
作者&投稿:表宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Parents, students:

Hello everyone!

This is a season of harvest, contained also a promising season. This year, 46 new students with parents exhortations, confidently into our school, start a new school life, on behalf of the school to you a warm welcome and heartfelt congratulations you took the life growing the new stage.

The new school year, bring new hope and vision, each one of our teachers and students a short break after the summer holidays and adjustment, but also with confidence and determination to stand on the starting line of the new school year, in order to achieve their goals in life and threw himself into, efforts. Here, I wish and believe that we can be in the new school year all students working and learning in a beautiful blueprint for the next draw.

High school students of all grades of this school year is the first year you're learning in high school, and your knowledge and ability to produce a leap year. With the shortening of time, increasing the amount of knowledge to enhance learning, students will feel the pressure of time, the pressure of learning, psychological pressure, ...... will feel very hard, very tired, but students must understand that to achieve their goals, through the efforts have to be hard work, experience a difficult process, which taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy this year, is the first wave you encounter in ocean Expo knowledge, the future of such waves is also waiting for you to fight in the teachers under the guidance adjusted psychological, rational use of a good time, a good grasp of learning methods to enhance the quality of the body. through hard work, you will appreciate the hard sweet fun. work! we will await your good news

Parents and students:
Nice to meet you!
This is a season of harvest, and is also full of hope.46 new students came here this year, confidently walking into our school, starting a new school life.I must give you a warm welcome on behalf of the school,and congratulations to you all that you are coming to a new stage during your life.



你好,我在大学学的 就是英语专业,你的问题就交给我吧
My dream
My chosen profession was journalism, I like this profession, so my dream is to become a good future journalists. Journalists with a dangerous occupation, it brought me exciting, like a time of adventure. Press the industry in the community also has certain social status, that is what I choose one of the reasons journalism. I hope that the future under his continued efforts, can be accomplished a good reporter.

over the outbreak of A/H1N1 flu , how urgently that I hope that I were a physic expert.so I can do my level best to study the vaccine to save the suffering people from illness.


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