
作者&投稿:召话 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Earth is our common mother! Before, the mother is very beautiful. The blue of the sky, floating clouds of white clouds birds flying in the sky merrily; the deep blue sea, countless fish in the swim; land, trees, green grass with the wind swinging.
But now, the blue of the sky because the earth of all kinds of pollution and destruction, resulting in around the air becomes very turbid; the original blue sea now actually float a lot of dirt, issued shares unpleasant smell; those lovely fish is garbage pollution, have been the dying, the factory discharged wastewater to the sea pollution, seriously affect the water quality; land in the forest trees almost be clear-cut, some to build houses, and some have even been fierce flames and transformed into a wisp of smoke disappeared in the sky.
Because of the pollution of these wastes, the earth mother cries in pain. In order to save the earth, save themselves, I and everyone together to act together, to promote environmental protection knowledge, save water and electricity, cherish the atmosphere of resources, protect the earth, and build a better home.





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