
作者&投稿:彩强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Dear mother:

  Maybe you would confused for my writing letter to you.Think back to the past twenty years,I suddenly find that I hardly have said to you "Thank you".I know you don't need my thanks,and you don't want any return as all mothers in the world,but today I still want to tell you:"Mum,thank you!"

  You gave life to me.It was you who bear pain and danger gave birth to me.And from then on,you took it all you have dedicated to me.Your time,your work,your dream,it seems like they are not so important for you as before.I believe that I have been the most precious thing for you at the moment I born.Even if sometimes you get angry because me.However in a very very long time,I took it for granted that what you have done for me.

  Time flied,I have been a university student now.The situation at the entrance exam also like yesterday,I still remember your and my father's eyes filled with concern.Twenty years,you sacrificed so much for me.I have grown up,and it's the turn for me to take care of you. Mum,thanks and I love you!


  Dear Mom,

  Thank you for everything you have ever given me,both materially and spiritually!

  You truly are an amazing woman and I do not tell you enough how much I love you and how much you have shaped my life.Without you I would not be the person I am today!I would not have the drive or determination to go after my goals and ambitions in life.

  You have given me a great example of how a woman can surpass all expectations and fully succeed in all aspects of life.Not only are you a wonderful mother,but also a very successful business owner,and published writer.I look up to you in every way,as a mother,a business woman in a male dominated world,and as a dream fulfiller in your published work.With you as my example I know that I can achieve all that I want to achieve in life.

  You give me hope that all my dreams can be fulfilled!I know I do not ever say this or even act like I think this,but your life truly blows me away.I think you are an amazing person both inside and out and even though we often do not get along I know that I always have a superb woman in my life to look up to.I hope that one day in the future I can be half the woman you are.

  Thank you!

  With love,

  Your little girl
  My dearest Mother,

  The mother‘s day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day.Love,

  Your son


1. 英语母亲感谢信范文

2. 给父母的感谢信英文范文

3. 写给母亲的一封信 英文版

4. 给父母的英文感谢信范文

5. 给妈妈的一封信英文4篇

6. 写给母亲的感谢信英文

7. 写一封感谢信给父母英文


答:that's what makes a mother feels happiest in her life. believe me ,dear mum. i will try my best to do everything well!wish you a life of happiness and prosperity!亲爱的妈妈,这是我第一次给你写信,或多或少,我有点紧张。是母亲 今天的年代,我写信给你们,感谢您的关心和爱护自己...

答:如何用英文给自己的母亲写一封 感谢信 ?有没有什么好词和好的 短语 可以用?下面是我跟大家分享的写给母亲的信,欢迎大家来阅读学习。写给母亲的一封信篇1 Mum,Such is sons’ nature; I really do not know how to express my thanks to you. However, I can imagine, on the day...

答:每个人生日那天都是母亲的受难日,在这个特别的日子和大家分享有关母亲的英语美文。希望它也能像感动我一样的感动你。为人父母的我们会有更多感触和共鸣!Dear God,Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away. I have heard these sons and daughters say they...


答:比较简单的感谢母亲:Maybe you would confused for my writing letter to you.Think back to the past twenty years,I suddenly find that I hardly have said to you "Thank you".I know you don't need my thanks,and you don't want any return as all mothers in the world,but today ...

答:and considerate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,mom!I love you!Love from,Son 最后一句:请看看我改了那些...因为我现在住在美国,所以如果我英文不会,可以问我哦~ 觉不骗你哦 Duh~ Thank you for looking at my reply for your question ...

答:Dear mother,It's Thanksgiving Day,My thoughts have been turning to those who did so mch for me in the past but I have never fully appreciated.Naturally,you are the first to come to mind.The memories of your reasssuring smiles and supportive hugs are still alive in my mind....

答:关于感谢父母英文感谢信50带翻译如下:I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they’re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me.My parents might work hard, but they’re always there for...

感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译
答:Yours son, 亲爱的妈妈, 这是我第一次写一封信给你用英语,所以 我想我应该向你表示衷心的感谢。 那你生命赐给我,你给我的世界我有时会 惹你生气,因为我不调整我的错但我确信 我不会这么做的事情了,我想我已经长大 了,我必须告诉了真实的事情或故障我亲 爱的母亲,你是世界上最伟大的人,你是最 重要的,...

感恩母亲的话 英文版 - -||
答:在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。When I was sick, you always stood by me.当我生病时,您总是陪伴着我。This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you.在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。就这些了,希望对你有用。