谁能帮我把日本的特色,文化用英文介绍一下7,8句就好。急用,谢谢! 我中文名字叫高光灿,谁能帮我起一个或者翻译一个日本名字,有急...

作者&投稿:貂固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Features :
  Japan's famous natural scenic area was developed as a multi-national park, by the State responsible for the management and protection, beautiful, full of natural taste.
  Akan National Park - the park has the elegant shape of the volcano and set off in the virgin forest of the three volcanic lakes - Lake Akan, Lake Mashu and Lake Kussharo. Waters of Lake Mashu which transparency is very high, and often shrouded in layers of mist.
  Northeast Region
  Hachimantai Towada National Park - is located in Aomori, Iwate and Yamagata junction of three counties, is divided into southern and northern parts of Lake Towada Hachimantai two scenic plateau. Yin Yin on the plateau, a new spring green, autumn's fiery lake, Dan is attracting large number of tourists.
  The more areas on the letter
  The higher the letter of the original National Park - is located in Nagano, Gunma and Niigata junction of three counties. Karuizawa territory of Japan's most famous summer resort. Kusatsu Manza Onsen hot springs and the famous hot springs in Japan. Asama is one of Japan's most active volcanoes, smoke all year round.
  The Japanese generally accepted that the impact of Chinese culture to form its own unique culture and spirit of the DPRK in peace times. Dominant in this era of aesthetic consciousness is "sentimental," that is found in all things unreal things, as an expression of sad hearts, in the "Tale of Genji," the literary world, led by fully reflected.
  Leisurely and carefree "and" Classic Elegance "
  It is the end of the Warring States period, it resumed after the era of peace of mind to obtain a power of businessmen with a sense of beauty, "leisurely and carefree" is produced by the tea ceremony out of the aesthetic sense, without the luxury of simplicity, the rich and and tranquil inner world. Sen no Rikyu, led to the tea ceremony master who, in a wild flower or a stone utensils found in everyday beauty. "Classic Elegance" is the center of Matsuo Basho haiku for the world expressed by the aesthetic sense, GAO Yin is the quiet state of mind. "Leisurely and carefree" and "quaint" is the position of Zen enlightenment is essential.

  It is the people promoting the aesthetic sense of the Edo period, is the feeling of quick, clever mind. "Cool" to have courage, charming, witty three conditions, the so-called courage is carrying out their own ideas of perseverance, flirtatious obsequiousness that offbeat, witty look inside a person's light wonderful sense of humor.

  Bento-style interlude Aesthetic
  The traditional aesthetic sense and reconcile modern civilization, and make it bear fruit in the modern, known as the "curtain-style lunch between the aesthetic consciousness" is the long-Um Jung Kenji. Loading screen in between the lunch meal, cooking, grilled vegetables, pickles and other dishes, these dishes in small quantities, together with color coordination, overall coordination seems to show a beauty, just right to install in a small The boxes in the. It embodies the "leisurely and carefree," "quaint," "chic," the spirit of the beautiful appearance and taste. The lunch box style interlude aesthetic sense, it can be said has been used as welcome on the world market by advertising small and exquisite, beautiful design used in those appliances, motorcycles, cars and other products, in particular the presence in Japan world leader in the microscopic world of large scale integrated circuits.



Since I came into the college, I found it's so different from what I imaged before. There are many friends from other places and many kinds of interesting knowledge to learn. The most important change is the relationship between teachers and students. Our college teachers are really very casual in class and it's common to make friends with them.

直译的话就是高光灿(こう こう さん),读音(kou kou san),如果是类似于昵称的话,建议可以叫高光(たかみつ),读音(takamitu),这是一个真实存在的日文名字,有用请采纳~



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答:日本文化的特点也极其明显。其特点可以概括为以下四个方面:1.多重性 日本文化是系统各异的东西方文化的并存和混合的产物。用我的话来说,不妨叫做“杂交文化”。其例子在我们身边比比皆是,比如政治体制,既学习了西方的议会政治,又保留了传统的天皇制度,属于新旧政治的混合体。在衣食住方面,和西式...

答:In Japan, each January 15 of Age Day is a big festival, it is subject to I, family and society, universal attention. That day, at least 2 years old Japan's young men and women must wear beautiful traditional kimono or a suit, To celebrate that they have been ...

答:1、多重性 日本文化是系统各异的东西方文化的并存和混合的产物。用我的话来说,不妨叫做“杂交文化”。其例子在我们身边比比皆是,比如政治体制,既学习了西方的议会政治,又保留了传统的天皇制度,属于新旧政治的混合体。在衣食住方面,和西式结合,西装加和服,和食加西餐,和式房间加西式客厅。在...

答:2、均一性 日本文化不受地区和宗教的限制,具有均一性。不能说日本各地的风俗习惯没有差别,但是比较之下相对很小。风俗习惯、人的思维和行为等等大相径庭。比如:日本没有一个地方不把「刺身」(生鱼片)和「お寿司」(寿司)作为美味佳肴的,也没有一个地方不吃「生卵」(生鸡蛋),不喝「味噌汁」(...