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64bit 表示安装的系统是64位版本的,这个跟CPU架构有关,相对应的有32位版本的 SP1表示,对win 7系统的第一次更新,修复一些漏洞,更新一些服务附上win7 64位的优缺点优点win7 64位系统最大的优点体现在内存上。

WIN7 Professional K 是为韩国的市场特别定制,英文韩国Korea么简写为K了,这个版本与Win7有一样的功能 这里的K就是韩国定制版本,N是欧洲的市场特别定制,KN就是同时保函2个版本的综合版,E是为欧盟国家包括英国特别定制。

Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise是Win7企业版,Windows 7 Ultimate是Win7的旗舰版Windows 7 Enterprise 企业版 Windows 7 Home Basic 家庭基础版 Windows 7 Home Premium 家庭高级版 Windows 7 Professional 专业版 Windows 7。

Windows 7 Professional,VL Build 是什么版本 vl 是批量授权版本,下面的是普通零售版区别是,零售版的安装要密钥,而VL的不需要在激活方面,VL的支持KMS,而零售版的不可以通过一些修改也可以激活后,两者没有任何。

1Windows 7 专业版批量授权版 2跟Windows 7 Professional 区别VL版不能升级成其他版本,也就是说VL版没有windows Anytime Upgrade 3VL为批量授权版本 4较旗舰版比区别Windows 7 Professional 相比Windows 7。


C语言大神帮我看一下谢谢。In function 'void professionall...
答:include <stdio.h> include <stdlib.h> include <unistd.h> include <string.h> void professionall(){ char UserChoose, professional[10], Turn;printf("现在请先选择职业:\n");printf("1.窃贼(敏捷10,力量3,智力,6)\n2.战士(敏捷3,力量8,智力3)\n3.骑士(敏捷6,力量6,智力7...

答:a seasoned professional who‘s been around for a while. if you‘ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you: ten years of working experience. solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers. know new ...

答:英文求职信 篇7 Respect leadership: How do you do! Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance hang the cover letter read my personal!!! Thank you! I was guangdong medical school graduates professional level the XXX, dreaming of medical careers of incomparable looking forward to, through...

答:1. how often 多久一次 2. exercise锻炼;运动v.&n . 3. skateboard.踩滑板;参加滑板运动v 4.hardly.几乎不;几乎没有adv 5.ever.曾;曾经adv购物v 7.once.一次adv 8.twice.两次;两倍adv 9.time.次;次数n在激浪上,驾(船);在……冲浪v;互联网n 12....

中译英 求解
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答:可以装,但安装完成后会发现没有manager studio,不过不要紧,下载个SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64.msi或者SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi安装就可以了,我正在使用,放心!

答:5 Do you have scholarships not, what is:Yes, High School grades last semester received second prize for outstanding scholarship 6 you have lived in France not, if so, when:Has not lived in 7 on the French question:Do you have a professional teaching French Mody:No You studied ...

答:本条目介绍一下全球免费让公众使用的化合物及药物分子数据库 ,对化学及药物研究特别有用。(注意: 以下信息来自于美国MedKoo Biosciences, Inc。)1.美国国家医学图书馆化学身份证(CHEMIDPLUS)数据库该网页可检索药物化学结构,本网站可以用药物名称查找其化学结构. 此外,本数据库还可以查看毒性, 理化...

如何搞定ACCA职业道德测试 Professional Ethics Module
答:一、关于各个模块的介绍 You mustcomplete all 9 units of this module in the order presented.(See below)1、Start 2、Judging 3、What is ethics?4、Rules VS Principles 5、About ACCA's fundamentalprinciples 6、The Framework 7、Case Study 8、Tell us what you have learned 9、The ...

答:6.姓(如护照所显示) Surnames (As in Passport) 7.名(如护照所显示) First and Middle Names (As in Passport) 8.其他姓氏(未婚时称呼/宗教称呼/工作用称呼/化名)-(没有请留空) Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases) 9.其他名字 -(没有请留空) Other First and Middle Names...