求助,BRP replacement visa 补充材料

作者&投稿:蹉绿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. 赶紧报警立案,会给你一个Reference Number。

  2. 2. 发给BRP说明情况。在中要提供:持卡人姓名、生日、国籍;联系方式;护照号;BRP号(签证卡正面右上角的一排数,趁现在赶快先记下来吧);立案号码;什么时候、在哪里、怎么丢的。

  3. 3. 申请ID卡Replacement。申请Replacement的需要填BRP(RC)Form。如果是在英国丢的,那要在3个月之内报案,申请Replacement要£40。如果是在英国之外丢的,那你只能回英国补办,但是需要办一个Replacement BRP Visa也就是临时签证,才能回到英国,费用£72。

准备好材料,就尽快提交出去,千万不要超过丢失时间的3个月,然后大概两周会受到录指纹的信,拿着信以及20胖子去最近的post office录入指纹,接下来就等待新的签证卡下来了。

我人在中国 可是把英国的签证卡,那个ID丢了!关键是我八月三十就要回英国 怎么办 急,求好心人指点~

This page explains how you should apply for a Replacement BRP visa if you are outside the UK and your UK biometric residence permit has been lost, stolen or damaged because someone has tampered with it.
(If you are inside the UK and your UK biometric residence permit has been lost, stolen or damaged because someone has tampered with it, please see the Permit-holders' responsibilities page.)
If you are outside the UK, you must immediately email BRPLost@homeoffice.gsi.gov.ukso that we can cancel your biometric residence permit. In your email you should state:
your full name;
your date of birth;
your nationality;
your passport number;
your biometric residence permit reference number;
your case reference number;
your contact details; and
when, where and how the permit was lost, stolen or damaged.
when you plan to return to the UK.
If you do not provide all this information, there may be a delay in answering your query.
You must also report the loss or theft to the police, and get a police report and crime reference number, as soon as possible.
You must then apply for a Replacement BRP visa, which you can use once to return to the UK. The visa does not replace your lost or stolen biometric residence permit.
When you arrive back in the UK, you will need to apply for a new biometric residence permit - see the Permit-holders' responsibilities page for more information.
How to apply for the visa
Depending on where you live, you may be able to make your visa application online or by printing out and completing application form VAF9. You can find out which method(s) you can use under 'More information' below.
You can download application form VAF9 and guidance notes from the right side of this page.
If you apply online, select 'Others' under the question 'Purpose of application'. In section 7 of the application, state that you are 'applying for a Replacement BRP visa because you have lost or had your BRP stolen'.
As part of your application, you must provide your passport and a police report as evidence that your permit has been reported missing, stolen or tampered with.
Please use our country finder to find out:
how to apply in your country
the application fee in your local currency for a Replacement BRP visa
the location of our visa application centres
how long we generally take to process visa applications
how your documents will be returned to you
When you arrive back in the UK, you will need to apply for a new biometric residence
permit within 1 month of your arrival - see the Permit-holders' responsibilities page.

在国内申请replacement of BRP,先拿到single entry visa再回英国补办BRP。