
作者&投稿:宋儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.中秋节的由来(The Origin of Mid-Autumn Festival):The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.

The festival's origin can be traced back to ancient times, honoring the harvest season and the moon, which plays a significant role in Chinese culture. Legend has it that a beautiful woman named Chang'e flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. To commemorate her, people celebrate this festival with various customs and activities.

2. 传统习俗(Traditional Customs):

赏月(Admiring the Moon): On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, families gather to admire the full moon. The moon is at its brightest and fullest, symbolizing unity and togetherness.

吃月饼(Eating Mooncakes): Mooncakes are a traditional delicacy during this festival. These round pastries are filled with sweet fillings such as lotus seed paste and salted egg yolks, representing reunion and harmony.

赠送礼品(Exchanging Gifts): People exchange gifts like fruit baskets, wine, and tea as a way to express gratitude and love for their family and friends.

灯笼游行(Lantern Parades): In some regions, lantern parades are held to celebrate the festival. Colorful lanterns of various shapes and sizes light up the night, creating a festive atmosphere.

3. 美食(Delicious Food):

月饼(Mooncakes): Mooncakes come in different flavors, including traditional fillings like red bean paste, as well as modern twists such as chocolate and ice cream fillings. These delicacies are beautifully decorated and often gifted to friends and relatives.

柚子(Pomelo): Eating pomelo is a common tradition during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Its round shape and sweet taste symbolize family unity and completeness.

桂花糕(Osmanthus Cake): This sweet treat made with osmanthus flowers signifies good luck and happiness.

兔子形状的食品(Rabbit-shaped Food): As the moon is often associated with a rabbit pounding medicine in Chinese folklore, foods shaped like rabbits, such as rabbit-shaped candies and pastries, are popular during the festival.



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