假定你是李华.近来电子红包在中国正式成为一种时尚.英语作文 英语作文:假如你是李华.从今年春节开始,在网上和电视上购物,...

作者&投稿:鄘萱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to tell you something about e-hongbao, which is becoming popular in China.

One possible version:
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to tell you something about e-hongbao, which is becoming popular in China.
E-hongbao is actually a kind of lucky money from and to relatives and friends during festivals or on special occasions. For many young people, grabbing e-hongbao on their mobile phones is a fairly common and exciting activity. Unlike the tradition of elders giving lucky money to children, over half of the people sending e-hongbao are in their 20s. It’s just for fun or giving best wishes, while the sum of money matters little. In a word, e-hongbao is bringing new color to the old tradition.
Nevertheless, I’m concerned about the safety of on-line payment. So rules and regulations need to be improved regarding the e-hongbao system to guarantee its operation. (110 words)
Best wishes.
Li Hua


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I like helping others and get along very well with people.
Last Wednesday ,when I was on my way home saw an old woman fell down ,I went quickly
and helped her stood up. She looked ill,I said:"Are you OK,grandma?" She said weakly:"I feel
tired,my home is 100 meters from here." I said:"I can carry you on my back and take you home".
When we got to the gate of her house,there is a young man standing inside the window,he ran out as soon as he saw us. They were very thankful to me,and invited me to have supper with them,but I told them I have to go home unless my mother would be worried about me.
The next day, my teather praised me ,since the old woman's son told my teacher everything. My classmates applaued for me for a long time.

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答:Dear Tom,I've received your last letter that you informed me your will visit China next month. I am so glad that we will can meet in my country. You asked me about the places which are beatiful and full of Chinese culture.So I would like to introduce some places of ...

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答:5. 购买纪念品 中国有很多特色的纪念品,例如丝绸、茶叶、玉器等等。你可以在旅游过程中购买一些自己喜欢的纪念品,但是要注意不要被骗。在购买纪念品时,要选择一些信誉度比较高的商家或者市场。祝你在中国度过一个愉快的旅程!如果你需要更多的建议或者信息,随时联系我。期待着和你见面!李华 ...

答:我们为认识你这样一位好老师而深感骄傲和自豪。你为我们树立了好榜样。最后,我希望我们能经常保持联系,希望你有机会再次来中国。中国永远欢迎您!祝福您!此致,李华”是上一个同样的问题,你太急了点,就差三分钟,我就提交上去了。 英语有问题请找我求助,我定帮你解决。 谢谢采纳!