大学生应该怎样规划自己的职业生涯英语作文 职业规划英语作文

作者&投稿:年春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


First of all, we should evaluate ourselves, mainly to evaluate our knowledge and ability, and understand our level.

 Second, we should evaluate the social environment, what is the current employment environment and what is the popular industry for job hunting in society. 

The third is to determine your career goals. Based on a comprehensive understanding to formulate a reasonable and appropriate career goal.


College students' career planning

In recent years,more and more colleges lay stress on the education of college students'
career planning.

As we all know,nowadays,there are cut-throat competitions in the society everywhere. In
reality,the competition for job-seeking is also very intense. Every year,there are a lot of
students graduating from different universities to be chosen by companies,which prefer
employees having better ability and skills. So graduates are forced to plan their job career in
advance. If they want to have a satisfying job,they have to make enough preparations. Only
in this way,can they get to set a clear goal and make efforts for it. And students' career
planning surely can promote us to some extent.

College students are supposed to plan their career better. In my opinion,we should study
majority well first. Then,we have to learn to use computer skillful,which will play an important
role in the future. Last but not least,we should try our best to expand our horizons. For
example,we can do more reading,lear more social skills and take into practice more often,etc.

急求一篇大学生职业规划的英语作文 在线等~

Career planning 但是有点长......
·Self assessment I quit understood that the self assessment is very important to my occupation choices and life choices, I need to know what I want. every people has a job that suits him/her, this is mainly relates with one’s own disposition and characteristic. In other words, the work he/she likes will possibly brings a certain sense of joy and creativity for himself/herself. I would like to analysis myself from the aspects below.
1、 My change in the university Here is mainly some ideas of myself, because after two years of university study, it must have something that I remember and obtained. I thought that my two years of university life have change mush of my dispositions, as I have said before, when I was in elementary school, I am too shy to speak to other people, even did not have courage to reply the teacher's question. Many people including my parents said that I have psychological problem. In the university, I found that the students around me are all very talkative, and are willing to make friends. therefore I try to join them, and spend my time among friends, no matter the person is I knew or never met. Then I started my first lecture, also started my first student cadre experience, these transformed me during two year. Therefore I can confidently say that I am dare to speak to any teacher, or make an extemporaneous speech before students now. That is my change

I'm active and diligent. I'll do whatever I think I should do, no matter how much trouble I have, but I'm tired of doing what I think is meaningless.

Seeking truth from facts, having goals and ideas, pursuing specific and clear things, and working style is pragmatic.
When you interact with people, you are humble and compassionate. Be faithful and friendly to friends and have dedication. Care for others and provide practical help.
Have a strong principle, study life is more organized, willing to take responsibility.
I feel that the career planning I have formulated is based on my reality, because I am lack of experience at present, and some aspects are not clear enough. I still need to improve and develop in my later life.
But generally speaking, I only have my own way one day. Although the employment pressure of college students is very high, I have my own pursuit and plan.
With navigation, I will approach my goal step by step along this line, and finally achieve it. I believe that the path I choose is right, because I firmly believe that I am the master of my future.

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