大家好,请英文比较好的朋友帮我译一下,LIMS,英文怎样读?中文译音用什么字好听?就比如:dell译成戴尔 帮我翻译一段文字..中文译成英文..

作者&投稿:杨昏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好里-M-斯 有点像 林斯 但是读“林”时,要用m结尾

就读 lims


里-M-斯 有点像 林斯 但是读“林”时,要用m结尾

LIMS - luggage information management system

中文译音就 林斯物流信息管理 好了





这个词的音标和这个单词的写法是一样的。起中文名具体要看你这个东西是什么用途了。里穆斯丽慕思立木思礼穆丝 …… 你自己组合吧,希望帮到你。

Christmas is a year, but for Kevin, this year's Christmas a bit different. I remember last year, or mother and father worked together, and this year parents have been divorced, Kevin, and mother and brothers and sisters together, and perhaps will never have a family to spend Christmas together the day. Reminds one of these, young Kevin would not mind the taste.
Father's sudden visit to let the whole family very excited, but he has brought bad news. He soon married and a new girlfriend, Natalie, although the hearts of very bad mother, but sent a blessing to the father. This time my father to take the children to their new home to spend Christmas, but taking into account the mother, thoughtful children, or decided to stay in her mother.
But my brother and sister always bully Kevin, Kevin负气running away from home, my father came home. Natalie prominent identity, her home is like a modern palace. Even the curtains, stereo sound can be used as a control. In addition, Kevin is the most attractive for the preparation of the child him room, here has the best toys, it can be said here is a paradise for children!
Kevin immersion in this unexpected pleasure in Christmas this year ... ... Natalie invited members of the royal family, exciting her all day and Kevin work together to greet the royal father, doing all sorts of preparation. Kevin left with only his own to be alone at home with his housekeeper only kind and curious looks ferocious acts of Mr. Paul Scott安普莱.
A pair of robbers was informed that members of the royal family will be staying Natalie's home, decided to implement the kidnapping in order to extort large sums of money. Them to the house Capitol to be found in Kevin. Kevin go around looking to no avail, Mr. Prescott had to deal with alone and robbers. Kevin opened the bathroom all the faucets, the strong currents of the two robbers have disappeared Chong, let Natalie's home in the water throughout the bubble. Father of Kevin's behavior was shocked and severely criticized him, Kevin was a wronged hearts, he finds that Mr. Prescott's associates are robbers, and secretly vowed to seize the robbers to protect members of the royal family safety.
Sure enough robbers once again to Natalie's house, Kevin and Mr. Prescott has been locked in a cellar, when Kevin discovered that Mr Prescott is not the bad guys, robbers should be true is usually Charity gentle housekeeper. Kevin escaped from the cellar of the use of lifts, and robbers who launched a cat and mouse game. Kevin and robbers side match wits Tel informed the mother side. Mother soon came with my brother and sister, and my father also not at ease home ahead of schedule. But when they arrived, Kevin had overpowered the robbers.
Members of the royal family of Kevin's behavior much appreciated, and decided to spend Christmas at home to Kevin. Experienced all this, the father feel that they still loved his wife and the family decided to return to the family. For Kevin and the whole family, this is really a special and memorable Christmas.

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