
作者&投稿:狐耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Tibet! Has been to Tibet is a very popular tourist destination, it can be said fascinating. Each talk about Tibet, almost everyone shows fascinating look. To Tibet as if to become a trend, do not seem to keep up with the trend of the times. It seems that life is not a trip to Tibet, as if life is not complete.
  Why do we love this piece of land in Tibet? I think everyone has a different answer to this question. For example, in the eyes of Tibet is the so-called freedom of the symbol, is the beautiful scenery of the distribution center, is the best place to relax and leisure, is the trend of people go to the place, is the production of a wide variety of special items. But a lot of beautiful scenery, beautiful place is also a lot of ornaments, to give people a lot of freedom, why do you choose Tibet? I think this sentence may be able to give an answer: "I just think of the land on the ground after the mood is very difficult to calm down, when it is unprecedented after the calm". The more popular view here is that Tibet's role in the purification of the mind. Because now we need spiritual habitat in the urban life, every day we live in not true self world, our life full of noise and noisy, sophisticated and annoyance, so our hearts need with our escape now flashy place. Tibet is the best choice and thought. Whenever I set foot on this piece of land in Tibet, my heart is so calm. Only here can bring us the peace of life, bring a not to be willing to flow in the heart of the reality, can say that every time is the soul of the baptism.
  为什么大家都热爱西藏这片热土?我想对于这个问题每个人有着不同的答案。比如在大家眼里西藏就是所谓的自由的象征,是美丽风景的集散地,是放松休闲的最好地方,是别人都去的潮流地方,是各式各样特殊物品的生产地。 但是美丽风景的地方很多,美丽饰品的地方也不少,给人自由的地方也很多,为什么大家却选择西藏?我想这一句话也许能够给出答案:“我只是一想起踏上那里的土地后的心情就很难平静下来,当踏上之后却是前所未有的平静”。这里比较流行的说法是西藏的“净化心灵”作用。因为现在都市生活中的我们需要心灵的栖息地,我们每天都生活在不是真实自我的世界,我们的生活中充满了喧哗与聒噪、世故与烦扰,因此我们的内心需要带着我们逃离现在的浮华的地方。而想来想去西藏莫过于最佳选择。每次踏上西藏这片热土,我的内心是如此的平静。只有这里才能给我们带来生命的平静,带来一颗不肯流污于现实的心,可以说每一次亲临都是灵魂的洗礼。


I want to go West to play, I think there beautiful. Last year, my parents and I went to it. I think that is the most charming places I've ever seen, I am unable to extricate themselves Shen fall!

Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi’an. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang (the Lishan Hot Spring). The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace (the Resort Palace). In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin (Emperor Tai Zong) ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747. It was known as the Huaqing Palace. It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.
可能会有点超出你学习的范围 但是难找啊 对不起了


答:新疆之旅注定是一场视觉盛宴,文化盛宴, 美食 盛宴,今年我就打算用40天的时间去饱览新疆。我会定期分享新鲜的 旅游 资讯和我旅途的见闻 你最想去旅游的地方是哪里?09开始,自己买了人生的第一辆面包车之后,去哪都是开车 喜欢上了自驾游,深圳游得最多,欢乐谷,东部华侨城,大小梅沙,玫瑰海岸。







