
作者&投稿:磨晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
if there's no risk in life, then there's no meaning to life.

The life of the calm insurance has no on the hoof meaning

The non- risk life on has not been living the significance.


Without risk, life is meaningless~

there will be no meaning to life without risk.

Without risk, life is meaningless.


中文翻译成英文 1句~

The authenticity and artisticity co-exist on it.

1.Just now he volunteered to help me do the rest part of the job.—刚才他主动帮我完成剩下部分的工作。
2.The book was published last month to the famous writer.—上月出版的那本书是那位著名的作家写的。
3.Sorry to disappoint you.-很遗憾让你失望了。

4.Do you think this idea really wonderful.-你想出的这个主意真是太绝妙了。

5.If they don't get along well?-如果他们彼此相处不融洽会怎么样?

答:申请助学金需要具备什么条件 What's the qualification for applying stipend?在你们国家留学生可以打工吗 Does student abroad could have job in your country?

答:我喜欢读报纸,比如《英语日报》、《中国新闻报》等等。I like to read newspapers, such as English Daily and China News Daily. (请以报名原名为准)读报纸对我们有很多好处,可以让你做到不出门便知天下事,学到很多我们在书本上学不到的知识。Reading newspaper has many benefits. It makes you...

答:I will read it for you all.那么好下面我们来看一下你手中的这篇文章!Ok, then , please look at the article in your hands.我读一句大家也,跟我读一句!I will read it sentence by sentence, please read after me, thanks.楼主,有一些地方你的中文有逻辑问题,只能稍微有点出入了。

答:Can you introduce your hometown to/for me?

答:你又如何分辨哪个是最佳答案?Thinking about three years ago today,that memory is going to stay in my heart forever...hope you're happy.

答:Can the oral test be tested two months later ? because my invigilator is doing his project and he doesn't have time .

答:Finally I got to school over an hour later and I was late.2.还用给你留饭吗?Do you need me to save lunch (dinner) for you?3.这东西没有人要了吧?!没人要我就扔垃圾箱里了。Anybody still want this? If no one wants it, I'll toss it.4.我听见狗的叫声了,所以我出来...

答:请高手帮忙把这句中文翻译成英文! Can you introduce your hometown to/for me?急!请各位高手帮忙翻译成英语。 reflection on Present Situation and counter strategies of shanxi coal export 请高手帮忙把这个中文翻译成英文 Once i lost everything, how can i lose you again.帮忙翻译个句子...

请英语高手们帮我翻译一下这个句子成英文的吧: 我这种人,解决问题的...
答:您的中文意思都没有表达清楚啊,如果您的意思是说把自己“置之死地而后生”的话,那么可以这么翻译:I am that kind of person whose way of solving a problem is to put himself into a desperate situation.我的答案比楼上好在于我的表达很美式,而且句中没有逗号,这是受过教育的人们的表达...

答:Now I have got married. My wife and son are in China. My son three years old. This time I go to the United States is to an MBA.我现在已经结婚了。我的妻子和儿子都在中国。我儿子三岁了。我这次去美国是要学习MBA。