
作者&投稿:淫狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Say I'm a little man, short three a few are in grade 6 m. A dwarf is my nickname. Hear from three grade early accustomed. Now, I don't matter what others call shorty phonate. There may be write said I threw the boy's face, I don't care about, listen to a few years. Start listening to, slowly habit is a second nature.

Is higher than me in our class there are 57, ninety-nine percent of the class, short short, parents give none of my business, after the best don't see the blackboard, the class the teacher won't choose me to answer the question. Below is a short 3 big difficulty

1. Don't see the blackboard:

Short teacher is not a lot of understanding, but also for my next "poisonous" put me behind the tall man, the tall man looked up in front of the blackboard I will suffer for it. They head block in front of my sight, and I'm a good head-up strabismus see word stagger, in said bully me myopia, hope the teacher after 1 years let me sit for 1 year in the first row to face tall's brutal attack has extreme effect on my study.

2. Don't let me answer questions:

This with short have close relations, and the relationship between the tall as serious, also with the teacher's vision has a great touch. Tall students I knew all ice snow cleverness, a high IQ! Love didn't answer the question, I long is short, and the clever intelligence didn't a little bit of little problems. Answer the questions the teacher can't see and I this person's existence, in the notice says I do not love to answer any questions of the teacher. This is the teacher's fault, and I don't have a little relationship. The teacher's eyes can't see the pair of glasses is not good.

3.6 grade students adopt when the third grade

This tall and it doesn't matter, I don't blame these long tall than anyone "wise man", this time have this great relationship and the teacher's visual. When lined the road to accidentally (just don't be careful) ran to 3 grade team, several teacher saw don't remind me. I also said that runt a lot today, the more I see more comfortable ah. To get out of the school gate when heard a friend called me, I immediately ran back, there are laughing at me.



The Seven Dwarfs are a group of dwarfs that live in a tiny cottage and work in the nearby mines. Snow White happened upon their house after being told by the Huntsman to flee from the Queen's kingdom.
When the Seven Dwarfs return home, they immediately become aware that someone sneaked in secretly, because everything in their home is in disorder. During their loud discussion about who sneaked in, they discover the sleeping Snow White. The girl wakes up and explains to them what happened and the Dwarfs take pity on her, saying: "If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want." They warn her to be careful when alone at home and to let no one in when they are away delving in the mountains.
When the Queen disguised as an old peddler ties a colorful, silky bodice onto Snow White which causes her to faint, the Seven Dwarfs return just in time and Snow White revives when the Dwarfs loosen the lace. When the Queen dresses as a comb seller and gives Snow White a poisoned comb, the Seven Dwarfs save her again. The Queen then appears disguised as a farmer's wife and gives Snow White a poisoned apple. This time, the Seven Dwarfs are unable to revive the girl, because they can´t find the source of Snow White's poor health and, assuming that she is dead, they place her in a glass coffin. After some time has passed, a Prince traveling through the land sees Snow White where he strides to her coffin, and instantly falls in love with her upon being enchanted by her beauty. The Seven Dwarfs allow to let him have the coffin, and as his servants carry the coffin away, they stumble on some roots and the apple comes out of Snow White's throat, reviving her.

My favourite cartoon character is Snow White.She is in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.Her mother died and her step-mother was very bad.She evebn tried to kill her.Later she met the dwarfs in the forest.They helped her.At last a handsome prince married her and she lived a happy life.I likeher because she is brave and clever.I can learn a lot from her.

My favourite cartoon character is doraemon.he gets to a boy's home by a magic machine.the boy's name is daxiong and they become good friends.daxiong always meets problems.but he doesn't like the mouse.
doraemon loves dousha cake a lot.doraemon helps him every time.doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy

My favourite cartoon character is Garfeild.
I think everyone knows him.He is a lazy but funny cat.
He was born in a kitchen on 19th.June,1978.
His favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.
He likes eating pizza very much.But he does'nt like eating fruit cake .
"Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa."This sentense is very funny.And it is said by Garfeild.
Garfeild makes my life so interesting.I like hin very much.

I like Shrek very much,because he is a tender monster.He loves his wife,his friend and his children.He helps his friend to find his confidence,even though there are many difficult things in front of him.During his trip to find the king,he learns how to make himself to accept his will-born children.And for his braveness,he is finally accepted by everyone
我最喜欢的卡通人物是史瑞克,因为他是一个善良的怪物.他很爱他的 妻子,他的朋友和他的孩子们.他帮助他的朋友们找回自信,尽管有很多困难等着他,在他寻找国王的旅途中,他学会了如何使他自己接受他的.而且因为他的勇敢,他最终被所有人接受.

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