
作者&投稿:唐背 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
原文:《大观楼长联》 昆明孙髯翁

五百里滇池,奔来眼底。披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边! 看:东骧神骏,西翥灵仪,北走蜿蜒,南翔缟素。高人韵士,何妨选胜登临,趁蟹屿螺洲,梳裹就风鬟雾鬓;更萍天苇地,点缀些翠羽丹霞,莫孤(辜)负四围香稻,万倾碧沙,九夏芙蓉,三春杨柳。
数千年往事,注到心头。把酒凌虚,叹滚滚英雄谁在? 想:汉习楼船,唐标铁柱,宋挥玉斧,元跨革囊。伟烈丰功,费尽移山心力,尽珠帘画栋,卷不及暮雨朝云;便断碣残碑,都付与苍烟落照,只赢得几杵疏钟,半江渔火,两行秋雁,一枕清霜。

A Lengthened Couplet of Kunming Daguanlou Mansion
Originally by Sun Ranweng in Kunming,China
English Translated by Jin Huikang & James Beck

The 500-li Dianchi is rushing into sight and so exhilarated am I to unbutton my coat and headdress,enjoying the vast-stretching waters! Look around:Mt Jinma like a galloping horse in the east,Mt Biji resembling a flying phoenix in the west,Mt Hongshan rolling up
and down like a dragon in the north and Mt Crane shrouded in the transient white clouds in the south. Ascending the height Your Majesty can enjoy a distant view of the isles made up of crab and snail shells and the sweeping willow branches in the misty breezes,endless marshes covered with weeds and reeds and with a few green-feathered birds perching,all underneath the sky's rosy clouds. I would have felt very much regretted if I hadn't seen the fragrant rice paddies and long sandy beaches all around,lotus flowers in full blossom in summer,and hanging willow branches greened with new sprouts in spring.

The thousand-year-long history is repeating itself in my mind and a little bit drunk am I looking up to sigh for those historical heroes,where are they? Think about:terraced warships teemed with Han soldiers,iron monuments built in memory of the Tang's victory,territories settled by the first Song emperor with a jade ax and the whole land conquered by the Yuan tribesmen coming on an expedition on sheepskin rafts. Gloriously martyred deeds with great efforts in vain and all grand palaces are gone forever with morning clouds and evening rains,leaving only broken stone tablets with a few lines of engraved scripts,all enveloped in the hazy sunset. There left behind are bronze bells heard occasionally and fishing boats with
flickering lamps seen in the middle of the lake,wild geese leaving in a hurry in two files in autumn,and only frosted snow all over the terrains in winter.



Commercial English is precisely the type of English that we apply to understand in the commencial scenes, as a matter of fact, there is a difference between commercial English and the spoken and written English that we understand, in terms of essence, the main difference lies in a number of vocabularies which consist mainly nouns, according to the difference in vocabulary.
Another distinction even includes assorted sentences, Fundamentally,the reason that different vocabularies and sentences were put forward is for the sake of adapting to different commercial occasions, and thus constitute a certain distinguishing feature in the commercial English. There is not a great deal of difference from the ordinary English.The purpose of the thesis, this time, is to enable the readers to understand the importance and methods of learning commercial English and hopefully would make the readers solve some outstanding problems,and acquire a deeper layer of knowledge, in the course of learning commercial English.

in the course of learning commercial English, .

一副对联“遵主命活泼中显真性 ,顺圣行精微处在无言” 翻译成 英文
答:您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:遵主命活泼中显真性 ,顺圣行精微处在无言 翻译: As the Lord lives in the lively show true, the holy line subtle in silent 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

答:Rich and auspicious wealth to the good luck in everything blessings

请您帮我英语翻译成这些对联。 “一元复始 , 万象更新”
答:"Starts with one,Vientiane update"

答:上联,下联,横批 对联: couplet 上联: The left roll ; the left roll of a couplet 下联: the right roll ;the right roll of a couplet 横批:horizontal scroll; the horizontal scroll of a couplet

请您帮我英语翻译成这些对联。 “一元复始 , 万象更新”
答:请您帮我英语翻译成这些对联。 “一元复始 , 万象更新”对联是中国的传统文化,讲究:对仗,平仄,遵循马碲韵,寓意深刻...等等诸多要求,才算一幅真正的对联!别国语言是达不到这个要求的!

答:The definition of couplet 【】Couplet couplets also called, originated in桃符, is a kind of duality in literature, broadly divided into couplet poetry and prose couplet, strictly distinguish between the relative size of parts of speech, we can see that "the origin couplet Poems" is ...

答:“红梅抱早春,翠竹添新笋”The red plum cherishes early spring, the bamboo addsthe new bamboo shoot “福”Good fortune

答:对联[duì lián] antithetical couplet (written on scrolls, etc.) a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet 对联: couplet;poetic couplet: two successiverhyminglinesin poetry;couplets, couplets written on scrolls;couplets couplet 对联广告: VERTICAL BANNER PORTALS;couplet ...

答:大地同春,情寄东风联两岸 东方风来,山寨频添科技户 中华一统,国如磐石固千秋 南天雨润,农家新建读书楼 翻译:The earth with the spring, the sentiment sends the east windassociation both banks East wind to come, the village in a mountainousarea frequency adds the technical household A ...

答:If false make the true and true as well false, if nothing make being and being as well nothing 假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无 解析:“假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无”,是《红楼梦》的一种特殊的艺术手法。 ---is an artistic skill in the Dream of Red Chamber....