文昌鸡做法的英文写作 描写文昌鸡的说明文作文600字可以写做法等等

作者&投稿:郑江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The chicken, Hainan most has the great reputation the traditional famous cuisine. Is known as “four big famous cuisine” the head.
<dnt> the </dnt> food chicken by cut in vain primarily, cut the chicken xipi in vain, and is crisp, the meat is tender, and US, the bone is crisp and is fresh.

Bai Qie procedure ~~~~~

one, chooses the material: Chicken the approximately two catties, produce in the South China Sea Wenchang County.
two, manufacture methods:
, clean: Cleans the clean internal organs, digs the lung, the throat. The chicken oil takes out spare
, the souse: With salty 15 grams, chicken fine 8 grams, Shao liquor 10 grams, the ginger juice 10 grams scratch evenly inside and outside the chicken body place, salting period a half hour. Inserts the chicken foot in the chicken buttocks operation place is fixed, lies supine the foxnut, grips with the wing.
, soaks: With the crane 1 gram, cymbopogon spp, wu sui two put in the clear water five catties to boil up, about the slow fire 20 minutes


This ranks amongst China’s top chicken dishes and is an island speciality. In Hainan, people say, “No Wenchang chicken, no banquet!”. The chicken feeds on banyan seeds and fat until it is nine months old when it is confined in a basket in a quiet location away from light. Ground peanut cake, shredded coconut flesh, caltrop, heated cooked rice and other fattening foods are then fed to the chicken. Because of this diet, white fillets of Wenchang chicken are the most well known serving method although it can also be broiled in coconut milk or barbequed and so on. The white fillet processing method and seasonings both have unique characteristics. Wenchang chicken has thin yellow skin, tender white meat and only a few soft bones.


答:5. 油菜心用奶汤,精盐、鸡精烧至入味,围在鸡块旁边。

答:·嫩子鸡一只,·酱油、食油、米酒各一杯,·姜块,葱,小麻油 做法 1.将嫩子鸡洗净剁成5公分见方的块连同鸡脏、肝全部装入砂钵内,同时用容量80克左右的杯盏,量入酱油、食油、米酒,放入姜块、葱白段少许,不放水;2.用炭火炉子微火炖开,每隔十分钟左右翻动一次,以防烧焦。盖子不宜多开,约炖半小...

答:嫩三黄鸡1只(800克左右), 1杯食用油、1杯酱油、1杯米酒、麻油15克、姜20克、葱30克 做法:1、嫩三黄鸡洗净剁成5公分大小的块,鸡胗鸡肝也剁成小块,全部装入砂钵内(鸡皮朝上);姜切片,葱切段。2、朝砂钵内依次倒入食油、酱油、米酒,摇晃砂钵,使锅里原料能均沾上这些调料。3、鸡表...

答:以下是改写和润色后的内容:材料准备:- 酸萝卜:半包 - 昌神鸡肉:380克 - 盐:适量 - 花椒:半勺 - 料酒:1勺 - 姜:几片 制作步骤:1. 首先,彻底清洗鸡肉。2. 然后在锅中加入清水、料酒、花椒,将鸡肉放入,焯水后捞出,控干水分。3. 接着,在锅中加入适量水,放入酸萝卜,煮沸后煲...


答:500克 辅料 油 适量 盐 适量 姜蒜 适量 剁椒 适量 豆瓣酱 适量 干辣椒 适量 花椒 适量 料酒 适量 胡椒粉 适量 醋 适量 白糖 适量 酱油 适量 蒜苗 适量 香菜 适量 步骤 1.鱼收拾干净,在鱼身斜化两刀,为了更好的入味,用盐、料酒和姜丝腌制半小时。2.鱼去掉姜丝用纸吸取表面的水份,锅中...

答:材料:光鸡半只(约一斤)、粗盐5斤、盐焗鸡配料1包 做法:1、用2/3包盐焗鸡配料里里外外均匀地抹在鸡上 2、用一张大白纸将鸡包起来,最好用耐油、耐水性比较好的纸,有些纸一沾水就破的不合适用。3、用这种粗盐,一般的菜市场就有得卖,广州这边1元/包,1包就有1斤4、锅可以用铝锅...

答:主料:鸡半个、花生油少许 辅料:盐二十五克 咸鸡的做法 1、洗净去头和爪。2、放入开水中煮约三分钟。3、肉色变白,血末浮起。4、冲洗血水。5、在鸡上洒盐,表面均匀抹盐。6、翻面也均匀抹盐。7、用绳子挂起二十四小时。8、第二天洗去盐,刷花生油。9、放锅中蒸二十分钟。10、取出切块装盘...