英语扩句。。要求翻译成英语并扩句到90词以上。。各位高人帮帮忙吧 急!!! 英语扩句急~~

作者&投稿:从贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A official reaserch which concerned about the eldly citizens was been put forward by American scientists resently,美国科学家近期提出了一个有关于老人的官方调查,
and It demonstrates that the percent of people who is suffering the problem of public medical treatment of eldly is reducing to a lower level,调查显示正在遭受公共医疗问题痛苦的比例正在下降并已经到达一定的低水平,since the average age of these people is over 65 ,由于他们的大致年龄在65岁以上,it also means that the life level of american is improving and the public shows the warmest solictude care for the eldly。同时这也体现了美国的生活水提高以及公众对于老年人表示出的亲切的慰问。


a research made by American scientists showed that the propotion of the old over 65 suffering public health problem is decreasing.这个是原句的翻译,至于你说的扩句是什么意思我就不懂了,希望对你有帮助

Respect leadership :
First extremely thank you to be able to open this fan for me to fillthe opportunity the front door, I extremely feel grateful. My name am Li the cloud, is the Shaanxi technical institute artacademy musicology specialized graduation student, the main curriculumis the piano, the vocal music, the dance, I am cheerful, the mannerwarmly natural, the treatment work steadfast, is earnest. In schoolperiod, I have grasped the comprehensive specialized knowledge, andhas obtained a better result, moreover continuously is engaged in thefamily education work. To a school year period, continuously isengaged in the piano teaching, brings the student wins an award manytimes. Yesterday result has become the history, certainly did not meantomorrow, but happy tomorrow, but also needs today theconscientiousness, is relentless diligently creates. As new times we,do not attempt the easy and comfortable living conditions, only wantsto raise my manager, seeks the value for oneself, contributes own bymight and main for the expensive unit's development strength. Finally, thank the expensive specific energy to give me thisopportunity. Wishes expensive unit everything going smoothly, all is smooth! Offers to volunteer the person: Li Yun On May 15, 2007
我朋友用了很长时间的雷凌3070芯片 台湾信号王 说很好。推荐大家试试


A black and green dog is plays
A small Chinese boy wants to swim
Mum is cooking with supper
There is a biology book on the tablefgdfgok;fdkg

I am happy that i become a teacher
You become very fat during this summer
The trees turn green when spring comes
He falls ill often in winter
It feel cold outside beacuse of snow
he seems angry beacuse of losing money
we keep quiet when Ben reads books
his dream comes true finally owing to his continuous efforts
I am taller than you
They are at home instead of going outside.

答:扩句是给一个简单的句子加上必要的附加成分,使句子的意思表达得更生动具体,清楚明白。 1.不能改变原句的主要成分,不能改变原句结构和意思。 例如:“小红热爱学习。”就不能扩充为“小明和小红热爱学习。” 2.所扩充的附加成分必须合理。 例如:“张明是好学生”,如果扩成“强大的张明是优异的好...



答:委员会只好给()她配一个()翻译扩句 扩句如下:委员会只好给(固执的)她配一个(法语)翻译。

答:1 一个妈妈为了自己的教孩子学英语而学英语。2 看到大家都在学英语,苔丝的妈妈也偷偷地学英语。3 玛丽的妈妈都六十多岁了还一直坚持学英语。

答:一个简单的句子一般包括前后两部分。前一部分说的是“谁”、“什么”,后一部分说的是“是什么”、“做什么”、“怎么样”。2.扩句的意义 (1)最根本的,是将要表达的意思表达得更清楚、具体。(2)通过扩句,还可以使句子表达得更生动、形象。3.扩句时要注意以下三点:(1)看懂例句,审清要求 有...


答:扩展知识 先开始由最简单,而且词汇量少的短句开始,慢慢延伸。扩句只要求句子通顺即可,不要求句子有多么优美。1、局部扩句法。即把句子分成两部分——主语部分和谓语部分,先扩前面部分,再扩后面部分。如“小明读书”,前面部分是“小明”,先补充小明是谁,与我的关系,这样前面部分可扩充为“我的...

扩句He is a boy.——
答:顶2楼的,英文不是越长就越好 要长句 用which,that一个劲的套就可以。。举个例子(扩得奇怪了点。。)He is a boy with brown hair and grey eyes who i think may be the most attractive one in yesterday's party which was hold by the Student Union for the birthday of sb. who ...

答:简单啊 (1)一个满天星星的夜晚,皎洁的月亮发出幽幽的白光,云朵慢慢地飘动就像在漫步,山野里一片寂静.(2)一个月黑风高的夜晚,月亮发出暗淡的白光,云朵稀稀散散地飘动,山野死一般得寂静.