哪位天才帮忙翻译几个句子 如下:

作者&投稿:马章 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
这本书对我们有好处。This book is good for us
这个故事告诉了我们什么是真正的勇敢,什么是真正的智慧。This story tells us what is really brave, what is the real wisdom.
我建议大家去看看这本书 I suggest you go take a look at this book


1.all in all/in all/
2.this book will do good for us./this book is good for us./this book will bring us benefits.
3.this story shows us what is the real bravery,and the real wisdom。
4.i sincerely advice all of you to read this book.

1. in a word
2.this book is good for us
3.the story tells us what is real braveness and wisdom
4.I advise all of you to read this book

1 in all
2 this book is valuable to us
3 this story tells us what is the real brave and wisdom
4 i advise you to read this book

1.above all或all in all
2.this book is good for us
3.this story tell us what is real brave and wise
4.I advise you to read this book

1 all the way
2 This book is good for us
3 This story tells us what is real brave and wisdom。
4 I suggest that you take a look at this book。


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Adhesive tape,或者gummed tape,(纸胶带)或者其它的。

1 我试了几次,但在最后还是放弃了
I have tried several times, but at last I still had to give up.

2 他没有关注这个问题
He didn't pay attention to this problem.

3 他常和他的妻子就如何教育他们的孩子而争论
He often quarrels against his wife on how to educate their children.

4 Jim有很好的乐感
Jim has a very good musicality.

5 我常梦见我的家乡
I often dream of my hometown.

6 他很有钱,而且喜欢炫耀
He is very rich/wealthy and likes to show off.

7 我们都喜欢和他交朋友
We all like to make friends with him.

8 谢谢你原谅了我的过失
Thank you for forgiving me for my mistakes.

9 John擅长烹饪,因此我们不必担心没有好吃的食物了
John is good at cooking, so we don't need to worry about that there will be nothing good to eat.

10 我最喜欢Mr Li,因为他很公平
I like Mr. Li most because he is very fair.