
作者&投稿:阴空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
With the consistent development of our national economy, the informatization in our
society, and the application of new high technologies in vaiours fields, intellegentization
has become an inevitable trend. Intellegentization often starts with the automation of
machines. This paper will explore the possible solutions to blower pipe coiling,
temperature control in conditioned rooms, adjustment of wind strength, new blower sets
control, and other related problems.

Along with the our country economy unceasing development, the society becomes an information based society highly, the new high tech technology applies unceasingly to each aspect in, enables the intellectualization to become one kind of development the inevitable trend. The intellectualization also often is starts from the equipment automated system. This article mainly aims at the air blower plate tube, the air conditioned room cold heat regulation, changes the amount of wind, the new atmosphere unit and so on the control and the correlation question solution. Air conditioning control system,Intelligence

Along with the continuously develop of the our country economy, the society is highly information-based, the lately high-tech technique applies to continuously in the each aspect, make intelligence turn have become a kind of inevitable trend for develop.The intelligence turn also is usually from the equipments automation beginning.This text mainly resolves to the control and related problems that the cold heat of the breeze machine dish tube, the air condition room regulate, changes the amount of breeze, the new breeze machine an etc..The air condition controls the system, intelligence

With the rapid development of our motherland's economics,the new high-level infomation and hi-tech permeate all over the society.The tide of intelligence and ability has been inevitable.But the tide begins from the equipment automation system as usual.This article focuses on the disposing about air-blower tube、air controling of AC units、trend variable、new-air unit controling and so on. ACsystem.Intelligence)



Lights---Ellie Goulding qq音乐中就可以搜到

7:10 ten past seven
9:25 nine twenty-five
1:30 half past one
10:41 nineteen to ten
4:55 five to five
12:13 twelve thirteen
11:26 eleven twenty-six
2:45 a quarter to three
2:30 half past two
8:55 five to nine


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