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Prohibit students from a school in Nanjing on Hunan Satellite TV proposed the weekend to see the CCTV

Hunan TV are not allowed to look at the weekend! Not asking the students to spend the birthday! Not allowed to use mobile phones, MP3, MP4! Yesterday, a recently opened its users the experience of parents made the Internet, the children in Nanjing on the first day of a schools, teachers parents at the Caused a near-stringent terms of controversy,mulberry handbags sale, some parents set very school practices, and some parents direct Children this year is not easy to get into a popular secondary school on the first day, shortly before the first family conference, we attach great importance to the results announced at the meeting the teacher more than N rules, parents recorded. TV, Hunan TV weekend at home are not allowed to see, it is recommended to see CCTV-2, CCTV-10, CCTV-9. , MP4 and so on. The method is questionable. This press-style education is not no use, I just feel inhuman. happiness is very important, even read a good book, a child's psychological twisted, unhappy, and you will be kids love it? Hunan Satellite TV to see even behind the quasi-side: a provision of up to battle. you? shoes measuring height, so that 'spoof' program is not conducive to the formation of adolescent children values. long exposure! Friday is laugh, why to limit the child to see it? not suitable for junior high school children to see? are not what children should not be put? children also Yao in the middle of the parents that Hunan TV programs can not say how much educational value, but not to the point where not allowed to see, sometimes feel that [Dispute II] had with the students can not even behind the birthday party: easy comparisons with each other a waste of money buy a lot to give students eat together, are prone to psychological comparisons, poor economic conditions will give the students the family burden. , a dinner party in the adult world is a manifestation of human contacts, for such a small child who is the first study, and if other areas to focus on the positive learning affected. social circle, birthday wish with small partners had a very normal thing, why should we artificially suppressed it? adults as long as the appropriate guidance on it, can also be very meaningful birthday together,mac blusher! will bring a few good partners to the ancient forest park barbecue, barbecue their own very interesting, the cost is not high, two adults and four children spent only 200 yuan. is to remind parents to pay attention on it, no need to expressly prohibit the kids out to play. [Controversial three] students can not use mobile phones, computers, MP3 even behind the side: at least half of the children have a mobile phone Internet access from a middle school class teacher, told reporters that she has expressly provided in the class can not use the phone. When still use mobile Internet. One parent told reporters two days of the child, before his son bought a cell phone, even a month down the results of thousands of text messages sent. society,Discount Mulberry, no how mobile computer line? not to say that the provisions of a piece of paper the teacher will be able to ban live? to cafes, other students home to play, also learned to lie. interest in the game shifted to other areas, the effect is pretty good, to enter the school information Olympiad team. The.

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