
作者&投稿:唐凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Where can happiness always be found?

  【谜底:In the dictionary】

  What comes after the letter “A”?

  【谜底:All the other letters】

  What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

  【谜底:It never eats.】

  How many sides does a house have?

  【谜底:Two-inside and outside.】

  What is the smallest room in the world?


  Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?

  【谜底:He can't read.】

  What is smaller than an insect's mouth?

  【谜底:Anything it eats.】

  When do you go as fast as a racing car?

  【谜底:When you are in it.】

  What do workers do in a clock factory?

  【谜底:They make faces all day.】

  What can you break with only one word?


  What question can you never answer “yes”。

  【谜底:Are you asleep】

  What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?


  What do you know about the kings of France?

  【谜底:They are all dead】

  What rises in the morning and waves all day?

  【谜底:A flag】

  I am the tallest animal in the world.What am I?

  【谜底:a giraffe】

  What word can you make shorter by adding to it?


  How many great men have been born in London?

  【谜底:None. Only babies.】

  Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?

  【谜底:Because he's dead.】

  What's the hardest thing about learning skating?

  【谜底:The ice】


  What person does every man take his hat off to?

  【谜底:A barber】

  What is higher without a head than with a head?

  【谜底:A pillow】

  I fly, but I have no wings.I cry, but I have no eyes.


  What can you swallow that can also swallow you?


  What goes around the world but stays in a corner?


  What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?


  The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?


  What do you call your father's father's only son?


  What two words have thousands of letters in them?

  【谜底:Post office】

  What large instrument do you carry in your ears?

  【谜底:Drums, that is eardrums.】

  On which side does a bird have the most feathers?

  【谜底:The outside.】


  What is wind?

  【谜底:Air in a hurry】

  What's a skeleton?

  【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】

  Which letter is a drink?


  What table is in the field?


  Which letter is an animal?


  What is an astronomer?

  【谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.】

  Which letter is a question?


  What always travels on foot?

  【谜底:A shoe】

  What has teeth but cannot eat?

  【谜底:A comb】

  What kind of dog never bite?

  【谜底:A hot dog】

  Where can milk be best stored?

  【谜底:In a cow】

  Which letter is around an island?


  What is dark but made by light?

  【谜底:A shadow】

  Which letter is a part of your face?


  What wears a cap but has no head?

  【谜底:A bottle】

  How many letters are in the alphabet?


  What is never used until it's broken?

  【谜底:An egg】

  Which letter is a kind of vegetable?


  What is the biggest ant in the world?

  【谜底:an elephant】

  What is in the middle of the world?


答:雨声云意悟诗心 (打一字)语 边谈边品可赏心 (打一字)语 出口五加白 (打一字)语 吟罢独自听雨声 (打一字)语 送吾即上道 (打一字)语 我有一言应记取 (打一字)语 谈诗品谜话说先前 (打一字)语

答:223●白白一片似雪花,落下水里不见。(打一物)【谜底】盐 224●白白胖胖。(打一动物)【谜底】蚕 225●白胖娃娃泥里藏,腰身细细心眼多。(打一植物)【谜底】藕 226●白床铺,黄帐子。(打一植物)【谜底】桂圆 227●白糖梅子真稀奇。(打一食物)【谜底】元宵 228●明又明,亮又亮,一团火球挂天...





答:1、【字谜】:一月七日,猜一个字 【谜底】:脂 2、【字谜】:一加一,猜一字 【谜底】:王 3、【字谜】:一半儿,猜一个字 【谜底】:臼 4、【字谜】:一字十三点,难在如何点,猜一个字 【谜底】:汁 5、【字谜】:一百减一,猜一个字 【谜底】:白 6、【字谜】:一夜又一夜,猜一字 【...

答:1、华佗的妙药(打一奥运明星)——谜底:林丹(华佗的“灵丹”妙药)2、了却心愿开小厂(打一字)——谜底:白 3、不要说话(打一作家)——谜底:莫言 4、艇舟隐约,浊浪排空(打一字)——谜底:蜓 5、邀您入席(打一礼貌用语)——谜底:请坐 6、电话一来便就职(打一成语)——谜底:...

答:有洞不见虫,有巢不见峰,有丝不见蚕,撑伞不见人。 —— 谜底 藕 圆圆脸儿像苹果,又酸又甜营养多,既能做菜吃,又可当水果。 —— 谜底 蕃茄 白又方,嫩又香,能做菜,能煮汤,豆子是它爹和妈,它和爹妈不一样。 —— 谜底 豆腐 一(打一成语)。 谜底:接二连三 无底洞(打一成语...