翻译:你打算去哪里呢? 翻译下列句子。今天下午你打算去哪里?

作者&投稿:才旦蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Where will you go ?
Where are you going to?

Where are you planing to go?

Where are you going?

Where are you going?

where are you going ?


When will you go.Where will you go

Where are you going this afternoon

答:你打算去英国旅行吗的英文是 Are you going to travel to England?(1)有“打算”意思的单词 1.intend 打算;计划 第三人称单数: intends 现在分词: intending 过去式: intended 过去分词: intended 常用搭配:intend to be(打算成为);intend to do(打算做)2.plan 第三人称单数: plans ...

英语翻译 你想要去哪里?(将来时)
答:where will you go

答:cloud, cloud turns rain, and rain drops, then we have water again.你寒假打算去哪里?我要去美国 你从哪里来?我从中国来 你朋友从那里来?他也从中国来 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。你多高?我175厘米 你多重?我80公斤 水是怎么循环的?水变成云,云变成雨,雨滴落下来,我们就又有了水。

答:Where love 爱在何方 ; 爱人在哪 ; 爱在哪 ; 爱在哪里 (3)双语例句 She indicated where I should go.她指出了我该去的地方。I wonder where we should go next.我想知道接下来我们应该去哪儿。2、be+动词ing的运用 be+动词ing形式表示进行时 ,包括现在进行时和过去进行时,还能表示其他,...

求英语大神帮忙,写一篇关于你去的旅游的英语对话,最好长一点,谢谢_百 ...
答:Mia:Hi !Gaia,the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, where are you going to play?端午节快到了,你打算去哪里玩呢 Gaia:Hi,Mia. I'd like to go to shangri-la by myself. I like to see the snow-capped mountains and grasslands.我想独自一人去香格里拉,我喜欢看雪山和草原 Mi...

你这个暑假打算到哪里去玩了 的英语翻译
答:Where are you going to play this summer holiday

你打算什么时候去哪里 英语翻译
答:When and where are you planning to go?

答:你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 才看到你发来的求助题,所以回答晚了些 正确答案:填【plan】【to】【go】即:Where do you 【plan】【to】【go】for your holidays?解析:其实我们不必严格按照汉语去翻译,决定其实也可以是计划,plan to do sth 计划做某事,当然填decide 也是正确的,decide to...

答:1. Where would you like to visit? 2. I prefer to take my vacation in a foreign country. 3. I may go to Switzerland to skate as well. 4. I have no idea as to where to go, just to relax myself. 5. The bay attracts many tourists all year round. 6. Would you give...

where are you going, where have you been 中文版,google翻译的...
答:where are you going, where have you been中文意思:你要去哪儿,你去哪儿了。go vi. 走;达到;运转;趋于 n. 去;进行;尝试;围棋(同 Go)vt. 忍受;出产;以……打赌 词语辨析 leave, start, depart, quit, set out, go 这组词都有“离开某处”的意思,其区别是:leave 侧重出发地而...