乐都是我家,创卫靠大家,英语作文80字 “聊城是我家,创卫靠大家”英语作文

作者&投稿:澄威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
未来的世界全是高科技的,就连房子也显得神奇无比! 它有声音识别功能,如果你是主人,它就让你进去,如果你是陌生人,它会跟你说:“对不起,我不认识你。” 未来的房子具备防盗、防风、防火、防雷击、防地震、防水等等功能。未来房子是用高科技的原材料制作的,它的记忆芯片储存着主人设定的各种程序和指令,让它能在各种突发情况中都保持着最佳的状态。让风刮不倒,让水淹不没,让雷击不了,让地震震不掉! 未来的房子还有很多神奇的功能。比如,它会根据主人的心情播放各种音乐;它的墙壁会根据四季的变化而改变颜色,其中有一面墙壁还具有电视的功能。



写得比较通俗 易懂 望采纳
Home and school , although differences, but many similarities . School classrooms, like their own little room , chaos to order, dirty to " bath " ; school students, like their family .
First, we must first learn to care for public school facilities . Such as: Do not mess classroom tables and chairs carved ; chalk not a toy to play ; drinking fountains do not forget to hand shut .
Secondly, we should pay attention to the school health environment . The class of their own health district , to cleaning up ; chairs neatly to row ; health classes outside.
Campus is my home, we rely on the environment

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