今天是星期天,你和你的家人都呆在家里,你的家人正在做什么呢?请一一描述 用英语写一篇作文 好的额外加分 今天是星期天,你和你的家人在干什么呢?周末的感觉如何?写一写...

作者&投稿:赤豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Today is Sunday,I'm home with my family。You wanna know what we‘re doing?Ok,Let me show you our warm and happy leisure time 。
I'm chatting with my friends on the internet,but it doesn't take me too much time,I'll be watching an interesting film with my dad and mum。They’ve being so buzy doing their jobs before every weekends,so we usually sit together and enjoy the show,isn't it a warm and relaxing way to spend a Sunday?
Beside the film,we also have a lot of other things to do。Mum loves the flowers she planted-these beautiful plants would be watered once or twice a day。As mum taking care on these lovely flowers,you can always see beautiful smile on her face。
And what about dad?Well,we have a car in our garage,so dad always do some cleanings to keep our car shine。I always go with dad,it always take about 1 hour to finish this happy work,and we both enjoy that。

Today is Sunday, I’m twelve years old . I have a big family .My father is a teacher and my mother is a teacher ,too . My grandpa is a worker and my grandma is a worker ,too . Sometimes my mother and I go shopping . I like reading books .I have sixty books in my home . My grandpa is not very old . He likes watching TV .We are very happy.

Shen Ziwei is my friend .She is twelve years old, too . We are in the same class.She is beautiful .Her hobby is playing the piano and reading books .

she plays games with me . We are good friends .We have a good time every day.

Today is Sunday,my mather is mopping the floor.There is some litter .my father is reading the magazines.Sometimes he laughs.I am writing the article.This is very pleasant.

It is 7 o'clock in the evening. Both of my parents are busy doing the housework. Look! My mother is washing the dishes. My father is cleaning the house. My little brother is playing computer games. My grandfather is watering the flowers. I am doing my homework in my room.

Today is Sunday, I’m twelve years old . I have a big family .My father is a teacher and my mother is a teacher ,too . My grandpa is a worker and my grandma is a worker ,too . Sometimes my mother and I go shopping . I like reading books .I have sixty books in my home . My grandpa is not very old . He likes watching TV .We are very happy.
Shen Ziwei is my friend .She is twelve years old, too . We are in the same class.She is beautiful .Her hobby is playing the piano and reading books .
she plays games with me . We are good friends .We have a good time every day.


Yesterday was Sunday. The weather was fine. My family were very busy in the afternoon at three oclock. My father was cleaning his car and he was tired. My mother was sweeping the floor, she was happy because the floor was very clean. I was doing ones homework. I was very sad because the homework was so difficult.

It is Sunday today. Mum is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Dad is reading newspapers on the sofa. I'm watching TV with my sister. I feel very happy!

答:Yesterday was Sunday. The weather was fine. My family were very busy in the afternoon at three oclock. My father was cleaning his car and he was tired. My mother was sweeping the floor, she...


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答:推荐范文 Today is Sunday,I'm home with my family.You wanna know what we‘re doing?Ok,Let me show you our warm and happy leisure time .I'm chatting with my friends on the internet,but it doesn't take me too much time,I'll be watching an interesting film with my dad ...

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答:这个星期是我玩的最高兴的一个周末。 周末话题作文3 今天已经是星期天了,但是妈妈依然还是叫我呆在家里好好学习。可是,我的心早已经飞向那栽满又大又甜...5斤,我付了14元钱后就带着“胜利品”回家给家人尝一尝。 这就是我快乐的周末!每位读者们,你们也有过这样的周末吗?如果你们也被你的妈妈叫在家里学习...