
作者&投稿:暨宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
As to the beginning of badminton, there are a lot of stories. One saying that it started inJapan, the other says that it started from India. But one thing is for sure, which is that badminton was started in the U.K., in about 1800, which was developed from tennis. You may discover that there are a lot of similarities between the two. In the year of 1870, a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented. Ever since 1873, the sport of badminton bee more and more prosperous, when the field was a gourd like, with two wider spaces at both ends and a narrow stretch of land in the middle where a was set up. This gourd-like field was changed to a square shape in 1901. 羽毛球的历史,有很多种说法,一种说法是起源于日本,也有另一种说法是起源于印度。



In 1893, the first badminton mittee was established, which was then the British Badminton Association, holding a championship petition in 1899 nation wide. 1893年,世界上最早的羽毛球协会——英国羽毛球协会成立,并于1899年举办了全英羽毛球锦标赛。 In 1934, an international badminton association was founded with its headquarter in London. The members are Canada, Denmark, Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales. Ever from then on, there have been more and more badminton petitions. 1934年,由加拿大、丹麦、英国、法国、爱尔兰、荷兰、新西兰、苏格兰和威尔士等国发起了国际羽毛球联合会,总部设在伦敦。

从此,羽毛球国际比赛日渐增多。 羽毛球相关英文词汇: 1. mixed-double 混合双打 2. men's singles 男单 3. men'sdoubles 男双 4. women's singles 女单 5. women'sdoubles 女双 6. order of service 发球次序 7. service court 发球区 8. first server 一发球员 9. right court 右场 10. right to serve 发球权 11. serve 发球 12. return of service 接发球 13. serving side 发球方 14. long high serve 发高远球 15. double hit 连击 16. *** ash 扣球 17. rushing 扑 18. drive 平抽 19. return 回球 20. consecutive kill 连续扣杀 21. defence and fight back 防守反击 22. Switch position 轮换位置 23. grudge match 旗鼓相当的比赛。
As to the beginning of badminton, there are a lot of stories. One saying that it started inJapan, the other says that it started from India. But one thing is for sure, which is that badminton was started in the U.K., in about 1800, which was developed from tennis. You may discover that there are a lot of similarities between the two. In the year of 1870, a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented. Ever since 1873, the sport of badminton bee more and more prosperous, when the field was a gourd like, with two wider spaces at both ends and a narrow stretch of land in the middle where a was set up. This gourd-like field was changed to a square shape in 1901. 羽毛球的历史,有很多种说法,一种说法是起源于日本,也有另一种说法是起源于印度。



In 1893, the first badminton mittee was established, which was then the British Badminton Association, holding a championship petition in 1899 nation wide. 1893年,世界上最早的羽毛球协会——英国羽毛球协会成立,并于1899年举办了全英羽毛球锦标赛。 In 1934, an international badminton association was founded with its headquarter in London. The members are Canada, Denmark, Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales. Ever from then on, there have been more and more badminton petitions. 1934年,由加拿大、丹麦、英国、法国、爱尔兰、荷兰、新西兰、苏格兰和威尔士等国发起了国际羽毛球联合会,总部设在伦敦。

从此,羽毛球国际比赛日渐增多。 羽毛球相关英文词汇: 1. mixed-double 混合双打 2. men's singles 男单 3. men'sdoubles 男双 4. women's singles 女单 5. women'sdoubles 女双 6. order of service 发球次序 7. service court 发球区 8. first server 一发球员 9. right court 右场 10. right to serve 发球权 11. serve 发球 12. return of service 接发球 13. serving side 发球方 14. long high serve 发高远球 15. double hit 连击 16. *** ash 扣球 17. rushing 扑 18. drive 平抽 19. return 回球 20. consecutive kill 连续扣杀 21. defence and fight back 防守反击 22. Switch position 轮换位置 23. grudge match 旗鼓相当的比赛。
1. How many pounds you want to pull?

2. How many pounds you usually play?

3. You want to try win the racket?

4. The shock is in good racket!

5. You want to pull what line? Powerful type, there are durable type, with elastic-type!

5.VS-750 is a durable type of Ti line!

Questions added: 7. One to One

A pair of one

8. A pair of two

打羽毛球:play badminton



















1. Badminton coach

2. In the Badminton Hall

3. Service line

4.'s Doubles Line

5.'s Singles Line

6. Sideline

7. The bottom line

8. The

9. Midfielder

10. After the games

11. Small ball

12. Lofty goals

13. Catenary

14. You should not wear shoes into the Stadium. Because the shoes at the end too hard, would undermine the venue.

15. That you serve.

16. Hitting the ball when you can not be higher than your waist.

17. We play bar.

18. Oh, we won!

界内:Sector 界外:Bounds
我辛辛苦苦找的哦!你看看行不行!行的话给我加分哦!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


about badminton (olympic sport since 1992)


made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves, volleys and pitches to the sporting public around the world these days, but few viewers could name the world's fastest racket sport. the title belongs to badminton.


the flight of the shuttlecock, a missile of cork and goose feather that players volley across the , has been recorded at speeds of 260 kilometres per hour. speed, agility and lightning-fast reflexes are essential to the game. add stamina, too - players have been known to cover more than six kilometres in a single match.


while contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient greece, china, japan and india.

现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯到古希腊、中国、日本和印度。今天,羽毛球运动在亚洲和欧洲尤为流行,它已经在1992年的奥运会中成为正式比赛项目。

especially popular in asia and europe today, badminton became a full petition sport at the olympic games in 1992.


给你一些常用术语,希望有帮助 羽毛球 badminton 换发球 alternate in servint 发球区 half court 发球权 right to serve 左场区 left square 发球犯规 foul hit 右场区 right square 发球违例 faulty serving 反手区 backhand court 交换发球区 alternate courts 中线 midcourt line 直接得分的发球 ace 边线 side boundary 交换发球区 alternate courts 端线 backcourt 发高远球 deep high service 死球 deab bird 前发球场 short service line 打对角线球 cross court shot 单打球场 singles court 封角近网球 crosscourt fly 双打球场 doubles court 封角近网球 crosscourt flight 双打发球线 doubles service line 右发球区 right service court 高远球 clear 双打发球区 doubles service court 曲线近网球 cross curve fly 单打发球区 singles service court 单双打边线之间地带 side alley 下蹲防守 crouch defende 双打球场 doubles court 单双打两用球场 bination court 双打发球区 doubles service court 双打发球线 doubles service line 连击 dribble 平抽球,快平球 drive 贴网快平秋 driven flight 吊球 drop 短吊,轻吊,短球 drop shot 吊球 drop spike 发球违例 faulty scrving 换发球,双打中一方轮流发球 alternate in serving boundary。
奥运项目介绍:羽毛球 About Badminton (Olympic sport since 1992) 羽毛球概述(1992年成为奥运会正式比赛项目) Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves, volleys and pitches to the sporting public around the world these days, but few viewers could name the world's fastest racket sport. The title belongs to badminton. 为电视转播而专门制作的雷达测速仪能为全世界喜欢运动的人们即时显示出发球、接球和投球的时速,但是几乎没人能说出世界上最快的球拍类运动是什么。

这个头衔是属于羽毛球的。 The flight of the shuttlecock, a missile of cork and goose feather that players volley across the , has been recorded at speeds of 260 kilometres per hour. Speed, agility and lightning-fast reflexes are essential to the game. Add stamina, too - players have been known to cover more than six kilometres in a single match. 羽毛球由软木和鹅毛制成,飞行的最高时速可达260公里。


还应该加上毅力,因为选手们在一场比赛中所奔跑的路程要超过6公里。 While contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India. 现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。


Especially popular in Asia and Europe today, badminton became a full petition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992. 今天,羽毛球运动在亚洲和欧洲尤为流行,它已经在1992年的奥运会中成为正式比赛项目。
羽毛球英语: players双语例句:我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球。

I like playing basketball and badminton.我和我的朋友参加体育运动如打网球,羽毛球和游泳.My friend and I take part in sports like tennis,badminton and swimming.双方用球拍拍打毽子使它来来往往的越过网前,这种游戏就是羽毛球。When the shuttlecock was hit to and fro with a racket across a , thegame wa *** adminton。


fluffy 的中文意思是什么?
答:一、读音:英 [ˈflʌfi],美 [ˈflʌfi]。二、例句:She was a little fluffy baby duck which we reared until she was fully grown.它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。三、用法:fluffy powder松散剂。fluffy carbon松散的炭粒。fluffy black飞扬性...


答:1、常给猫梳毛 猫咪每天都有死毛产生,宠物主人每天给猫咪梳毛,做好清洁卫生工作,把猫咪掉下来的毛发清理干净,这就可以帮助猫咪减轻毛恋。还能促进主人和宠物的感情。2、种植猫草,长出嫩叶喂食 如果条件允许,宠物主人可以在家种植猫草,等猫草长出7—8厘米的时候,就可以给猫咪喂食了。这种方法耗费的...

答:1、勤于梳毛 猫咪的毛发和人的头发一样,每天都会有大量的死毛产生。所以如果宠物主人不经常给猫咪梳毛,会导致猫咪自己梳理毛发时误食时很多毛发。所以宠物主人要在日常生活中经常梳理猫咪的毛发减少猫咪误食的毛量。2、喂食猫草 给猫咪喂食猫草,可以让猫咪毛球症好的更快。猫草其实就是大麦或燕麦的嫩芽。

答:二、喂食猫草 猫草其实是大麦、燕麦种子的嫩叶,多吃猫草有益于增加猫咪肠道内纤维素,帮助毛球排出。在时间条件允许的情况下,宠物主人可以在家种植猫草,当嫩叶长出七、八厘米时就可以给猫咪喂食。但是喂食猫草有一个很大的缺点就是费时,也可能会耽误处理猫咪毛球症的好时机。另外猫草的适口性比较差,...

答:1、口服鱼肝油 给猫咪口服鱼肝油可以让猫吐毛。经请教专门人士,建议最好用液体鱼肝油,两滴即可。口服鱼肝油的同时,应再加服一点金施尔康一类的营养药,以免吐毛次数过多,影响肠胃。养猫知识 2、使用一些青草 猫咪食用一些青草,可以此促进毛球的形成和排出。猫咪有时会咬噬家中的花木用以代替,但有些...


答:立毛肌一端连于毛囊下部,另一端连于真皮浅层,当立毛肌收缩时,可使毛发竖立,有些小血管会经由真皮分布到毛球里,其作用为供给毛球毛发部分生长的营养。毛干和毛囊之间没有生理联系,因此刮毛不会影响毛发的生长 毛囊的生理结构1.真皮乳头位于毛囊基部,由血管给它提供营养,并可产生新的毛发。2.真皮...

