我是初一的学生,英语老师要我们写一段英文短文,求你们帮帮我!!!! 英语老师要走了,不再教我们了,我们初一,给老师写一段话,用英...

作者&投稿:长孙元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Today we went to barber shop hair cut. (This is not the point...) sat next to me looked the less hair is a 60-year-old woman. Dyed red hair, can not help but remind me of "Sunset. " Really the best explanation ah.

Most of the young barber shop, whether the customer or a barber. She just different. Barber shop fairly quiet, only the sound of scissors and a hairdryer, so she is particularly loud voice, so that everyone can hear very clearly.

"ah! I want to roll above the bottom straight ah! above do not roll ah! "

"huh? I can help you get the following volume is above the volume is not! "

"No no, you see I'm not bottle up above it!"

"Oh, I just help you put it together with the clip go to the back, and so will be straight down to see him. "

"Why hold ah get down! "

"I want to layer a layer of volume it!"

"I demand you get according to ah! I'm going to the airport to go to catch up with my daughter living in Hong Kong in 3 days too!"the old lady's face filled with a proud smile. (I feel a little too se it.. Ahem..)

"Blessings, I know that the big wave ah. "

I'm scared! 60-year-old is also the big wave ah. My mother did not dare to think of it hot yet. But look at the old man's face, because the slightly older because some fat, but the cheeks of the two groups is especially the spirit of her blush. A closer look, eyebrows painted, and black eyeliner, apparently dressed a lot, and keep up a piece of her son to the limelight. Hairdresser skillfully moving the knife in her head, (a barber's scissors..) She had a little with a touch of kind, there is clearly reveal the joy in the proud smile in the mirror thinking about themselves, their image also clearly Quite satisfactory.

I copied the cut, and stand up, leave the seat, and dad to the counter pay. . . , "Oh, could you help me cut a fringe like her ah!"the old man did not move live, eyeball turned on me. I smiled, took my father out of the barber shop.

Old beauty and why not?

I would like to say that the old can, and should be beautiful. The old, unlike the young, don’t rely on flashy appearances to be beautiful. Simply by getting regular haircuts and putting on clean clothes could they maintain a healthy and wise looking appearance, which would be “beauty of the old”. Also by doing so, they can maintain personal hygiene, which would improve their life quality. So beauty doesn't just belong to the young, the old can, and also should be beautiful.

关于一个孩子学习不好 一个家长要给他找一位英语老师 在晚上来他家 初一作文 急!!!!!!!!!!!!~


thank you for everything you have taught us. we all love you very much. we will miss you.

我是新初一学生 今天返校老师要我们填表格 最后一个怎么写 对老师想说...
答:百度 给老师的感谢信 2009-07-16 | 分享 我老师姓华,男的,超凶,所以不要写慈爱的老师,是严厉的那种,中学毕业水平,格式正确,写的好还有加分 10分钟内有问必答前往下载 满意回答 一封温暖的给老师的感谢信---感恩老师 几载寒暑,您的学生小娜想对您说:亲爱的老师,您辛苦了!感谢您的关怀...


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初一写给英语老师的一封信(中文)急! 唉,要不要都无所谓了
答:没有我们的朝气,但那绝对是一种朴实无华的,没有任何“污染”,充满寄托的笑.兴许我记忆中的可留恋的、难忘的,会随时光的流逝,我记不真切了.但我会永远记住您,我的好老师;记住是您在我人生之树上 植下的第一片——绿荫!祝 健康美丽,培育出更多栋梁之材!您的学生:XXXX 2XX年X月XX日 ...

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答:【二】.所教班级学生基本情况分析: 本届七年级新生和以往的学生相比在英语基础方面很薄弱,由于在小学英语课并未受到足够的重视,他们在写的技能方面基本上没有得到过训练,连音标和字母的拼读都没有掌握好。经过上学期我们几位英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性...