英语作文九年级, 题目,你知道这么成为一个发明家吗?你想发明东西吗?写一篇关于你的发明的文章,80 假设你的理想是成为一个发明家 谈谈你将发明什么东西 英语作文

作者&投稿:畅响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I want to invent something
You know I want to invent what? You must have been unexpected, just change the car, you Is it right? Did not think ah!
我想像中会变得汽车可不是普通的有尾气的汽车,这种车有4个奇幻的按钮,一个是红的优秀作文 www.zuowenren.com作文人,让你在陆地上安全行驶;一个是绿的,让你在堵车的时候飞起来;一个是蓝的,让你在水里遨游;最后一个是白的,它能让车收缩起来,好让车在你的口袋里,然后你再挥一下手,车就可以变大。
I imagine will become car can not be common with the tail gas of the car, the car has 4 magic button, one is red good composition www.zuowenren.com composition, make you safe driving on land; one is green, let you fly when stuck in traffic; one is blue, let you swim in the water; the last one is white, it can let the car the contraction, so the car in your pocket, and then you wave your hand, the car can be bigger.
Will become a car in addition to fantasy button, and a silent horn, the horn, press is no sound, you might think: no sound to remind others? Let me tell you! In fact, the horn will vibrate, the vibration shock you, in front of the person you can drive.
This kind of car is not only pollution, also to protect the environment! Not exhaust the this car, in the original jet exhaust place exudes a gas, this gas is called: environment, why call environment? Because the gas to protect the environment, is to protect the environment "belt", so called environmental belt.
I want to invent the automobile will become God's not amazing? Do you want to invent it? Imagination, to write an article about you want to invent something composition!
  我想像中会变得汽车可不是普通的有尾气的汽车,这种车有4个奇幻的按钮,一个是红的优秀作文 www.zuowenren.com作文人,让你在陆地上安全行驶;一个是绿的,让你在堵车的时候飞起来;一个是蓝的,让你在水里遨游;最后一个是白的,它能让车收缩起来,好让车在你的口袋里,然后你再挥一下手,车就可以变大。

假如你是一个发明家,你想发明什么? 英语作文~

Einstein play truant to remember In 1895 spring, Einstein has 16 years old. According to Germany's law at that time, the boy only in 17 years old before leaving Germany to get back the service. Because of militarism detest, together with all alone in the camps of Louis boulder middle school already unbearable, Einstein didn't discuss with parents have worked decided to leave Germany, Italy reunited with their parents. But in the future, the halfway quit school, reach diploma? Always honest and tolerant, pure, Albert Einstein, the feeling be nasty in have come up with a thought good idea. He asked the math teacher doctorprescribed zhang proof, said his math excellence, early achieves the university level. And from a familiar doctor there to get a sick leave proof, said he neurasthenia, need to go home sanatorium. Einstein thought there were the two proof, can escape this armpit. And, behold, he hasn't apply, director of the magisterium but he call, to his own destruction ban feng, do not keep withdrawing reason suspended from school. Einstein blush with shame, whatever the reason, as long as it can leave this middle school, he willingly, also can not consider what. He just for yourself think up a did not implement the sly idea suddenly felt guilty, then every mention, Einstein all guilt. About this kind of thing with his frank and sincere character were too far.

我从书本上知道,有生命的星球必须有以下条件:1、有坚硬的外壳; 2、有生物生存的适当的温度 ;3、有适当的大气(大部分是氧气); 4、有足够的水; 5、这也必须是一颗行星,围绕着的中心天体必须是一颗稳定的中年恒星。生命存在的条件是非常苛刻的。我曾经痴迷地想象:“火星上会不会有生物呢?有生物的星球是怎样的呢?会不会是……”我很想揭开这个迷,因此,我很想做一个天文科学家,去发现人类的另外一个家园,去解答宇宙的不解之迷。
我当然知道做一个天文科学家并不容易,要有很高的学历,有很强的求知欲、想象性,还要有一种不怕困难、失败的精神。 “一个小孩想当天文科学家,未免太天真了吧!”不错,听起来的确很天真,但我深信,“只要有恒心,铁柱磨成针”。