
作者&投稿:晏路 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Hello, everyone. My name is zhen yu hui. I am eight years old and I am a third-grade student in grade three of experimental primary school. I have a black head of hair, a pair of beautiful eyes, two curved arch eyebrows, apple, cherry mouth, there is a lovely *** all nose, *** all are *** all, but very sensitive, fled but it taste like what, mom says I have an "electronic nose".

  I am lively and outgoing, especially active, like to mess around at home, so I often make my mother angry. I am usually gentle, but sometimes I am a little miss, perhaps because it is the only child.

  I like drawing, watching TV, raising *** all animals, and riding my bike. I like reading books most, and I get up early to read every day. We have a lot of books in my family, and they're all prepared for me by my parents. They want me to learn more.

  I love helping others, reading, singing and dancing, and writing well. Of course, I also have shortings: study is not serious, write homework to procrastinate, the biggest weakness is the horse tiger, often write the wrong word, look at the wrong problem, the mother said I was "the first big careless tiger". However, I have made up my mind to correct it.
  My name is he yu. The name is very profound, especially the word "rain", which mom and dad chose for me. My birthday was on May 30, 1998, and it was just a rainy day, so I had a "rain" in my name.

  Rain, falling from the sky, like a grain of pearl, pure, crystal, transparent; The sound of the sand and sand on the ground, like a soft and fresh melody, like a song of tender feeling, creates a kind of evocative mood. Perhaps because of this, our country ancient poets wrote many poems about the rain, such as "bashan patter, rise autumn pool", "ing events cast their shadows before them", "evening wind and rain, flowers", etc., all without exception is a poet when he is in the rain boundary lines as a sentence.

  Rain, or the earth's benefactor. When the weather is hot and dry, people can't help thinking of her. The rain would also be unstingy, in time to fall down, to win the people's chorus of praise: "really timely rain!" It is. Special drought every spring in my hometown, people often say: "the spring rain your such as oil", when the rain is life-saving medicine, is born of hope, it can make those who is going to die of thirst plants and trees back from the dead, make everything vibrant, the farmer uncle harvest see the hope. When I was born, it was raining in my hometown, and it rained heavily. You said that I was not "the season of good rain, when spring is happening"?

  I will be as pure and selfless as rain, bring vitality and hope to the world!
  My name is jing haotian. I am now studying at the fifth grade of port kou primary school in gaomi district. I am 11 years old this year. There are four people in my family, including father, mother, sister and me. My appearance is not handsome, but not ugly. Round the round face, with a pair of thick eyebrows, two ears long on each side, a *** all mouth inlaid in the center of the face, a *** all mouth under the nose. I am a *** iling face every day, even if I have trouble I will not speak out.

  I have a characteristic of helping others. I remember one time, when I was on my way home from school, I saw an old woman carrying a lot of things on her back. I ran over and asked the situation. The old grandmother went to her home today, and she was too tired to walk because of the gifts she gave her. So I said to her, "granny, I help you to carry things home." The old woman replied happily, "ok, ok. Thank you, little friend." I carried my belongings and supported my grandmother. After a while, it came to the grandmother's house. I put the things in the old granny's room, and my grandmother praised me as a good boy. I listened, my heart sweet.

  I also have a hobby, love reading. One morning, my mother asked me to peel the beans, and I said yes. While I was reading a book, my mother saw it and laughed. I was puzzled and said, "mom, what are you laughing at?" Her mother replied, "take a look at it yourself!" I quickly looked down, and I couldn't help but laugh as I mixed the beans with the meat. That, of course, is one of my flaws. After that, whatever you do, you must be careful and concentrate.
  I am, sometimes very careless. For example, in mathematics, for example, 125 x 30 = 3750. And the easiest way to do it is 125 times 3 is 375. So I just figured out the result, and I just took the "375" as a number, and I reduced it by 10 times. Sometimes, I'll add the addition to the multiplication and add the multiplication to the addition.


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答:⑤第五部分:可以自己发挥,总结自己,例:张三,是我,普通,平凡,却有一颗炙热的心。 (等等等等都可以写,重点要前后照应,就像例,每段都用张三开头,甚至一段的每句话都用张三开头,这种照应让人耳目一新) 【纯原创,希望回答者不要抄袭哦】【及时采纳哦哦,(*^__^*) 】 7. 小学生三年级“自我介绍”的作文怎么...