
作者&投稿:欧光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
the most important reason is because of my own relationship did not control good enough for the allocation of time, there is no more in-depth to the study. Therefore, the need of self-improvement. Please give me the opportunity to interview.

你 好 hello
谢 谢 thanks
把分给我 gave me your money

the main reasons are not distribution reasonably and not review deeply.therefore i need to improve myself,pls give me an audition chance.

The major reasons for my failure are the following.First,I didn't make correct use of my time,second,I didn't review the lessons carefully enough,last.I think I will have to improve my study in the future.Would you please let me have this interview?


楼主应该就是第一个AS的地方搞不清,其它地方都明白吧?那我就不多说了,第一个AS不是修饰racemate,它在这里 是修饰An application 的,其实也不能算是修饰吧,句子的主干事这样的:An application ---should be considered and documented in the same way as any application for a new active substance. 看出主干后,as a new active substance 就可以随便放位置修饰了,可以放到An application 的前面,当然例句里的用法是比较正式的,在专业英语杂志或商业报刊上可以经常看到,甚至一些英语考级和考研英语上经常可以看到这中把修饰语隐藏到主干中间的例子,只要好好静下心来好好分析主谓宾,就不难看出了,希望楼主能好好练习

1.An application 是你要解释的对象。
2.for marketing authorization of a single enantiomer, or racemate,
此for短语用来指出An application的作用。
3.as a new active substance should be considered and documented 指出应该怎样对待它,翻译后为:作为一种新的活性物质应该加以考虑存档(记录)。
4. in the same way as any application for a new active substance. 此处翻译为:和其它处理活性物质的应用程序同样的方法(对待)。

因此整体翻译为: 单一对映体或消旋的营销许可程序,应该和其它处理活性物质的应用程序同样对待------作为一种新的活性物质应该加以考虑存档(记录)。

注意:我把中间的as 用汉语中的破折号替代,并把它放在末尾,调整了语序。



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