
作者&投稿:蔡影 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I'm from several thousand years of history and cultural city - jinan. It is the birthplace of mountain culture order, the capital of shandong province, is the political and cultural center in shandong province, located in shandong province in the north-west, the Yellow River flows through. Jinan is in spring, 72, including the most famous MingQuan baotu spring -. Jinan has many historical celebrities, such as: bian que who usually traveled everywhere, li qingzhao, etc. The 2009 held 11 th national games. My hometown pride in.
XX school is one of the ten key military academy, located at Beijing fengtai lugouqiao nearby. The school management system strictly, jogging every morning, adding and dropping classes lined up, go out to leave. University, physical enhancement, to meet a lot of students from all over the country.
Understanding this specialized knowledge, understanding the consolidated, widely browse historical documents, laying solid foundation. Published his paper. According to three years study circumstance decided to continue their study or work.
Thank you!

I'm from several thousand years of history and cultural city - jinan. It is the birthplace of mountain culture order, the capital of shandong province, is the political and cultural center in shandong province, located in shandong province in the north-west, the Yellow River flows through. Jinan is in spring, 72, including the most famous MingQuan baotu spring -. Jinan has many historical celebrities, such as: bian que who usually traveled everywhere, li qingzhao, etc. The 2009 held 11 th national games. My hometown pride in.
XX school is one of the ten key military academy, located at Beijing fengtai lugouqiao nearby. The school management system strictly, jogging every morning, adding and dropping classes lined up, go out to leave. University, physical enhancement, to meet a lot of students from all over the country


Glorious history of ancient lamps, but since the advent of electric light sources, the development of China's lighting is far behind Western countries. Most of the enterprises with the China Lighting OEM or sample in the form of the development of China replica lighting. The use of national elements of the lighting design of development is slow, but the potential for the development of national elements can be great. Name of national culture and national characteristics of the best design elements. Lighting market through the analysis, the use of national elements of the lighting in the material, shape, color, etc. are insufficient to foreign lighting. Constraints in these areas of national elements in the use of lighting design.
For this reason, this shape from lighting, color, national elements use the design aspects of the home with modern lighting. Through a representative understanding of the Yi lacquerware, lacquer ware in the final use of the color of the Yi, home lighting design pattern elements. Yi-depth study of lacquer shape, color, pattern, to a good use of the elements of Yi lacquerware to modern lighting design at the same heritage, promote the Yi culture.
Keywords: market research materials lighting design elements Yi lacquerware style


I also wanted to close, but you have to go farther and farther。


答:Sorry,I am busy now,please call me later.

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朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。( have a debt) 求翻译成英语
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