
作者&投稿:茹饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

还贪恋着 你的风情 诱惑着 你的神秘
埋葬了 我的爱情 忧郁蓝色土耳其
紧跟随着 我的稚气 逃避着 我的宿命
徘徊在 你的淡淡哀愁灰色眼眸里
我愿相信 爱有奇迹
部分的爱情记忆 已失去
遇见你 阳光盛开的夏季
还贪恋着 你的风情 诱惑着 你的神秘
埋葬了 我的爱情 忧郁蓝色土耳其
紧跟随着 我的稚气 逃避着 我的宿命
徘徊在 你的淡淡哀愁灰色眼眸里
我愿相信 爱有奇迹

我只知道这些。你在bai du MP3里有歌词搜索,你就能找到了。


歌名:Witch Doctor
专辑:《艾尔文与花栗鼠(Alvin and the Chipmunks)》

yeah! in the place to be!
chipmunks on the m i c!
witch doctor!
everybody get in to it!
(get in to it)
come on people let's get to it!
(let's get to it)
come on sexy, come on roll!
everybody hit the floor!
come on sexy, come on roll!
here's the chipmunks here we go!
i told the witch doctor i was in love with you!
i told the witch doctor you didn't love me too!
and then the witch doctor he told me what to do!
he said that:
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
yo dj pump this party!
everybody get in to it! (go! go! go!)
(get in to it)
come on people let's get to it! (go! go! go!)
(let's get to it)
come on sexy, come on roll!
everybody hit the floor!
come on sexy, come on roll!
here's the chipmunks here we go!
alvin! simon! theadore!
i told the witch doctor you didn't love me true
i told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice
and then the witch doctor he gave me this advice
he said to me, whoa! ya he said to me!
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ya you've been keeping love from me,
and that's not very smart! (not very smart)
so i went out and found myself someone
who'd tell me how to win your heart!
(whoa! yeah!)
my friend the witch doctor he told me what to say
my friend the witch doctor he told me what to do
i know that you'll be mine when i say this to you whoa! oh baby baby!
everybody get in to it! (go! go! go!)
(get in to it)
come on people let's get to it! (go! go! go!)
(let's get to it)
come on sexy, come on roll!
everybody hit the floor!
come on sexy, come on roll!
here's the chipmunks here we go!
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbang
ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang


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