英语翻译(不要机器直接翻译,谢谢):看着女儿倒车离开,我心里感到高兴,终于摆脱对她的责任了。她的卧 倒车镜。前保险杠。后保险杠,中网,下中网,雾灯,刹车皮。刹车...

作者&投稿:桓乐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Watching my daughter backing off in her car, I was kind of felt happy
for finally getting rid of taking care of her. Her bedroom was in a
mess, clothes were all over the floor and the bed, all kinds of books on
the bookshelf, test papers classified by time and theme stuffed the drawer. It took me a long time to tidy up her room, holding the
idea to decorate it into a nice guest room. Suddenly, a big envelope
written "DO NOT ABANDON" drew my attention. I opened it and found
letters, postcards and cartoon pictures cut from magazines we gave to
her inside the envelope, all these were her childhood souvenirs. I
changed my mind, held back my tears and put clothes back. These
souvenirs will waiting for their master's back, and we will also open
our arms to wait for our daughter's coming home.



back 是动词,指“后退/倒车”,back out of my driveway 意思是“倒车离开车道”。


Side mirror. Front bumper. Rear bumper, grille, lower grille, fog lights, brake pads. Brake disc,Rear light

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