
作者&投稿:闻颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




The third set in the transformers, threw a gorgeous appearance after, plot or very blunt. But the director in the movie is good through a word: faith. Apply the lady a sentence: from the perspective of cyberspace, people, the natural choice is not wrong, everyone to his own home and throw the helve after the hatchet. But from faith perspective, Optimus Prime is correct, he defended the Royal predators Professor his Autobot belief. From the human perspective, any attempt to enslave humanity is all wrong will be defeated, because freedom and equality is the human belief. Therefore, individuals feel than the previous two to three increase in the number of connotation.

In the many roles of a breakthrough change, but this change is good or bad. The most miserable is to Megatron, is really a filled a cup with the table, see the momentum and fighting capacity, finally also guested on a fight in the nest of the idea that the plot. And the pillars of heaven, brother is flying into ax martial arts is very good. Stem turned Megatron, gun pick Royal predators, map out a strategy to thousands of miles away, is a 1VN victory over the main. The actor was not just" the courier", dead in his hand on the red spider estimated very depressed. The heroine would not have said, the perfect vase, is enough to remind many male audience male hormonal hurricane.

Of course there are still some BUG, I see the best BUG is, when Cybertron was present on the Earth Sky time. According to the law of universal gravitation will happen is the surface of the earth that things will get sucked into the two planets. If so, those who maintain the space bridge energy help completely unable to stabilize its necessary array system. The space bridge disappeared, cyberspace, back to the original position. Everything will fall down. In any case it sounds like the end of the world. Ha ha, after all, it's only a movie, but the BUG can have every kind of explanation. In this proposed is a laugh.

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