傲慢与偏见的英文影评 《傲慢与偏见》电影的英文观后感

作者&投稿:后汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Recently, I read through “Pride and Prejudice” which written by a well-known English writer----Jane Austen.

Austen was born in the countryside, so she didn’t go to any normal schools. But she really read widely instructed by her father who was the local parson.

During that period of time, Austen was regarded as the first author to realistically describe the common characters in common life. Her works, to some extent, reflect the comedy in the middle-class of England and also got rid of the fixed tradition in the 18th century by analyzing the personalities of the characters artfully.

“It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife.” With these lines, a classical novel about the value of the love begins.

This writing pictures four marriages in Bennet’s family, and the primary one was between Elizabeth and Darcy.

Darcy who was a single man of a large fortune fell in love with Elizabeth after only a transitory intercourse. And later on, Darcy proposed to her with regardlessness to the gap of the wealth and class. But Elizabeth unmercifully refused him by misunderstanding his represented extreme pride which was just a reflection of the high-class. After a long-term observation of his behaviors, Elizabeth was finally loyal to her own heart.

“Pride and prejudice” was superficially a love comedy. But it actually explained that only by action and introspection can have the hope and the true love; and also the dignity of a person which was as well built up by action and introspection was not inherent.

Just as Austen herself said, this novel was sculpted on the two-inch ivory, which exquisitely reflects the conservative life in England of these days.

This writing, to some extent, expresses the author’s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position as well; and also it is foolish if you do not consider the above-mentioned factures. So she objected to getting married for money as well as regarding it as something unimportant. She emphasized the importance of the ideal marriage and regarded the true love as its foundation stone.

Pride and prejudice were two weaknesses in our humanity which was easily distorted. And in the way of pursuing love, we should not be controlled by these shortages, but to keep our own faiths and feelings.

Whether the marriage is a happiness one depended on whether they truly love and know each other. Falling in love at first sight is indeed more romantic than the long-term love. But we can not deny the fact the long-term coexistence will surely bring both of you to a better understanding and a deeper affection.

So now, as for us to do is to strive for the hope with correct attitude towards pride and prejudice.



Elizabeth Bennett (Keira Knightley) is the second of five daughters, all single and young. When a new man moves into the neighborhood, all of the girls take notice. Mr. Bingley is quite rich and handsome enough, after all. At the first large party for area folks, Mr. Bingley comes to the festivity with his sister and the proud Mr. Darcy in toe. Bingley has his eye on Elizabeth's beautiful sister Jane while Mr. Darcy neither dances or talks to anyone. Although unacknowledged, however, Mr. Darcy is transfixed by Elizabeth and she is strangely drawn to him. Through a series of town meetings, country visits, and more, Elizabeth and Darcy meet again...and again. There is something stirring. Is is disgust or is it love?

This classic story could not be presented better than it is this film. It is utterly lovely in every aspect, every way. The performers are just outstanding, with Knightley giving Elizabeth the fire, the mind, the sensitivity that make her such an appealing person. Mr. McF is to sigh and cry over as his Darcy is handsome, in possession of a arresting voice, and provides a display of the great depth of his own sensitive nature. The costumes and scenery are colossally stunning, as is the editing, the script (most of it is Austen's own words), and anything else that makes a movie this beautiful. Do not let another day go by before you buy a ticket or arrange any other method to watch this film.


Elizabeth Bennett (Keira Knightley) is the second of five daughters, all single and young. When a new man moves into the neighborhood, all of the girls take notice. Mr. Bingley is quite rich and handsome enough, after all. At the first large party for area folks, Mr. Bingley comes to the festivity with his sister and the proud Mr. Darcy in toe. Bingley has his eye on Elizabeth's beautiful sister Jane while Mr. Darcy neither dances or talks to anyone. Although unacknowledged, however, Mr. Darcy is transfixed by Elizabeth and she is strangely drawn to him. Through a series of town meetings, country visits, and more, Elizabeth and Darcy meet again...and again. There is something stirring. Is is disgust or is it love?

This classic story could not be presented better than it is this film. It is utterly lovely in every aspect, every way. The performers are just outstanding, with Knightley giving Elizabeth the fire, the mind, the sensitivity that make her such an appealing person. Mr. McF is to sigh and cry over as his Darcy is handsome, in possession of a arresting voice, and provides a display of the great depth of his own sensitive nature. The costumes and scenery are colossally stunning, as is the editing, the script (most of it is Austen's own words), and anything else that makes a movie this beautiful. Do not let another day go by before you buy a ticket or arrange any other method to watch this film.

答:关于《傲慢与偏见》的英文读后感1000字一 "Pride and prejudice" is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story.Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the ...

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答:time.《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的代表作。小说讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白·班内特的爱情故事。这部作品以日常生活为素材,以反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。

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