
作者&投稿:万骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

北京有许多名胜古迹英语翻译There are many places of interest in Beijing.

1、There are many places of interest in Beijing怎么读。

There are many places of interest in Beijing可以这样读:[ðeər ɑːr ˈmɛni pleɪsɪz əv ˈɪntrɪst ɪn ˈbeɪdʒɪŋ]。

2、Places of interest的词性。

Places是名词nouns, 表示地方或位置。

of 是介词preposition,表示所属关系。

interest 是名词nouns,表示兴趣或利益。

3、Places of interest的近义词。

Tourist attractions旅游景点。

Landmarks 地标。

Sightseeing spots观光景点。

Points of interest有趣的地方。

Places of interest的双语例句:

1、 Shanghai有许多有趣的地方,比如东方明珠塔和外滩。

There are many places of interest in Shanghai, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower and the Bund.


Paris is a charming city with many places of interest that are fascinating.


In Rome, you can admire many historical sites and famous places of interest.


Sydney Harbour is one of the most unique and popular places of interest in Australia.


Las Vegas is renowned for its casinos and quirky places of interest.

直译:“"Beijing boasts numerous historical sites and scenic spots."”

Certainly! Here's an expanded version:
"Beijing, the capital city of China, is renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city is home to numerous historical sites and scenic spots that attract millions of visitors each year. One of the most iconic landmarks is the Forbidden City, an imperial palace with a history spanning several centuries. The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of Chinese architecture, is another must-visit destination that reflects the country's ancient religious traditions.
The Great Wall of China, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, stretches across the outskirts of Beijing, offering breathtaking views and a glimpse into China's ancient defense strategies. The Summer Palace, with its beautiful gardens and lakes, is a serene retreat that once served as a royal palace during the Qing Dynasty.
In addition to these well-known landmarks, Beijing is dotted with historic hutongs, narrow alleys that showcase traditional Chinese architecture and a way of life that dates back centuries. The Ming Tombs, where thirteen emperors are buried, provide a fascinating insight into imperial burial practices.
Overall, Beijing's abundance of historical sites and scenic spots makes it a captivating destination for those eager to explore China's rich past and experience its vibrant present."


答:Beijing has lots of places of interest。呵呵 许多也可以用many 或是a lot of 名胜古迹 固定用法 places of interest 嘿嘿 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈

答:There are many places of historical interest in Beijing.

答:北京有许多名胜古迹英语翻译There are many places of interest in Beijing.1、There are many places of interest in Beijing怎么读。There are many places of interest in Beijing可以这样读:[ee?r ɑ?r ?m?ni ple?s?z ?v ??ntr?st ?n ?be?d???]。2、Places of interest的词性。Place...

答:beijing is the capital of china,it has lots of interests,such as great wall and palace

...jack想到北京旅游, 1.北京是中国首都,有许多名胜古迹
答:Beijing is famous to many people.Not only it's the capital of China,but also it has many places of interest.

答:回答:It is Shanghai. It is famous for the rapidly increasing economy. I can go shopping there.

答:那里有许多名胜古迹。There are many places of interest there.

答:“名胜古迹”用英文是“Scenic Spots and Historical Sites”。拼音:míng shèng gǔ jì 出处:路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第45章:“首都所有的名胜古迹都去了两次以上。”释义:名胜古迹就是指风景优美和有古代遗迹的著名地方。中国是世界上最古老的文明国家之一,名胜古迹众多。造句:1、暑假时爸爸带...

介绍 英语作文
答:There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the SummerPalace and soon.(北京有很多名胜古迹,象颐和园等等。)The Great Wall is a beautiful place.(长城是个漂亮的地方。).There is a saying that he who has never been to the Great Wall is not a trueman.(有句谚语说:不...

答:名胜古迹 ming sheng gu ji 1.places of historic interest and scenic beauty; scenic spots of historical significance; (Am.) a high spot 名胜古迹 ming sheng gu ji 1.places of historic interest and scenic beauty; scenic spots of historical significance; (Am.) a high spot The result...