我的朋友英语作文,要求300字,谢谢 英语作文,我的朋友,谢谢

作者&投稿:象董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  My friend is a boy.He is very tall and handsome.He likes singing ,dancing and lots of sport.


  He has a sister and a brother.He always play football with his classmates and they always enjoy themself.


  He also is very helpful and polite.




My Friend

Zhang Dong is my best friend.He entered our class last semester.He is a boy.Both of us are good at English,so we often have a chat in English in our spare time.After school,we often play football together on the playground.He runs so fast that I can not catch up with him.He is an excellent student.He not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest.He loves popular songs and also classical music.
There are three people in his family and he is the only child.His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress.Though Zhang Dong's family is wealthy,he is usually simply dressed.He has a dream which is to be a lawyer.
Such is my friend,a clever and kind boy.He is highly praised by the teachers and students.


A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.So I have many friends.But Tom is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if I got in trouble.I will help him as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.
翻译:朋友是当你沮丧的时候能让你感到温暖的人。因是此我有许多朋友。但是Tom是我的最好的朋友。他和我年龄一样。他比我高。篮球是他喜爱的体育。我们是在同班。他善于学习。因此他的成绩是非常好。我们从彼此学习并且互相帮助。如果我有麻烦,他将帮助我。如果他有,我也会帮助他。 我希望我们的友谊永远持续下去。

My friend
I have a good friend. Her name is Susan.She comes from America. Now we are in the same

class within No.8 Middle school.

We often go to school and go home toghter,just like sisters.She likes English very much and

actually she is good at it. So, If I have a question of English, I will turn to her for help. She is

very helpful.

She also does well in singing and dancing. Everytime there is a party,she will give us a

wonderful show.

This is my good friend, kind,excent and helpful

I have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one

of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises

reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation.

He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up

my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near


My Friend
I have many good friends,Lily is one of the best.We play
together since we two were very young. She is such a pretty girl that when
people meet her,they always pat her little head and say,"Oh,how lovely!"Lily is
also very brave.I remember one evening two weeks ago,mom sent me to buy some
salt and sugar downstair.When I was back on the darksome stairway,I suddenly saw
a black shadow behind me,was that a ghost?I was so frightened that I cried
"God!"At that very moment,Lily come,she rush at the shadow and shouted to it
loudly till it disappeared,then we ran home safely...
Maybe you have already
get it,yes,Lily is my dog,--my best friend,I love her.


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