
作者&投稿:澹固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The children are cleaning the classroom

The children are cleanning the classroom.

The children are cleaning the room

“谢谢你帮我打扫教室” 用英语怎么说~

Thank you for helping me clean the classroom.

They won't clean the classroom tomorrow.


翻译句子:老师让我们打扫教室(ask sb to do sth)
答:The teacher asks us to clean the classroom Best wishes and I believe your English will be better and better,!

we sweep in the after school 这个句子是否正确?
答:这个句子可能不太正确,因为 "we sweep in the after school" 没有明确的主语和动词。如果你想表达 "我们在放学后打扫" 的意思,可以说 "We sweep after school" 或者 "We clean up after school".

答:楼主您好,这是我的翻译版本,希望对你有所帮助!汉语:每个人都应尽职打扫好教室 英文:Everyone is supposed to clean the classroom carefully.或者:Everybody should clean the classroom carefully.如有不详尽,欢迎追问;如满意,望采纳~谢谢!

...cleaning the classroom.我看见她正在教室打扫卫生。这句话_百度...

答:who's turn to clean the classroom today?或者 who's turn is it to clean the classroom today?

答:What else do you have to do? 别的你还得做什么?We have to clean the classroom 我们得打扫教室 where did you go on vacation?I went to summer camp 你假期去哪儿了?我参加了夏令营.How was Ming's weekend ? It was great 明的周末过得怎么样?太棒了 what do you think of soap ...

答:例如:运动会被关押在我们的学校 我纠正运动会。另一桥是建在长江。长江上正在兴建另一座桥。构成:+ +过去分词 例如:东风卡车被运往国外。组的东风卡车运往国外。用法:1)动词应该被做“的主题(sing. / PL)作适当的。2)现在开始到活动声音变得被动的关键是:做完成。情况下,学生们打扫教室。

很急!!求助英语造句 被动语态: 9个句子!
答:1. The classroom is cleaned by me.2. The kite was made by him.3. These flowers are being watered by her.4. The work has been done by him.5. These trees will be planted by them tomorrow.6. The letter was being written by him this time yesterday.7. The work had been...

答:The students do morning exercise at 6 in the morning.Mr. Wang will go to the cinema on Saturday evening.they will sweep classroom in the afternoon my younger brother doesn't like that English novel he can say Chinese, not speak English Does she teach French in the university?No...

答:My classroom is very clean. We clean it every day. I like it very much.这是我的教室。它很大。里面有四十六张桌子和椅子。它们是给学生的。教室前面有一张大桌子,是给我们老师的。老师的桌子上有一台电脑。在后墙上,有一个钟。我的教室里也有一台电视机。我的教室很干净。我们每天都打扫...