急求仁爱英语七下u5 t1------u7 t1:单词表, 同义短语,名词复数,和意思相同的句式。 仁爱英语七年级下同步整合方案 求答案 急急急急急!!!!!!...

作者&投稿:濯怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Unit 5 Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?
gate n.大门
the same to对……也一样
by prep.乘(车等);靠近,在……旁;在……时间;不迟于;被;用;由
subway(underground) n.地下铁道;地铁交通
always adv.总是,一直;永远
come on快点儿;加油;来吧
on foot走路,步行
go to school去上学
plane n.飞机
train n.火车;v. 培训,训练
ship n.船,轮船
boat n.小船,小舟
Ms. n.女士(用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓氏或姓名前)
grandmother n.奶奶;外婆
group n.组,群
weekday n.平日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)
early adj.早的;adv.早地
bird n.鸟
catch v.捉住;接住;赶上;染上(疾病)
worm n.软体虫,蠕虫(尤指蚯蚓)
sometimes adv.有时
seldom adv.很少;不常
walk v. & n.步行;散步
never adv.决不,从来没有
ride v.骑(自行车、马等);乘车;n.乘车旅行
park n.公园;v.停放(汽车)
homework n.家庭作业
do (one’s) homework 做家庭作业
watch v.观看;注视;当心,注意;n.手表,表
TV =television n. 电视;电视机
watch TV 看电视
interviewer n.采访者
America n.美国
life n.生活;生命;人生
American adj.美国的;美国人的;n.美国
or conj.或者,还是;否则
few adj.很少的,不多的;pron.不多,少数
have lunch 吃午饭
at school 在学校;在上课
day n.(一)天,(一)日;白天
rest n.休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物);v.休息,歇息
have a rest休息
play v.打(球);玩;游戏;播放;n.玩耍;戏剧
basketball n.篮球
soccer (football BrE) n.足球(运动)
swim v.& n.游;游泳
go swimming 去游泳
and so on ……等等
ball n.球;舞会
game n.比赛;运动;游戏
more adv.更;另外;adj.另外的;较多的(much或many的比较级)
talk n.讲话,交谈;n.谈话,演讲
listen v.听,仔细听
listen to听……
music n.音乐;乐曲
library n.图书馆,图书室
must v.必须,应当;必定是;n.必须做(或看、买等)的事
first adv.& adj.第一;首次;最初;num.第一
read v.读;朗读
once adv.一次;从前,一度;cortj.一旦
week n.星期,周
twice adv.两次;两倍
every adj.每一,每个的
begin v.开始;着手
have classes上课
while n.一会儿,一段时间;conj. ……(然)而;虽然;在……的时候;和……同时
bed n.床
go to bed睡觉

Unit 5 Topic 2 He is runnig on the playground.
make v.制造,做;使得
card n.卡片;名片;纸牌
boring adj.乏味的,无聊的
soon adv.很快,马上,不久
run v.跑,奔跑
playground n.操场,运动场
dance v.& n.跳舞
gym gymnasium n.体育馆,健身房;体操
dormitory n.学生宿舍(缩写式dorm)
sleep v.睡觉;睡;n.睡觉
clean v.弄干净,擦干净;adj.清洁的,干净的
lab laboratory;n.实验室
computer n.计算机;电脑
room n.室,房间;空间;地方
hall n.大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道
dining hall 餐厅;食堂
classroom n.教室
building n.大楼;建筑物;房屋
swimming n.游泳,游泳运动
pool n.水池,水塘
borrow v.(向别人)借用;借
a few 一些,少量
project n.专题研究;工程;项目
workbook n.练习册;作业本
course n.过程;经过;课程
of course当然
use V.使用,利用,应用;n.用,使用,得到利用
better adv.更好地;更;adj. 较好的;更好的(good和well的比较级)
look for 寻找
keep v.保存;保持;继续不断
return v.归还;回,归
on time准时,按时
pleasure n.高兴,愉快
post n.邮件;邮政,邮寄;v.投寄,邮寄
bye-bye interj.再见
Lost and Found
purse n.钱包
money n.钱;货币
else adv.别的,其他的
picture n.照片;图片;画片
put v.放,摆
put on穿,戴上;上演
around adv.在周围;在附近;大约;prep.在……周围
show sb.around领某人参观
sit(过去式sat) v.坐
write v.写,书写;写作,著述
aha interj.(表示了解或发现某事物的喜悦)啊哈
at the back of在……的后面
draw v.绘画;绘制;拉,拖
because conj.因为
Japanese adj.日本的;日本人的;日语的;n.日本人;日语
wonderful adj.了不起的;美妙的
also adv.也,而且,此外

Unit 5 Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.
today adv.在今天,在今日;n.今天
Wednesday n.星期三
Monday n.星期一
physics n.物理(学)
Tuesday n.星期二
geography n.地理(学)
Thursday n.星期四
P.E.(physical education的缩写) n.体育
Friday n.星期五
art n.美术,艺术;技艺
timetable n.(学校)课程表;(火车、公共汽车等)时间表
math n.(美口语)数学
science n.科学,自然科学
history n.历史;历史的
biology n.生物(学)
politics n.政治
meeting n.会;集会;会见;汇合点
outdoor adj.户外的;室外的
activity n.活动
outdoor activity 户外活动
lesson n.课,功课;教训
learn n.学,学习,学会
easy adj.容易的,不费力的
interesting adj.有趣的
difficult adj.难的,艰难的;不易相处的
which pron.那(哪)一个;那(哪)些
subject n.学科;主语;主体;主题;题目
best adv.& adj.最好地(的)(good和well的最高级)
story n.故事,小说
friendly adj.友好的
other adj.别的,另外的;pron.别人,别的东西
news n.新闻,消息
attention n.注意,关心
between prep.在(两者)之间;在……中间
stamp n.邮票
collection n.收集物,收藏品
world n.世界
Saturday n.星期六
night n.夜,夜间
place n.地点,地方
program n.节目;项目
February n.(Feb.)二月
newspaper n.报纸
hard adj.努力的,辛苦的;困难的,艰难的;硬的;adv.努力地;使劲;猛烈地
wish n.愿望,祝愿;v.希望,想要,祝愿

Unit6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study?
garden n. 花园,果园,菜园
bedroom n.卧室,寝室
second num.第二; adj.第二的; n. 秒
floor n.(楼房的)层;地面,地板
next to 在……近旁;紧邻
upstairs adv.到楼上,在楼上
come in 进入,进来
kitchen n.厨房
dining room 餐厅
living room 客厅;起居室
bathroom n.浴室,盥洗室
front n.前面;前部;前线; aaj.前面的;前部的
in front of 在……前面
house n.房子,住宅
grandfather n. 爷爷;外公
behind prep.(表示位置)在……后面; adv.在后面;向后
door n.门
talk about 谈论,议论
near prep.在……附近,靠近; aaj.近的
lamp n.灯,油灯;光源
clock n.钟
under prep.& adv.在……下面;向……下面
table n.桌子;表格
key n.钥匙;答案;键;关键
away adv.离开,远离
put away将……收起;把……放回原处
thing n.东西,物; (p1.)物品,用品;事情
dad n.(口语)爸爸,爹爹
windown n.窗户;计算机的窗口
model n.模型;范例;模范
river n.河;江;水道
center n.中心,中央
in the center of在……中心
yard n.院子;场地;码
beautiful adj.美的,美丽的,美观的
flower n.花
large adj.大的,巨大的
left n.左,左边; adv.向左; adj.左边的
people n.人;人们
mirror n.镜子
drawer n.抽屉
chair n.椅子
keyboard n.键盘
pencil-box n.铅笔盒

Unit 6 Topic2 What kind of home do you live in?
townhouse n.排房;城市住宅
farmhouse n.农场住宅,农舍(农场主的主要住房)
country n.农村,乡下; 国家
apartment n.(美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间
rent v.租用,租借;出租;n.租金
month n.月,月份
Mrs n.夫人,太太(称呼已婚妇女)
furniture n.(总称)家具
quiet adj.安静的;寂静的
per prep.每,每一
neighbor n.邻居,邻人
store n.商店;大百货公司
bank n.银行;(河、海、湖等的)岸,堤
street n.街,街道
corner n.(街道)拐角;角;角落
postoffice n. 邮局
bookstore n.(美)书店
museum n.博物馆,博物院
parking lot 停车场
supermarket n.超级市场,超市
station n.车站,站,所
mail v.(美)邮寄;n.邮政;邮递
restaurant n.饭馆,饭店
matter n.问题;要紧事,事情;v.要紧;有重大关系
hear v.听见;听说,得知
piano n.钢琴
loud adj.大声的
really adv.真正地;到底;确实
loudly adv.大声地
reading room 阅览室
end n.末尾,终点,结束;v.结束,终止
at the end of… 在……的结尾/末端
road n.路,道路
community n.社区;社会
child(pl.children) n.儿童,小孩
a lot of(=lots of) 许多,大量
close adj.近,靠近;亲密的;adv.近,靠近;v.关,关闭
close to 靠近
far adj.远的;adv.远地
far from 远离
service n.服务
area n.地区;范围;面积
stop n.(停车)站,停;v.停止;阻止
fan n.风扇;(电影、运动等的)迷;热心的爱好者(支持者)
line n.电话线路;线,线路;行,排
bad adj.坏的,不好的
someone pron.某一个人
check v.检查;核对;批改;n.检查;批改
right now 立即,马上
move v.搬家;移动,搬动
countryside n.乡下,农村
city n.市,城市,都市
noisy adj.喧闹的,嘈杂的
traffic n.交通;来往车辆
cost n.费用;花费;价钱;v.值(多少钱);花费
miss v.思念;未见到;未听到;错过
fresh adj.新鲜的
town n.城镇,城

Unit 6 Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office?
bridge n. 桥
along prep. 沿着,顺着; adv. 向前;和……一起;一同
turn v. 转弯;转变;旋转,翻转; n. 转弯;轮流;(轮流的)顺序
crossing n. 十字路口,人行横道
across prep. 横过,穿过
meter n. 米,公尺
across from 在对面
Tsinghua University清华大学
Peking University北京大学
Ren’ai Education Institute仁爱教育研究所
Haidian Theater海淀剧院
until conj. &prep. 直到……为止
kilometer n. 千米(公里)
should v. aux. 会,应该(shall的过去式)
change v. 更换;变化,改变; n. 零钱;找头
sidewalk n. (美)人行道
public adj. 公共的,公众的; n. 公众
light n. 灯;灯光;光,光亮; adj. 明亮的;浅色的;轻的; v. 点(火),点燃
crosswalk n. 行人穿越线;斑马线
straight adv. 一直地;直地; adj. 一直的;直的
U-turn n. (汽车等的)u形转弯,180度转弯
danger n. 危险
safe adj. 安全的
hurt adj. (身体上)受伤的; v. 受伤;伤害;使疼痛;感到疼痛
lose v. 丢失,失去
accident n. 事故,意外的事
obey v. 服从,听从,顺从
rule n. 规则,规定; v. 统治;支配
sign n. 符号,标记;指示牌
before conj. 在……之前; prep. 在……以前;在……前面; adv. 以前
cross v. 穿过;越过; n. 十字形的东西
third num.第三
last adv. 最后地;最近刚过去; n. 最后; adj. 最近刚过去的;最后的; v. 持续
careful adj. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的
skateboard n. 滑板
ticket n. 罚款单;票;券
speed v. (使)加速; n. 速度
fast adv. 快地,迅速地; adj. 快的,迅速的
wait for 等候,等待
when conj. 当……的时候; adv. 什么时候,何时
late adj. 晚的,迟的; adv. 晚地,迟地
be late for迟到
down prep沿着,沿……而下; adv. 向下
Review of Units 5-6
hill n.小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡
certainly adv.当然,是的;一定;无疑

Unit 7 Topic 1 When is your birthday?
sport n.体育运动,锻炼
was v.(am,is的过去式)是
born adj.出生
be born出生
June n.(Jun.)六月
March n.(Mar.)三月
April n.(Apr.)四月
May n.五月
July n.(Jul.)七月
August n.(Aug.)八月
September n.(Sept.)九月
October n.(Oct.)十月
November n.(Nov.)十一月
December n.(Dec.)十二月
January n.(Jan.)一月
were v.(are的过去式)是
alone adj.单独的,孤独的
thousand num.千
birthday n.生日
date n.日期;约会
plan v.计划,打算; n.计划,打算;平面图
celebrate v.庆祝
party n.聚会,宴会;党派
fourth num.第四
fifth num.第五
sixth num.第六
seventh num.第七
eighth num.第八
ninth num.第九
tenth num.第十
eleventh num.第十一
twelfth num.第十二
thirteenth num.第十三
twentieth num.第二十
present n.礼物,赠品
shape n.形状,外形; v.使成型;制造;塑造
just now 刚才
circle n.圆;圆圈; v.将……圈起来
ago adv.以前
square n.正方形;广场; adj.平方的;方形的
triangle n.三角形
rectangle n.长方形;矩形
oval n.椭圆; adj.椭圆形的
centimeter n.(cm)厘米
football n.(美式)橄榄球;(英式)足球
special adj.特别的,专门的
candle n.蜡烛
surprise n.惊奇,诧异; v.使惊奇,使诧异
do some cleaning 打扫卫生

Unit 7 Topic 2 Can you dance or draw?
disco n.迪斯科(一种舞曲)
perform v.表演;履行;行动
ballet n.芭蕾舞
have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快
parrot n.鹦鹉
smart adj.聪明的,灵巧的;(人、服装等)时髦的,帅的
count v.数,点数
er interj.哦,嗯
climb v.爬,攀登
pig n.猪
ping-pong n.乒乓球(运动)
be good at 擅长于
London n.伦敦
age n.年龄;时代
at the age of 在……岁时
anything pron.任何事(物);无论何事(物)
word n.单词,词;话
mean v.意思是,意指

Unit 7 Topic 3 We had a wonderful party.
recite v.朗读;背诵
poem n.诗
magic adj.有魔力的
trick n.把戏,诡计
enjoy v.喜欢;欣赏;享受……的乐趣
himself pron他自己
enjoy oneself 过得愉快
kung fun n.功夫
yesterday adv.&n.昨天
ouch interj.(突然受痛时的叫声)哎哟
fall (过去式fell)v.倒;落(下),降落;
autumn n.秋季
wash v.&n.洗(涤),冲洗
at once立刻,马上
washroom n.盥洗室
happen v.(偶然)发生
stand v.站,立;起立;坐落;经受;持久
stand up 站起,站立;起立
come back 回来;回想起来
lie v.说谎;躺;平放;位于; n.谎言
video n.录像,视频
video game 电子游戏
everyone pron.每人,人人
truth n.真相,事实;真理;实际情况
tell a lie 撒谎
angry adj.愤怒的,生气的
each pron.&adj.每人,每个,每件
silent adj.无声的;安静的;沉默的
blow (过去式blew)v.吹;刮风;吹气; n.猛击;打击;吹 blow out
breath n.气息;呼吸
sunny adj.晴朗的,阳光充足的
delicious adj.美味的,可口的
musical adj.音乐的,配乐的
funny adj.有趣的,滑稽可笑的

名词的复数形式,多数名词的复数形式在其单数形式后面加 -s 或 -es 构成,名词复数形式变化如下。

1) 一般情况下,在词尾加 -s. 例如:


2) 名词以 [s],[z],[ ],[t ],[d ]等音结尾在其后加 -es, 如词尾已有 e ,只加-s。

clothes, boxes, buses, horses, watches,dishes

3) 名词以 -f 或 -fe 结尾的,把 -f 或-fe 变成 -ves.

bookshelves, wives, knives

4) 名词以辅音+y 结尾的,变 y 为 i ,再加 es。

cities,babies, factories.

5) 名词以辅音 + o 结尾的,加 -es, 变为复数形式。

heroes, potatoes, tomatoes

极少数名词虽然以-o 或者-f 结尾, 变成复数则只加 -s,为数不多, 如 radios pianos photos roofs 等。


man - men woman - women foot - feet tooth - teeth mouse - nice ox - oxen sheep - sheep dear - dear fish - fish


七年级英语单词表(人教版) 下面有仁爱版
Unit1 第一单元单词及短语
1. pal n.好朋友;伙伴2. pen pal 笔友3. Canada 加拿大4. France 法国5. Japan 日本6. the United States 美国7. Australia 澳洲;澳大利亚8. Singapore 新加坡9. the United Kingdom 英国10.country n. 国家11.Sydney 悉尼12.New York 纽约13.Paris 巴黎14.Toronto 多伦多15.Tokyo 东京16.live v.居住17.language n.语言18.Japanese n.日语;日本人19.would n. 世界20.French n.法国人;法语21.like n.(pl.)爱好22.dislike v.讨厌;不喜欢;n.反感;厌恶(的对象)
Unit 2 第一单元单词及短语
1. post n.邮件;邮递2. office n.办公室;事务所3. post office 邮局4. library n.图书馆5. restaurant n.餐馆;饭店6. bank n.银行7. supermarket n.超级市场8. St. abbr.(=street)街;街道9. street n. 街;街道10. pay 付钱;支付11. pay phone n.投币式公用电话12. park n.公园13. ave abbr.(=avenue)大街;林荫道14. avenue n.大街;林荫道15. center n.中央;中心16. bridge n.桥17. mail n.邮件;邮政18. there adv.在那里19. near prep.在---附近20. across prep.横过;在对面21. across from 在---对面22. next prep.紧靠---的旁边;贴近23. next to 紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近24. between 介于(两者或多者)之间25. front 前面;前边26. in front of 在---前面27. behind 在---之后28. neighborhood n.附近;街区;附近地区29. just adv.直接地;就;只;仅仅30. straight adv.一直;直接31. turn v.转弯;转变方向32. left adv.﹠n.向左;左边33. down adv.﹠prep.向下;下去;沿着34. right adv.﹠n.向右;右边35. on the right 在右边36. open adj.开着的;营业中的37. market n.市场;市集38. clean adj.清洁的;干净的39. quiet adj.宁静的40. dirty adj.肮脏的41. house n.房子;住宅42. welcome int. 欢迎43. garden n.菜园;花园44. district n.区域;地方45. enjoy v.享受---的乐趣;欣赏46. walk n.散步;步行47. take a walk 散步48. through v.穿过;通49. beginning n.开始50. tour n.旅行;游历51. visit v.参观;游览52. place n.地方;地点53. fun n.愉快;开心54. have fun 玩得开心55. if conj.(表条件)如果56. hungry adj.饥饿的57. arrive v.到达;抵达58. way n.路;路线;路途59. take v.乘;坐;搭(车、船)60. taxi n.出租车;的士;计程车61. airport n.飞机场62. pass v.通过63. hope v.希望;盼望;期待64. yours pron.您的;你的(用在信末署名前,做客套语)
Unit3 第一单元单词及短语
1. koala n.(澳洲)树袋熊;考拉2. tiger n.老虎;虎3. elephant n.大象4. dolphin n.海豚5. panda n.熊猫6. lion n.狮子7. penguin n.企鹅8. giraffe n.长颈鹿9. zoo n.动物园10. cute adj.可爱的;聪明的11. map n.地图;图12. smart adj.聪明的;漂亮的13. animal n.动物14. box n.方框;盒;箱15. kind of 有几分16. south n.南;南方; adj.在南方的;南部的;向南的17. Africa 非洲18. bingo n.宾戈(一种游戏)19. ugly adj.丑陋的;难看的20. clever adj.聪明的;机灵的21. friendly adj.友好的22. beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的23. shy adj.害羞的;怕羞的24. other adj.其他的;另外的25. grass n.草26. sleep v.睡;睡觉27. during prep在---期间28. at night 在晚上;在夜里29. leaf n.叶;树叶30. lazy adj.懒惰的;懒散的31. meat n.(食用的)肉;肉类32. relax v.放松;休息
Unit4 第一单元单词及短语
1. shop 商店;店铺2. assistant 助手;助理3. shop assistant 店员4. doctor 医生5. reporter 记者;通讯员6. policeman 男警察7. waiter 侍者;服务员8. bank clerk 银行职员9. hospital 医院10. now 现在;此时11. star 担任主角;主演12. policewoman 女警官;女警察13. nurse 护士14. money 钱;金钱;货币15. give 给;授予16. get 获得;得到;购买;拿来17. wear v.穿;戴18. uniform n.制服19. sometimes adv.不时;有时20. in prep.在---期间;在(一段时间)之内21. dangerous adj.危险的22. thief n.小偷;贼23. late adv.晚;晚于通常时间24. out adv.在外;向外25. talk v.谈话;谈论26. station n.车站;局;台27. TV station 电视台28. police n.警方;警察29. police station 警察局30. newspaper n.报纸31. hard adv.辛苦地;努力地32. as prep.作为33. at prep.按照;根据34. summer n.夏季;夏天35. story n.故事;事迹;小说36. magazine n.杂志;期刊37. young adj.年轻的,年纪小的38. play n.戏剧;剧本39. news n.新闻;消息40. children n.孩子(child的复数)41. international adj.国际的42. teach v.教;讲授43. skill n. 技能;技巧44. sir n.先生;阁下45. madam n.女士;夫人

Unit5 第一单元单词及短语
1. clean v.打扫;清除2. read v.读;阅读3. on prep.通过;以---的方式4. apartment n.公寓;住宅5. TV show 电视节目6. sure adv.当然;的确7. wait v.等待;等候8. wait for 等候;等待9. toy n.玩具10. west n.西;西方; adj.西方的;向西方的;在西方的11. activity n.活动12. shop v.买东西;购物13. mall n.购物商场;商业街14. pool n.水池;水塘15. camera n.照像机16. bird n.鸟
Unit6 第一单元单词及短语
1. rain v.下雨2. windy adj.有风的;多风的3. cloudy adj.多云的;阴天的4. sunny adj.阳光充足的5. snow v.下雪6. weather n.天气;气候7. Moscow 莫斯科8. Boston 波士顿9. cook v.烹调;煮10. study v.学习11. how’s=how is12. bad adj.坏的;劣质的13. terrible adj.很糟的;极坏的;可怕的14. pretty adv.相当;很;颇15. hot adj.热的16. cold adj.寒冷的17. cool adj.凉爽的18. warm adj.温暖的;暧和的19. humid adj.潮湿的;湿润的20. vacation n.假期;休假21. on vacation 在度假中22. take a photo 拍照23. lie v.(现在分词lying)平卧;躺24. beach n.海滩25. look at 看;朝---看26. group n.团体;组27. cool adj.令人满意的;绝妙的28. surprised adj.感到惊讶的29. heat n.热;热度30. relaxed adj.放松的;得到休息的31. winter n.冬季32. scarf n.(pl. scarfs或scarves)围巾33. everyone pron.每个人34. have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐35. man n.男人;人;人类Review of units 1-61. describe v.描述;形容2. look for 寻找;寻求3. talk about 谈论;讨论;议论4. direction n.方向5. unit n.单元6. most adv. (many和much的 最高级)最7. following adj.下列的;下述的8. in order to 为了9. improve v. 改进;改善
Unit7 第一单元单词及短语
1. hair n.头发;毛发2. curly adj.卷曲的;卷毛的3. straight adj.直的;笔直的4. tall adj.高的5. medium adj.中等的6. height n.高度7. thin adj.瘦的8. heavy adj.重的9. build n.体格;体形10. like prep.像;如同11. always adv.总是;始终12. captain n.队长;首领13. team n.队;组14. popular adj.受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的15. blonde adj.金黄色的16. good-looking adj.漂亮的17. bit n.一点儿;少许18. a little bit 一点儿;少许19. joke n.笑话;玩笑20. never adv.决不;从不21. stop v.停止;终止22. brown adj.棕色的;褐色的23. person n.人;人物24. beard n.胡须25. glasses n.(pl.)眼镜26. look n.外表;外貌27. remember v.牢记;记住28. pop singer 流行音乐29. singer n.歌唱家;歌手30. not…any more 不再……31. say v.讲32. nobody pron.没有人;没人
Unit 8 第一单元单词及短语
1. would modal v.(will的过去式)表示意愿2. I’d = I would 3. noodles n.面条4. beef n.牛肉5. mutton n.羊肉6. cabbage n.洋白菜;卷心菜7. potato n.土豆;马铃薯8. special n.特色菜9. drink n.饮料10. large adj.大的;宽广的11. size n.大小;尺寸12. bowl n.碗;一碗的容量13. he’d= he would14. juice n.果汁;果汁饮料15. dumpling n.饺子16. porridge n.粥;糊17. tea n.茶;茶叶18. green tea 绿茶19. rice n.米;稻;米饭20. soup n.汤;羹21. onion n.洋葱22. fish n.鱼;鱼肉23. Tel abbr.(=Telephone)电话24. RMB abbr.人民币25. Mon. abbr.星期一26. Tues. abbr.星期二27. Wed. abbr.星期三28. Thurs. abbr.星期四29. Fri abbr.星期五30. reason n.原因;理由31. menu n.菜单
Unit9 第一单元单词及短语
1. was v. (is的过去式)2. did v. (do的过去式)3. went v.(go的过去式)4. visit v.拜访;访问5. test n.考试;测验6. What about…? ---怎么样?7. stay v.停留;留下8. at home 在家9. have v.做;进行;从事10. do some reading 读;阅读11. practice v.练习;实践12. regular adj.正常的;规则的;有规律的13. irregular adj.不规则的;无规律的14. present adj.现在时态的;现在的;目前的15. past adj.过去时态的;以前的;过去的16. mountain n.山;山脉17. geography n.地理学18. spend v.度过;花费19. yesterday n.昨天20. No. abbr.(= number) 编号;号21. middle adj.中等的;中间的22. middle school 中学23. most adj.大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的24. go shopping 购物25. had v.(have的过去式)26. saw v.(see的过去式)27. talk n.访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲28. talk show 访谈节目29. wrote v.(write的过去式)30. song n.歌;歌曲31. go for a walk 去散步32. sit v.坐;使坐下33. sat v.(sit的过去式)34. down adv.向下;在下面;下去;降下35. cat n.猫36. It is time to … 该是---的时候了37. wasn’t= was not 38. no adj.没有的;极少的39. anything pron.任何事;无论何事40. suggestion n.建议;意见
1. New York City 纽约市2. camp n.野营;营地3. summer camp 夏令营4. museum n.博物馆5. guide n.向导6. central adj.中心的;位于中心的7. didn’t= did not8. exam n.考试;检查9. really adj.真的;是吗;真是的10. rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的11. were v.(are的过去式)12. fantastic adj.极好的13. unfriendly adj.不友善的;不友好的14. awful adj.极坏的;极讨厌的15. delicious adj.美味的16. expensive adj.昂贵的;价高的17. crowded adj.拥挤的18. cheap adj.廉价的;便宜的19. think of 思考;考虑20. water n.水21. cry v.流泪;哭泣22. corner n.角落;街角;墙角23. make v.使;促使;迫使24. made v.(make的过去式)25. feel v.感到;觉得26. walk v.走;步行;散步27. back adv.回原处;往回去28. decide v.决定;下决心29. wall n.墙壁;围墙;城墙30. the Great Wall 万里长城31. palace n.宫殿32. the Palace Museum 故宫33. square 广场34. Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场35. Hutong (汉)胡同36. make v.做;制定;写37. classmate n.同班同学38. discuss v.讨论;议论39. report n.报告;汇报40. sex n.性别
Unit11 第一单元单词及短语
1. soap n.肥皂2. soap opera 肥皂剧3. sitcom n.(= situation comedy) 情景喜剧4. situation n.情景;形势5. nothing pron.没什么;一个都没有6. ha int. 哈(表惊讶.欢乐.胜利. 怒)7. stand v.忍受8. mind v.介意9. king n.君主;国王10. How about …? ...怎么样?11. fact n.事实;真实事情12. in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说13. culture n.文化14. host n.主持人15. agree v.同意;赞成16. agree with 赞同;持相同意见’17. sunglasses n.(pl.)太阳镜18. belt n.皮带19. wallet n.钱包20. key ring 钥匙链21. by prep.由;被22. fashion n.时尚;潮流23. said say的过去式24. article n.文章25. put v.放;摆;装26. idea n.主意;想法27. color adj.色彩鲜艳的 Review of units 7-12(总复习)1. accessory n.配件;饰品2. snow n.雪3. order v.预订;点(菜)4. opinion n.意见;看法5. order n.订单;订货6. form n.表格

Unit12 第一单元单词及短语
rule n.规则2. hallway n.走廊;过道3. classroom n.教室4. fight v.打架;争吵5. Ms n.女士6. outside adj.外面的;在外部的7. dining n.进餐;吃饭8. hall n.大厅;礼堂9. have to 不得不;必须10. else adj.﹠adv.其他的;别的;另外的11. sports shoes 运动鞋12. gym n.(=gymnasium) 体育馆13. Dr abbr.(= doctor) 医生14. by prep.到---之前;不迟于15. wash v.洗;洗涤16. later adv.后来;以后17. the Children’s Palace 少年宫18. no talking 不许讲话19. loudly adv.大声地

Unit 5 Our School Life
1. 掌握并能熟练运用表达交通方式的句型。
2. 掌握频度副词的表达方式。
3. 掌握一般现在是的用法。
Topic1 How do you usually come to school ?
1. on foot go …on foot= walk ( to )…
2. by + 交通工具 “乘坐…” by bus / bike / plane / train / subway / ship / boat / car
3.take the bus = go …by bus ride a bike = go …by bike take the subway = go …by subway
4.on weekdays 在平日 5. after school 放学后 afterclass 下课后 after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐后 6. in their free time 在空闲时间 7. have a rest 休息一下 8. read books 读书 11. go swimming 去游泳 12. listen to music 听音乐 12. watch TV 看电视 13.do(one’s) homework 做作业 14. go to the zoo / park 去动物园 / 公园 15. once a week 一周一次 16. every day 每天 17. have classes 上课 18. for a littlewhile 一会儿 19. go to bed 上床睡觉 20. have breakfast / lunch / supper(dinner)吃早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 22. at the school gate 在校门口 23. come on 快点 、 加油 24. get up 起床 25. talk with / to sb.与某人谈话 26. at school 在学校、在上课 27.go to school 去上学 28. and so on ……等等
三.语法:表时间频率的副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是
1. I never go to school bysubway. 2. Iseldom walk to school.
3. Maria sometimes takes the subwayhome. 4. Li Xiang often rides a bike to school.
5. We usually go to the park onfoot. 6. They always go tothe zoo by bus.
7. How often do you come to the library ? Veryoften / Twice a week / Once a week / Every day.
四. 重要句型1. Happy NewYear! The same to you.
2. Your new bike looks very nice. Thank you.
3. How do youusually come to school ? By bus / car /bike. On foot.
4. It’s time forclass. = It’s time to have class. 该是上课的时候了。
5. The early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先飞。/ 捷足先登。
6. We have no more time. 我们没有更多的时间了。
7. I have four classes in the morning and two in theafternoon.我早上上四节课,下午上两节。
8. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她九点四十五分睡觉。
Topic 2 He is running on the playground.
二.重点短语:1. make cards 制作卡片 2. on the playground 在操场上 3. in the library 在图书馆
4. in the gym在体育馆 5. on the shelf在书架上(shelves 复数) 6. at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处 7.clean the room打扫房间 8.have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 9. have an English class 上英语课 10. write a letter 写信 11. some of his photos= some photos of his 他的一些照片 12. on time 准时/in time及时 14. do better in sth 在某方面做得较好 15.put on 穿、戴上、上演(代词it / them放在中间,名词中间或后面,put it / them on ) 16. show sb.around… 令某人参观……
现在进行时态 主语+ be(is / am / are )+ 动词ing+ 其他 。表示正在进行或发生的动作。常与now = at the moment 现在 、 look看 、 listen听 等连用。
1. I’m looking for mypurse. 2. They aren’t sleepingat the moment.
3. Are you doing your homework ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
4. Is he / she singing now ? Yes, he / sheis. No, he / she isn’t.
5. What is your brother doing ? He is running inthe gym.
四. 重要句型
1.Excuse me, may I borrow your story book ? Of course. =Sure. (borrow sth from…从……借回某物……)
2. How Long may I keep the book ? Two weeks. ( keep 借用,后面常跟一段时间连用)
3.You must return them on time. ( return 归还,return sth to …把……归还给……)
4. Thank you. It’s a pleasure. = A pleasure = Mypleasure. 别客气。
5. Sorry, I don’t have any. Thank you all thesame. 仍然感谢你。
6. See you soon. 回头见. 7. What else ? 还有别的什么?( else 其他的、别的,常放在疑问词what/ where / who…和不定代词something/ somebody等的后面)
Topic 3 Myschool life is very interesting.
二. 重点短语:1. outdooractivity 课外活动 2. easy andinteresting 容易又有趣 3. difficult and boring 又难又乏味 4. be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb. 对某人友好 5.between…and… 在……之间… 6. learn…from… 向……学习……/ 从…中学…… 7. from…to… 从……到…… 8.in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上9.on Monday 在星期一 on Monday morning在星期一的早上 11. tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事
一般现在时 主语+动词原形/ 动词第三人称单数s/es + 其他。表示经常或习惯性的动作。常与频率副词:never 从来不 seldom 极少sometimes 有时 often 经常 usually 常常 always 总是或every day 每天、in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/ 下午/ 晚上 等连用。例如:
I often do my homework in the evening. I don’toften go shopping on Sunday.
Do you usually come to school by car? Yes, Ido. No, I don’t.
Sometimes she watches TV in the evening. She doesn’t like Chinese.
Does she often take a bus to school ? Yes, shedoes. No, she doesn’t.
四. 重要句型
1.What day is it today?It’s Sunday / Monday / Tuesday /Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday.(在英语国家每周的第一天是星期天而不是星期一)
2. What class are they having ? They are having a musicclass.
3. What time does the class begin ? At ten o’clock.
4. What do you think of math? = How do you like math ? 你认为数学怎么样? It’sdifficult and boring.
5. Why (为什么)do you like English ? Because(因为)it’s easy and interesting.
7.What subject (学科)do you like best ? I like history best.
8. At school, my teachers and classmates are veryfriendly to me.
9. I study Chinese, English, politics, geography andsome other subjects.(other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数)
10.English is my favorite (最喜欢的)subject. I alsolike P.E and music.= I like P.E and music , too. (也)
11.Can you tell me something about it ?
a few 几个,一些 + 名词复数 a little 一点儿 +不可数名词 many 许多+名词复数 few几乎没有 little几乎没有 much许多、大量的+不可数名词
other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数 another 泛指又一个、再一个、另一个+ 名词单数 the other 两者中的另一个

Unit 6 Our Local Area
Topic1 Is there a sofa in your study?
2、掌握there be的各种形式及用法
4、熟练掌握方位介词in, on, behind,under, near, next to, in front of
On the first floor 美式英语一楼floor地板,此处指“楼房的层”。英式英语用the ground floor 表示一楼
1. Why not =Why don’t you 复习其他提建议的方式
2. Go upstairs上楼 Go downstairs 下楼
3. A moment later 一会以后
4. You have a nice study。 study名词:书房 动词:学习与learn的区别
5. In the front of the house 在屋子(里面的)前面 In front of the house在屋子(外面的)前面
6. Talk about谈论 talk with sb.和某人谈论
7. Put them away 把他们收拾好
8. Look after = take care of 照顾,看管
9. In the tree(非树本身的东西)在树上 Onthe tree(树本身的东西)
10. On the river浮在水面上 overthe river 在河上(悬空)
11. On the wall在墙上 in the wall 在墙里
12. Get a letter from sb= hearfrom sb 注意hear from宾语是人不是信,her of听说某人(物),hear听到,听见,侧重听的结果。常用 hear sb doing sth/do sth
13. Tell sb about sth Tell sb to do sth Tell sb sth
14. want sb to do sth/want to dosth
三、语法知识: There be 句型的用法
There be句型是英语中常见的特殊句型,用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。
1、在there be 句型中,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。
eg. ① There is a birdin the tree.
② There is a teacher and many students in ourclassroom.
③ There are two boysand a girl under the tree.
2、There be句型与have的区别:
There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 eg.①He has two sons.
②There are two men in the office.
当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。
eg. A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week.
There be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.。例如:
There are some pictures on the wall. →There aren't any pictures on the wall.=There are no pictures on the wall.
There is a bike behind the tree. → There isn't a bike behind the tree. =There is no bike behind the tree.
There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:
① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用\"Who\'s+介词短语?\";当主语是物时,用\"What\'s + 介词短语?\"。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如:
There are many things over there. →What's over there?
There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room?
② 对地点状语提问:提问地点当然用"Where is / are+主语?\"啦!例如:
There is a computer on the desk. → Where is the computer?
There are four children on the playground. →Where arethe four children?
③ 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:
How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?
How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?
used to表示过去常常做某事.
例句: I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.
be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.
used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。
Mother used not to be so forgetful.
Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)
be used to + doing: 对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。
He is used to a vegetarian diet.
Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)

Topic 2 What’s your home like?
重点语法:There be 句型
① There be句型的否定句
② There be句型的疑问句
③ There be句型的就近原则
④ There be句型的反意疑问句
⑤There be句型与have/has的区分
be like / an apartment building/ a townhouse /in the surburbs/
on the street corner/ rent a house withfurniture to others / keep money
①What’s your home like?
②What’s the matter ……?
③I hear you playing the piano.
④I can’t hear you ,the line is bad.
⑤I’ll get someone to check it right now .
⑥The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.
⑦There aremany old people and many families with young children living there .
一What’syour home like?
Like 动词“喜欢”,介词“像”。be like像和look like看起来像。be like 主要用来询问人的性格、外貌和事物特征。Look like 主要用来询问外貌。
二for rent 出租。wanted求租.rent sth to sb把某物租给某人rent sth from sb 从某人处租某物。
三call sb at+ 号码。请打......电话与某人联系。
四I hear youplaying the piano.
hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事(强调动作进行)
hear sb do sth (强调全过程)
五Many shopsand restaurants are close to my home .
be close to 离……近。close 与near 都有“靠近”的意思,但close 比near 更近。