
作者&投稿:马柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Hello,everyone.welcome to our zoo.Now let me introduce the animals to you.The zoo have a lot of animal:tigar、monkey、snek、panda、lion ...This animal see you are very happy.Thank you to our zoo,I hope you have a good time.This is free time,everyone can free visent the zoo!

Hello,everyone.welcome to our zoo.Now let me introduce the animals to you.The zoo have a lot of animal:tigar、monkey、snek、panda、lion ...This animal see you are very happy.Thank you to our zoo,I hope you have a good time.This is free time,everyone can free visent the zoo!

Hello,everyone.welcome to our zoo.Now let me introduce the animals to you.
The animal with a long neck is gorilla.And the one in the next zone is monkey,and they are playing happily.And here comes our stars_the tigers!You see,they 're roaring fircely.
Thanks for coming to our zoo.I hope you have had a good time .

英语 动物园 导游词~

开头:hello, everyone! welcome to the zoo and it's my pleasure to be your guide today!
过程不知道你要怎么逛 所以省略
结尾:ok, i think we're done here, thanks for coming again! you all have a nice day! good bye!

西北地区惟一一家大型野生动物园——西安秦岭野生动物园距西安市区28公里,是一座集野生动物,易地保护、科普教育、科学研究、观赏旅游等综合功能为一体的大型园区。 秦岭野生动物园的前身是西安动物园,1995年被国家建设部评为“全国十佳动物园”。动物园在给我们带来欢乐的同时,也成为许多西安人生活的一部分。 随着时代的发展和市民需求的变化,给动物园的发展带来了挑战。“动物看人”已成为大势所趋,人们希望在原始而自然的环境中观看动物自由自在的生存并与之和谐相处。昔日达官贵族狩猎之地变为人与动物游玩之乐园,在这里动物们告别束缚、重归自然。 新建成的秦岭野生动物园位于长安区秦岭北麓环山旅游带,背靠峪口浅山,距西安市区28公里。远远望去,即可见高达26米的钢结构御园大门巍然耸立,大门旁边两头仿乾陵造型花冈岩材质石狮仰天怒“吼”盘踞,石狮后的大门两侧对称竖立6根高大的花冈岩材质的龙凤柱。大门内外广场地面全部是青石条铺成。进入园中,花红柳绿,处处皆佳景,景景皆迷人。南有连绵的青山作屏,花圃、绿树、湖泊点缀其中,整座园区犹如一颗璀璨的绿色明珠。金沙广场、迎宾路、开园叠水,汉唐风韵,气势恢宏。据了解,秦岭野生动物园内现有1.7万余棵百年以上的板栗树,树木总品种达数百种。一进动物园大门,一组别致的树雕造型吸引了人们的注意:一些树木的枯枝经园艺人员巧夺天工的雕刻与修饰,成为一个个造型优美、栩栩如生的人物、雄鹰、狗熊、猴子、鳄鱼等,讲述着“人与动物”、“人与自然”的不同故事。 占地3万平方米的天鹅湖是园内的主要景区之一,湖面波光潋滟,成群的天鹅、鸳鸯、火烈鸟等水禽嬉戏游弋水上,悠哉游哉,不时发出悦耳的鸣叫声。湖后巨大的可控瀑布定时开放,气势夺人,悬崖飞瀑,湖光山色,相映成趣。翠微园中,散养着2000多只安详、美丽的孔雀,它们优雅地漫步草地,游人可与它们做亲密接触。 野生动物园放养着300多个品种、1万多头(只)野生动物。在草食动物区“荒漠区”里,什么金毛牛角羚、蒙古野驴、马鹿、岩羊、鸵鸟等在这里自由自在地奔跑、徜徉。当饲养员喂食时,只见成群的动物从四面八方聚拢而来,抢食食物,十分有趣。猛兽区即“大草原区”,放养着凶猛的老虎、狮子、黑熊、非洲三色犬等。威风凛凛的雄狮、老虎就在车旁散步,或抢食活鸡,或在路旁不远处打盹睡觉;黑熊顽皮地爬上树,懒洋洋地睡觉。 动物园还开设有动物杂技表演、海洋动物表演、鹦鹉表演等娱乐节目,使观众大饱眼福。 秦岭野生动物园的已成为西安旅游的一颗闪亮的明珠

答:then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.I really have enjoyed my trip very much, and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals. I really would love to go and visit soon again.写好了,应该大约一百词,希望会满意采纳,谢谢...

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答:then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.I really have enjoyed my trip very much, and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals. I really would love to go and visit soon again.写好了,应该大约一百词,北京野生动物园 希...

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