
作者&投稿:年录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
More and more people emerge the big city, some questions then along with it production. For instance traffic congestion, municipal pollution, even presents the criminality. I hoped that everybody in a friendly way is together in a city, lets our big family be more beautiful

More and more people into the city, and then some problems. Such as traffic congestion and pollution of the city, appear even criminal behavior. I hope everyone in a friendly city, let the family is more beautiful

这又什么意思 都英文都翻译过来就行了~

Myras 的市场商人奖金指南

we found that many fish were dead in the river of our town.Now the water pollution are more serious.Water pollution will do harm to our health.people will be sick after drinking polluted water.Because of the water pollution,many animals(creatures) are dead(extinct).so we should be against the water pollution and protect the environment.


答:抛弃父母一个国家的国王,颁布一条可怕的指令:“将所有上了年纪的人全部抛弃掉。” Parents, the king of a country abandoned to enact a terrible command: "all the people all of the older abandoned out."有一个孝顺的儿子,在一个晴朗秋日,一边哭一边背着年迈的老父亲走向深山,老父亲一路...

答:因为你不想去那,而且那城市也没有你 It was all because you don't want to go there and you will not be there anyway. (而且那城市也没有你-- 这句话和前一句矛盾,不过我还是翻译了,你看着办)要选择大学了,你会在哪 "It's the high time of selecting a university (college). ...

求高手帮我把这篇中文文章翻译成英语~不要用百度词典啊!不人性化! 谢 ...
答:That is why I like to ride a bike, I ride a bike to school every day, so I am healthy.

答:To afar, streets, buildings, pedestrians, are left with a somewhat vague contour.天上又是几声雷声响过,雨水好像被催促似的,大了一阵。Heaven is several loud thunder and rain like ringing are urged to like, big for a moment.可是,不一会儿,又小了下来。But soon, and small down....

答:we send you these flowers 表达我们对你的敬意 to show our respect for you 送你一首动听的歌 we sing this pleasant song 给你带来一丝甜蜜 to bring you sweetness 老师您辛苦了 best wishes to you, teacher!是你带我们走过风雨 you lead us through wind and rain 是你用知识的营养将我们...

答:6 weeks to school in the morning, so we leave the only one and a half.But I am very happy because I get to know new students, new brothers, we are happy to cooperate with each other well.对不起,我把你的这段话拿到英语课堂上给英语老师翻译了,全班同学都知道了 对不起啊。

答:Mike went back to Canada last year, he studied Chinese in China.3.昨天你打扫了教室吗?Did you clean the classroom yesterday?4.我年龄比你小,但我比你强壮 I'm younger than you but stronger than you.5.你去年比我高,今年你跟我一样高,明年我将会比你高 You were talle than me...

答:he leave Japan having arrived at USA. In San Francisco, he has added one only when 15 personal small office "IDs two ", is an "IDEO" predecessor , has already has had 450 employees now , has extended all over Paluoaertuo , Boston , Chicago , London and Munich. For 8 ye...

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高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
答:I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll need to pay 3500 euroes.6.学习雅思.I am preparing for the ITLTS examination.7.Folk大学是一所成人大学,有着60年的历史,在语言教育方面一直处于 领先地位.With a history of 60 ...