
作者&投稿:褚敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now a days,more and more adults choose 【to】continu(ing)e 【their】education to improve themselves in professional level and ability. (And) There are also many young men 【who】(go to) continu(ing)e education after finish【ing】 school.Now the whole nation is setting off an upsurge (of)【in】 continuing education.
Continuing education has many advantages,such as: whole time,all member, comprehensiveness and self-studying.(And) 【As】 we are in 21th century , knowledge is power.Along with the progress of (the) society , 【the】(we acquired) knowledge and techniques 【we've acquared】is far from enough .We all need more knowledge to compete with others.This is probably why continuing education 【is】(are) so popular.On the other hand, exam-oriented education (make) 【does not allow】 teenagers 【to】(couldn't) learn (some)thing【s】 (what) they are interested in. But 【by】(the) continuing education 【they are】give【n】 (them the) 【a】 chance to learn what they like.
(The) Continu(ing)【al】 education started much later in China than 【in】developed countries.In recent years,(accounting) continu(ing)【al】 education has (resulted)【achieved】 (in) great (achievements)【results】 in China,but many problems still persist.For example,not all (the) certificate【s】 of continu(ing)【al】 education (can be)【are】 recognized.As a【n】 old famous (says)【saying goes】,learning is endless,and life-long education has a long way to go.


Now a days,more and more adults choose to continue theireducation to improve themselves in professional level and ability. There are also many young men who continue education after finishing school.Now the whole nation is setting off an upsurge in continuing education.
Continuing education has many advantages,such as: whole time,all member, comprehensiveness and self-studying. As we are in 21th century , knowledge is power.Along with the progress of society, the knowledge and techniques we've acquaredis far from enough .We all need more knowledge to compete with others.This is probably why continuing education is so popular.On the other hand, exam-oriented education does not allow teenagers to learn things they are interested in. But by continuing education they are given a chance to learn what they like.
Continual education started much later in China than indeveloped countries.In recent years, continual education has achieved great results in China,but many problems still persist.For example,not all certificates of continual education are recognized.As an old famous saying goes,learning is endless,and life-long education has a long way to go.



Now a days,more and more adults choose continuing education to improve themselves in professional fields and the other abilities. And there are also many young men go to take the continuing education after finish school.Now the whole nation is setting off an upsurge of continuing education.
The continuing education has many advantages,such as:whole time,all members,comprehensiveness and self-studying.And this is 21st century , knowledge is the power.With the progress of the society ,the knowledgement and techniques which we have acquired is far from enough .We all need more knowledge to compete with the others.This is probably why continuing education is so popular.On the other hand, exam-oriented education make teenagers can not learn well in which they are interested. But the continuing education give them the chances to learn what they want.
The continuing education started much later in China than the developed countries.In recent years,accounting continuing education has resulted in great achievements in China,but many problems still persist.For example,not all the certificate of continuing education can be recognized.As an old famous says,learning is endless,and life-long education has a long way to go.


Nowadays, more and more adults choose continuing education to improve the professional level and ability. There are also many young men who go to continuing education after finishing school. Now the entire nation is setting off an upsurge of continuing education.
Continuing education has many advantages, such as time flexibility, easy access for citizens, a full spectrum of subjects taught and opportunities for self-studies. And we are in the 21st century, knowledge is power. As our society progresses, the knowledge and skills that we acquired before are far from enough .We all need more knowledge to compete in this world.This is one of the reasons why continuing education is so popular. On the other hand, exam-oriented education prevents teenagers from learning they are interested in. And continuing education fills in the void by giving them the chance to learn what they like.
Continuing education was started in China much later than in developed countries. In recent years, continuing education has helped bring out great achievements in China, but many problems still persist. For example,not all the certificates for continuing education are recognized.
As an old Chinese adage goes, learning is endless,and life-long education has a long way to go in China.

Now a days<- nowadays,
choose to continue their education to improve their professional level and ability and there are many teenage also choose to continue their education after finish school. Such as full time, part time .....
And now, we are in 21th century which knowledge become powerful to our life,...
We all need<-all we need
This is probably<- This is why , couldn't<-can't


1. Nowadays 连写的才是用于句首
2 young people 我认为比young men 更合适一些
3 after finished school 因为完成学业是过去的事情了
4 such as 使用不用逗号隔开,同时不能使用冒号,英文中没有冒号这个标点,此句末可以加上and so on (等等),members可数所以要加s
Continuing education has many advantages such as whole time,all members,comprehensiveness, self-studying and so on.
5 As we know, knowledge is power in 21th century. 这个整句进行这样的修改比较好
6 This is probably why continuing education are so popular. 我的一己之见是句末可以添上 in today's soceity.
7. [On one hand,] along with the progress of the society ,we acquired knowledge and techniques is far from enough . 与下文的on the other hand 的对照
8 exam-oriented education [system]
9 But the continuing education give them [a] chance to learn what they [really] like.
10 For example,not all [of] the certificate of continuing education can be recognized.我认为需要加上一个of
11 As [an] famous Chinese [ancient] said learing is endless. In our country, life-long education still has a long way to go .


你看,你作文中的第一个句子,完全就是两个短语,没有主谓宾哦,可能你本来是跟后面一个句子连一起的吧,误打了个句话把时间跟句子给断开了,把两个句子连起来就是,最好把after后面的放句子最后,不然时间状语看过去很重复。还有,你“凤凰”前后的两个地名翻译统一一下吧?你看,你and river 后面又是一个逗号,但是你后面明明是另外一个主谓宾的完整句子啊,你可以把它变成定语从句好了,it's 改成which is就挺好的呀。



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答:我改后的作文,按照你的要求保留原意,一些地方的词也是用的你的原词。因为我写的可能部分词你们没涉及到,就保留了原文。另外一些有特色的句式也加了几个,如“I am looking forward to ”“with my bedroom filled with my works”(这句是个with的伴随状语从句,不知你们涉及到没)就这些了,...