英语翻译句子求助。 英语翻译句子求助

作者&投稿:福泄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  1. 我经常在这里工作。

I often work here(一般现在时态,表示先阶段经常反复发生动作)



I have worked here for ten years




I will work here (一般将来时态,表示将来发生动作)

I am going to work(一般将来时态,表示将来发生动作)

I shall work here(一般将来时态,表示将来发生动作)

I am to work here(一般将来时态,表示将来发生动作)



I worked here ten years ago(一般过去时态,表示过去发生的动作)

I worked here ten years before (一般过去时态,表示过去发生的动作)



I am working here now(现在进行时态,表示当前正在发生动作)

I work here now (一般现在时态,表示先阶段经常反复发生动作)



Please pay attention to the grammar distinctions, help me do it with many thanks! 

  1. I often work here.

  2. I have worked here for almost 10 tears.

  3. I will work here,/ I'm going to work here.

  4. I worked here 10 years ago.

  5. I 'm woeking here now.

1: I often / usually work here. 一般现在时
2: I have been working here for ten years. 现在完成时
3: I will work here.= I am going to work here. 一般将来时
4:I worked here ten years ago. 过去时
5: I am working here right now. 现在进行时

I often work here.
I have worked here for ten years.
I will work here.
I work here ten years ago.
Now I work here.

1、i often work here
2.i have been worked here for about 10 years.
3.i will work here
4.i worked here ten year ago
5.i work here now


His grandmother whom he loves deeply passed away last winter.

In the study of English,You need more pratice that is the only way of learning English .

If you go out,you'd better put on the coat which is used to keep warm to resist the cold wind.

As long as don't lose heart ,anyone can find the method which overcomes the difficulties.

That's a day when we all enjoy ourselves .

(好多人都没在用定语从句- -)


1. She is eager to go abroad.
2. They plan to get married on 1 October next year.
3. There is no need for you to worry about it.
4. No sooner had he slept then the bell rang.
5. There is no doubt that she will be rewarded.
6. It's our teacher who treat us the lunch.
7. My knowledge of computer is still limited even during the high school.
8. Before applying for this job, he asks for some suggestions from his father.

hopefully these will be helpful to you. =)

求助日语高手翻译句子!谢谢! 彼ぐらいの才能ならどこにでもいるだろう...
答:就他那点本事的人多得是,没什么好敬佩的。ぐらい在这里表示程度的意思。彼ぐらいの才能なら :像他这种程度的本事的话 どこにでもいるだろう:到哪里都有(像他这样的人)语法:[动词连体形;体言]+に(は)あたらない/不值得~,用不着~感心するには当たらない :不值得佩服。

答:中文句子翻译方法(汇总) 做任何事情都要讲究技巧和方法,翻译也不例外,下面就为大家整理了一些中文句子翻译方法,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子.使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 如:八月中旬,修理组人员在...

答:在自己面前应该一直留有一个地方,然后去爱。不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人,可是这种等待就是爱情本身。Save a place for yourself, before going out to love.You don‘t have to know who to love, how to love, or how long your ...

答:wear and tear 是一个词组,磨损的意思。there is 不用解释吧,存在句。that引导定语从句,修饰chair 第二个there是副词,那儿,不重要可以忽略。scarcely,仅仅,几乎没有。整句翻译:那儿几乎没有一把经久耐用的椅子

答:1.Our earth is signing, what can we do?2.We are just ordinary people, so we can only start from the little things around, starting from tomorrow.3.Turn off the tap when you brush teeth.4.Reject to use disposable wooden chopsticks.6.Let environmental protection throughout ...

答:知道你的极限在哪里 know where is your limit.是说人得知道自己的分寸。前句是鼓励, 后句是提醒不要贪心。很多时候,由于中英词汇以及文化的不同,很多英语的双关语在中文中无法很好地翻译出来。1.Money doesn't grow on trees. But it blossoms at our branches.这是英国劳埃德银行(Lloyd Bank)...

答:この辞书よさそう。これにしよう あの本はまだ読んでないので、面白いかどうかわかりません 昨日凄く忙しかったから、王ちゃんに电话するのを忘れた 大学の友人と将来の勉强と就职问题についてよく话してた どんなに忙しくとも勉强をやめるわけにはいかない 新しい単语があり过ぎて...

答:lO. Are you mostly quiet when you are with other person?和人在一起的时候,你总是少言寡语么?11. Do other people think of you as being very lively?在别人的眼中,你很活跃(是个积极分子)么?12.Can you get a party going?您能 活跃一个派对的气氛么?o(∩_∩)o......

求助!!世界语翻译 ,将以下句子翻译为世界语。
答:Kio estis la dato hieraŭ? Hieraŭ estis Januaro 5, 2013.Kie vi studas? Mi studas en la artoj universitato.Mi aŭskultas muzikon, dum por ekzerco.Somero estas varmega kaj la tagoj estas longaj. Vintro estas malvarma kaj la tagoj estas mallongaj.世界语...

答:西班牙语 (自动检测时间) » 中文(简体)Laudate Dominum[我没还无法将马耳他文翻译为中文]人弗朗索瓦dunac 法语 (自动检测时间) » 中文(简体)FONOERIE PACCARO阿纳西 (Google翻译,仅供参考)