求一篇关于保护动物倡议书的英语作文 求一份英文的保护动物的倡议书

作者&投稿:当涂迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly.For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower.Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis.At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.
许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。譬 如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物目前正面临着食物方面的危机。同时,为了获取野生动物的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉,人类正在屠杀野生动物。
In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty.There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.
Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.


参考! Throughout the morning, we feel that there is nothing to do. Afternoon, we will work together to develop children's play park, I returned to explore a beautiful garden from the name of - "the polar explorers." The other side of the project are so high, such as large-scale slip slide, sand, take the tree -. I do not speak of the 11.

We flew like arrows, like the heap of sand, we looked around and found that others in the ride "pyramid." We are not convinced, ready to take a "pyramid Lushan Waterfall" and the high and low for them. So, I do commander-in-chief, calls the shots go, called port-hao, Chen Shu-go water, I have to excavators. Hot scene we infected another child, he happily participated in our "special group." 35 Writing Network
Shortly afterwards, saw a large tadpoles (should have over 50 only), open to us dug the "Reservoir." Us, "Reservoir" of water not enough, how do so many tadpoles? Tadpoles will die? Emergency! Emergency! ! Emergency! ! ! I ordered the "special group" to engage in three of water, I desperately digging. Their transport from the water, slowly fill up "reservoir", but water is also slowly disappearing. Critical, we set up a line of fire "rescue group", four opened up a special force aqueduct. In our efforts, the successful completion of the diversion channel, I saw a lot of water into the "reservoir." However, the sand detestable water in slowly. Back at the time, "reservoir" of water has not dried up, they also tadpoles. I am glad we tadpole rescue operation a success. 35 Writing Network
he next day, I came back from school, his mother asked anxiously, "polar explorer 'in the tadpole still alive?" Mom shook her head, and some sadness, said: "You build the' res' will be water seepage, water did not, the tadpoles died had. "
Throughout the evening, my heart hurts. Ah! Tadpoles are, I am sorry, is that we neglect to your heaven sent. 整个上午,我们觉得没有什么可干的。下午,我们就一起到儿童拓展园玩,我还给拓展园取了个美丽的名字――“极地探险”。那边的项目多得是,比如大型滑滑梯、沙子、走树干——。我一一不讲了。

我们像箭一样飞到沙子堆里,我们望了望四周,发现别人在搭“金字塔”。我们不服气,准备搭个“金字塔庐山瀑布”,与他们一争高低。于是,我做总指挥,发号施令下去,叫金港皓、陈家树去打水,我自己来挖土。我们火热的场面感染另外一位小朋友,他兴致勃勃地参加了我们的“特种小组”。 35作文网


Wildlife is our friends, is a natural ecosystems and an important part of the human nature to the valuable natural resources. The protection of wild animals, the maintenance of natural ecological balance, not only related to the survival and development of mankind, but also to measure a country and a nation, a city an important symbol of civilization and progress.

China is a very rich wildlife resources of the country, but because of the deterioration of the ecological environment, the wildlife habitat destruction, caused the number of wild animals in China, are increasingly narrow range, and many endangered species is already in a state. In recent years, excessive drinking wildlife phenomenon to happen even though many have been made in endangered wildlife face a more difficult situation. Recently, I reported that the interviews: Fresh city over the phenomenon of wild animals are very serious; overcharging fresh wild animals acts more and more people are being condemned. Fresh overcharging to be changed thoroughly wild animals such uncivilized behaviour, needs the joint efforts of all sectors of the community.
Therefore, we propose: increasing the intensity of law popularization, the media and the relevant sectors of society, we should further strengthen the protection of wild animals on the way to popularize the law, publicity and education work, so that propaganda known to the people.
We initiatives: the protection of wild animals is the common responsibility of the entire society. Forestry, industry and commerce, health quarantine, public security, traffic, and other relevant departments perform their duties seriously and cooperate with each other and resolutely crack down on illegal poaching, illegal transportation, illegal wildlife offences. The entire society to take positive action, and to assist law enforcement agencies to report and resolutely destroy wild animals with a variety of offences and struggle against it.

We Initiative: In order to protect the ecological environment of Hong Kong City, in order to protect wildlife resources, for our physical and mental health, not fresh wild animals, and establish a new concept of eating and discard the bad eating habits, and the protection of wild animals from the table start, vying for civilization, law-abiding, loving citizens.
Friends, in order to common environment for the survival of mankind, in order to allow City to become a better home,

We work together, act together, starting with me, from small start; life to the earth is full of the green; for wild animals with us in peace under the blue sky with a life.

Let us work together to create the 21st century mankind and wild animals live in harmony, and happy home!







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答:保护动物倡议书600字的范文 1、尊敬的领导、亲爱的同学们:大家好,我是一名热爱动物的学生,今天我代表全体同学向大家发出一份关于保护动物的倡议书。我们要认识到动物是地球上不可或缺的一部分,它们与我们人类共同构成了一个和谐的生态系统。2、随着人类社会的发展,动物的生存环境受到了严重破坏,许多...

答:4.如果我们在路上遇到了小动物,我们应该做到 三不 :不恐吓、不打击、不捕捉。5.如果我们捡到或发现了珍贵的野生动物,应及时向居委会、学校及有关部门报告。 我想:只要大家自觉遵守《野生动物保护法》,自觉维护生态环境,那么我们的祖国,我们的未来会更加美丽富饶。关爱动物倡议书篇五:全市的小朋友们:小动物是...

答:为此,我们郑重的向同学们发出倡议:4、从现在起,在全乡范围内发起保护拒吃野生动物的全民行动,并长期坚持下去! 坚决不捕杀野生保护动物! 坚决不吃野生保护动物。5、坚决不参与非法买卖野生保护动物! 勇敢举报违反保护野生动物法规的行为。6、让我们的郑重承诺传播到全社会,落实到每一个人。
