how to understand the meaninig of timeline?

作者&投稿:蹉宏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
It's a n., a tool that used for put the order of series incidents.
You know, in some movies or literature compositions, the director/writer don't want to express the story in the order of the things they happened. They want the story more attractive and mysterious, so they intend to disorganize the original order of the story and usually, they choose to tell the interesting part of the whole story. And they would add the missing part later in the story if it's needed. To these stories, a reader have to arrange the whole story by a timeline so that he/she could understand the story better.
For example, in the movie "Inception", the movie show the audience that Mr. Cobb in a mission to steal sth. and he met Mal(his wife), according to their conversation, we knew that they've seperated but later we knew that Mal jumped herself. The correct order of the story should be: 1. They were seperated because Mr. Cobb refused to committs suicide with Mal. 2. Mal jumped and she was dead. 3. Mr. Cobb run for a mission.
Through all talked above, I hope you could have a brief conception of timeline.


how to understand?~


可以字面理解为“以便” 介于方式与目的之前

类似于I change my value to understand you better.