了帮我寄这封信。—Don\'t forget to go and see her. ——别忘了去看她。
   —I won\'t. ——我不会忘记。
   【区别于】Please remember to do sth.请记住去做某事。
  Please remember to close the door when you leave the room.离开房间时记住关门。
  Did you remember to buy the dictionary for me yesterday?昨天你记得给我买那本字典了吗?
   五、Wherever you live, you can ... “无论你住在哪里,你都能……。”
   Wherever you live, you can write a letter to me.无论你住在哪儿,都可以给我写信。
   Wherever you live, you can get help from others.无论你住在哪儿,都可以得到别人的帮助。
   六、 If everyone makes a contribution to doing..., the world will become... “如果人人都为……做贡献,世界将会变得……。”
   If everyone makes a contribution to preventing pollution, our world will become much cleaner. 如果人人为防止污染做点贡献,我们的世界将会变得更干净。
一语天机(Unit 3)
1. waste
2. story①通常理解为“故事”、“小说”,但在本课中指“报道”。
③another story 意为“另一回事”;the same story 意为“(情况)也一样”;The story goes that...表示“据说……”。
3. harm
常用作名词,表示“损害”、“危害”。一般指环境、精神方面的伤害。常见结构:do/mean/be(no, little, much)harm to...,例:Smoking does much harm to people. 吸烟对身体伤害很大。
4. improve
意思是“改善”、“提高”,可用作及物或不及物动词。如:The situation is improving. 情况正在好转。
5. around
Unit 3 重难点解析
  1.【原文】 I\'ve been with Greener China for a year. (L. 9 ) 句中be with是“参加”的意思吗?与join有什么区别?
   【精析】be with是“参加”的意思,表示状态,可与时间段连用。而join表示“参加”时,是非延续性动词,不可与时间段连用。例如:
   I\'ve been with the group for many years.我参加这个组织已经多年了。
   I joined the army three years ago.我三年前就参军了。
   2.【原文】“ It\'s a pleasant way to help keep our city clean,” said my friend. ( L.10 ) 这个句子是什么结构?to help keep...怎么理解?
   【精析】这是由it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正主语的句子。这类句子由于主语较长,而用it作形式主语,把真正主语移至句末,使句子保持平衡。本句中的to help keep our city clean是真正的主语。再如:It\'s nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
  to help keep...意思是“有助于保持……”。keep our city clean是“keep + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构,作help的宾语。不定式作help的宾语常可省去to。
   3.【原文】He\'s gone with his group to plant trees.(L. 11)plant有哪些用法?用作动词表示“种植”时,与grow相同吗?
    【精析】plant可用作名词,表示“植物”,如:Plants need light and water.植物需要光和水。用作名词时,还有“工厂”的意思,常指大型工厂。如:A new power plant was built last month.上个月新建了一个发电厂。plant用作动词,意为“种植”,可表示种植各类植物。grow也可表示“种植”,多指种植农作物类,一般不用于植树。试比较:
   They plant many trees in North China.他们在中国北方种了许多树。
   They grow rice in South China.他们在中国南方种植水稻。
   4.【原文】 I suppose we\'ll go there next week. (L. 11 ) suppose与think有区别吗?    【精析】有。二者都有“认为、想”的意思,think含有推理、判断形成看法之意。suppose近似于think,但含不确切之意。在“suppose + (that) 从句”这一句式中,若主语是第一人称,其从句若为否定形式,应将否定词前移至主句,用法同think。如:I don\'t suppose he will come. 我猜他不会来。
   5.【原文】...ask them to stop pouring dirty water into the river or the lake nearby? (L. 12) 请讲一下stop doing 与stop to do的区别。
    【精析】stop后接v-ing是“停止做某事”,v-ing是stop的宾语,被停止的对象。stop 后接to do意思是“停下来去做另一件事情”,to do是目的状语。试比较:
   It\'s time for class. Stop talking, please.该上课了,请不要说话了。
   We have worked for a long time. Let\'s stop to have a rest.我们工作很长时间了,让我们停下来休息一会儿。

1、be afraid后面还可接不定式和v-ing形式,但二者之间有区别:be afraid to do表示由于主观原因不敢、害怕去做某事2、 a year and a half
  英语中表示“一个半”的方法有两种:① a/an +名词单数+and+ a half ② one+and+a half+名词复数。如“一个半小时”就有两种表达方式:an hour and a half或one and a half hours。
  3、 My friend said there was a car collecting rubbish outside.
  collecting rubbish做car的后置定语。4、need 作实义动词时,后面可接名词、不定式和v-ing形式5、Don't forget to... “别忘了……。”
   6、Wherever you live, you can。

答:九年级英语第三单元的短语和词组 还有就是havesthdone和主动语态被动语态讲一下啦。... 还有就是have sth done和主动语态被动语态 讲一下啦。 展开 1个回答 #热议# 【答题得新春福袋】你的花式拜年祝福有哪些?匿名用户 2013-08-13 展开全部 1. Businessmen are afraid of newspapers and TV stations. ...

答:七年级英语第三单元知识点归纳 一、句型和短语: 1、Let sb do sth 让某人干某事 2、I speak good English = I speak English well .我英语讲得好. 3、translate for sb 为某人翻译 4、a interesting place = a place of interest 一个名胜古迹 5、laugh at sth 嘲笑某人 6、fly a kite ...

答:新课标九年级英语第三单元重点单词、句子、短语 急啊!各位!帮帮忙啊!... 急啊!各位!帮帮忙啊! 展开 2个回答 #热议# 怎么买保险?答案全在这里了 adfadf2005 2010-08-26 · TA获得超过1590个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:315 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:263万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开...

答:a traffic accident 一次交通事故 an accident 一次事故 be hurt 受伤 That’s terrible. 太可怕了 after a while 过一会儿 get used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 a little more confident 更舒适一点 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 avoid sth./ doing sth. 避免(做)某事 spit ...

七年级下期英语,重点短语有哪些? 有好评
答:t arrive late for class.3你必须准时You must be on time. 4must/have to区别: must必须,have to不得不5在走廊跑run in the hallways 6你必须在餐厅吃You must eat in the dining hall. 7在课上听音乐listen to music in class 8和某人打架fight with sb 9这是我在校的第一天It’s my...

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七年级下册英语第三单元重点单词、词组 讲解
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答:Units 1-2短语 1. be from 来自 2. in English 用英语 3. in the same class 在同一个班级 4. look different 看起来不同 5. come from 来自 6. in different grades 在不同的年级 7. look like 看起来像 8. look the same 看起来一样 9. give sth...