英国商务与金融 BA (Hons) Business with Finance本科一般包括哪些课程 英国本科学位BA(hons)和BA对于申请硕士有什么区别吗?

作者&投稿:鲍怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
没有在林威治大学查到Business with Finance这个项目,但是有查到 Business with Economics的课程,这个是最接近的说的Programme的专业了,LZ再看一下是不是这个专业?确定格林威治有这个专业?


Year 1
Introduction to Economics for Business (30 credits)
Quantitative Techniques for Economists (30 credits)
Personal and Professional Development (15 credits)
Introduction to Economic Institutions and Frameworks (15 credits)
One option from a range including: Introduction to Managing Human Resources; Applied Business Law; Introduction to Financial Accounting; Cost Accounting in an Ethical and Organisational Context; Introduction to Financial Accounting (30 credits)
Year 2
Intermediate Economics (30 credits)
Quantitative Methods for Economists (30 credits)
Professional Practice in International Business and Economics (15 credits)
Business in the Global Economy (15 credits)
One or two options chosen from a range including: Value Chain Management (30); Internationalisation, Trade and Markets (15); Management and Information Systems (30); Financial Market and Institutes (15); Context and Practice of Personnel Management (30); Corporate Ethics and International HRM (30); Customer Insight and Research (30); Commercial and Corporate Law (30); Management Accounting (30 credits)
Year 3
Project (Business Economics) (30 credits)
Managerial Economics (30 credits)
One 30-credit option from a range including: Applied Econometrics; Employee Relations and Reward; Employee Resourcing and Development; Economics of International Development and Finance; International Business Management; Small Business Development; Business Strategy; Finance; Economics of Finance and Investment; Industrial Economics and Policy; Open Economy Macroeconomics; Money and Banking; Entrepreneurship and Strategic Innovation; E-Logistics and Supply Chain Management (30 credits)




英国留学。business with finance 这个专业就业前景如何。以后是从事什么工作的。和ACCOUNTING 比较哪个~

Business with Finance 和Accounting这两个专业的侧重是不一样的, Business with Finance专业是商务课程中会偏重于金融方向,对于以后想进入金融行业工作的人来说能提供帮助。Accounting专业是我们熟知的会计学,在英国, 专业的全称是Accounting and Finance。

BA Hons是要看平时成绩才能拿的,有一等,二等一,二等二,三等,要申硕士一般都是要求至少二等一