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作者&投稿:伯妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
China's auto credit market started in 1995 to after 2004, the auto loan business has been maturing and showing orderly competitive situation has been stable at 5% -8% average annual growth rate to today's auto loan market, the commercial banks to become upstream providers of finance, auto dealers and car manufacturers, automotive products and services provider, car credit markets division of sub-industry, professional management, with professional automotive credit services Commercial Bank has become the market leader in the development and a major force in all aspects of the integration of resources and risk control. With the development of automobile consumption credit market, some of the problems surfaced, the subject placed in front of the industry is how to make product design more responsive to market and risk-free rate control at a low level. This article describes the situation of China's commercial banks on car credit business, after analysis, the development status of the auto loan business to understand the problems faced in China's automobile consumption credit and their causes, and countermeasures and suggestions on this basis .
Keywords: automobile consumption credit; auto finance company; commercial banks; risk management; personal credit system



The economic effect brought about by the extensive foreign direct investments (FDI) is a big contribution to the economic development of China. The capitals, technologies, production environments and the advanced industrial structures that come with FDI have propelled the China economy into a rapid development phase.


However, with the in-depth explorations and researches on FDI, its negative effects are also emerging gradually before our eyes. So, how to properly capitalize on the economic effects generated by FDI is an important aspect in promoting the sustainable economic development in the future phase.

Key words: overspill effects; internal growth effects; agglomeration effects; crowding-out effects; regional impact; policy guidance


This film tells Lanche (Rancho) replaced others to a well-known college five years ago. This is a traditional Indian elite, where the sole criterion for testing students only refers to the results! Poor grades means no future! The Lanche did not follow the crowd, he used his kind, cheerful, humor and wisdom to affect the people around. He teached the brutal seniors a lesson with his physical knowledge, he broke of the traditional concept of rigid College with the wisdom. Finally, he conquered with the wisdom of the Indian scientific community that he realized his dream, and so back to the real self. Nearly three-hour long film, pregnant tears, at the film classic that is integrated into the personal life, raising it to human nature, always able to touch the hearts of those things that interpretation of the head. Community is very fickle, we are impetuous, always wanted to maverick, but the reality of life that we can not do it as often only along that particular track or led by the nose, to show in our own body is friends and family's expectations, the existence must, efforts difficult. The film about the "do their own" life is perhaps the ultimate success story into the family, love, friendship, though it twists and turns, but eventually achieved near perfect! The classic movie lines-All is well, these words always show the whole story, but no matter what happens in life can calm Paizhexiongkou say All is well, is a state of mind, also a state. Can not "do their own", always say "All is well" is a good thing!
In short, this is a film can make you smile and a tear, now is the domestic Chinese dubbed version aggressively, if you have time, then you can go and see ~ ~ ~


答:This paper on China's current situation of wooden pallets used for analysis and research, in the survey found that the process of the single use bidirectional fork into the wooden pallets used most widely, most manufacturers are used, so the single use bidirectional fork into the ...


情哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译一下这段话 谢急 马上 目前财富值太少 所以先没有...
答:Hai indistinct Parti sun to testify Here a natural interpretation of nature Rustic style Greenfield accompanied Years became free to operate seasons Hua Zhang stretch The shade covered with the cries of Jade-like bird Variations in light and shadow into Each fresh ideas Is like a ...

答:1、不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。Whatever she said,I won't belive the news 2、格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管他的生意。Mr. Green 's son will not take up his business until he retired 3、科学家们将必须提出增加世界粮食供应的新方法 The scientists must come up with a ...

这个怎么翻译,谢谢 请不要说什么财富值不够,不给翻译,这已经是我全部的...
答:回答:Paul Smith25岁,两年前大学毕业。他参加了25场面试却还没找到工作,因为他不注重仪表、但他不愿意为了得到一份工作而改变自己。“爷就是这么霸气。爱看看不看滚,人们应该注意我的能力而不是我的头发”他说。 但对paul不幸的是,第一印象至关重要。对很多雇主而言,整洁的头发和考究的衣着跟能力一样...

答:Along with the development of the tourism industry, tourism product continuous development, tourism market in humanities landscape got fully explore, former celebrity as a kind of unique cultural landscape more and get more people's attention and the understanding. According to former ...


请高人能帮我翻译下一段文字 我没有财富值 但我有一颗真诚请求帮忙的...
答:你看下面哪里翻译不好,自己要改下!同样地,冠军的英雄,”父亲林”,一个美国人,给人留下深刻的彭柯和他的同学们不仅是对他的操守和公平的,而且也为他爱国的禁令,努力学习,努力成为大师在自己的国家 我是一个陌生人。在快结束的时候,当实在没办法,我能回到我的国家。但是,你要去哪里?你希望保持...
