请各位帮忙翻译一下,急用啊。十分感谢!!(汉译英) 各位英语达人,请帮忙翻译一下,急用啊,非常感谢各位了!

作者&投稿:嬴府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
In modern society,with the increasing international business activities,business english has attracted great attention and be welcomed by more and more people.And the expansion of internation business requires the foreign business people to have new abilities and qualities.
Thus,the demand for high-quality talents with language skills,business practice and translation skills is rocketing.This passage mainly introduces the characteristics and translation skills of business english .

In today's society,as international commercial activity is becoming more and more frequent,business english which attacts great attention has is getting more and more welcomed by young people.The increasing expansion of international business requires businessmen who get involved in foreign business to have new ability and quality,so the demand of high quality talents who integrate language,business practice and translation skills soars.This paper mainly introduces the features of business english and its translation skills.

In today's society, due to the increasingly frequent international business, business english has gained more and more attention and popularity among peoples. The continuous exploration of international business has set a higher demand for the capability and competence of business persons concerning foreign affairs. Thus, the need for high-quality people integrated by language, commercial practice, as well as translation, will increase greatly. This article will introduce the features of business english and its translation skills.

In mordern society, as international commercial activities become more and more frequent,business english is paid much attention and is favored by more and more people.The constant expansion of international business calls for new competence and quality of businessmen who get involved in foreign business .Therefore, the demand for high quality talents who integrate language,business practice and translation skills soars.This paper mainly introduces the features of business english and its translation skills.


The majority of the money was used in a scholarship fund which aimed to donate for the poor montanic area. The host,a retired worker, is eager to help others and has funded two young man from poor montanic area to finish their studies in college.

Hello!Because of our budget based on the previous price which is 14.4 ERU, can we delay our marked-up order to next time based on our long-time cooperation? Thank you so much.

帮忙翻译一下。 谢啦!!! 急 有追加分!!
答:Wakening to the sound of heavy rain and now it’s really teeming 在大雨声中觉醒,此时,如此拥挤 Realising that once again in my sleep, I was just……….在我梦中重现一次吧,我只是……RAINFOREST DREAMING.热带雨林之梦 参考资料:自己试着翻译的 ...

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大侠门 帮忙翻译一下 翻译成英语。 急用 很急! 麻烦了 非常感谢...
答:Dear School Leaders:Hello!First of all thank you for your busy schedule to put themselves forward for taking the time to read my materials, and wish your organization the cause of success.My name is ... Yes .. my Institute Foreign Language Department of English Education, a ...


答:M:没关系,那您觉得您和这个车的关系,是怎么样的一种关系。M:Doesn't matter,so what's the relationship between you and the car?1:那肯定离不开了。1:I can't leave it.M:如果用个形容词来形容的话,它和您能不能找个形容词?M:How can you describe it?1:老伙记。1:Old ...

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答:差 这是下一个轮到密封。她给海象不想要的't-you-dare瞪着她,然后她开始唱:“啊,多少的心快乐,当我看到北极光。我的耳朵充满了甜美的声音唱歌很晚了!”海象听。多么美丽的歌吧!当然,如果他真的努力过,但他能唱得很美,就像封印?哦,亲爱的。海象不能停下来了。“我知道那首歌,”他大声喊着。

答:gathers the leaders of China textiles, and it attracts many foreign outstanding enterprises. This exhibition has reflected the position and influence of China textile industries in the world, and it becomes barometer and weather vane in China textile market.手工翻译,希望帮到你。

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